中职学生资助需求和资助影响因素分析. 教育发展研究. 2011;(19):36-45.
Abstract摘 要: 本文通过对我国甘肃、湖南和江苏三省9所中等职业学校586名在校生的分析,表明不同学生群体的资助需求不同;政府提供的资助低于学生的资助需求;正确的资助信息和申请行为在不同学生群体间的分布不均等;申请对资助的获得具有决定性的作用;农村学生获各类型资助的可能性高于其他学生,而家庭贫困程度对资助的获得无显著影响。此外,弱势群体学生获得了更多的学生资助。
Yang P.
The Impact of Financial Aid on Learning, Career Decisions, and Employment. Chinese Education & Society. 2011;44(1):27-57.
AbstractChina established a large-scale financial aid system in the late 1980s. This multilayered aid system aimed at enhancing educational and employment opportunities. However, very few studies have examined the impact of student aid on learning effort and outcome, career decisions, and early labor market performance. Using two recent Chinese college student surveys, this study found that students who received financial aid were significantly more likely to take more courses, spend more hours studying outside class, have a higher class ranking, and be less likely to fail a course. Additionally, having financial aid could promote graduate school enrollment and initial employment but had no significant impact on expected salary. Current aid programs for those who receive public financial assistance are thus beneficial in terms of educational outcome and employment perspective.
罗燕, 杨钋.
中国高等教育的制度正义:在扩张与平等之间——新制度主义社会学的分析. 清华大学教育研究. 2011;32(6):28-35.
Abstract摘 要: 本文通过考察和研究建国以来中国高等教育的发展,剖析了高等教育的两大主题——增长与公平、政府调控与院校自主在不同历史阶段中的呈现。研究发现,高等教育的增长与公平之间不存在必然关系,高等教育公平的正义目标更多地取决于制度的设计与安排。市场体制也不必然带来高校组织的自主权,一个国家管制的垄断市场机制可能不仅会在系统内制造组织间的不平等,而且作为一种强大的外部制度环境,其制度因素的投放甚至会损害高校组织的自主权。
杨钋, 门垚, 马莉萍.
高校毕业生就业流动现状的分析. 国家教育行政学院学报. 2011;(4):75-80.
鲍威, 杨钋, 朱红, 管蕾.
强化教学切适性提升学生满意度--首都高校教学质量与学生发展状况调查报告. 中国高等教育. 2011;(1):53-55.
Abstract摘 要: 高等教育核心使命,如前哈佛学院院长哈瑞·刘易斯(H.R.Lewis)所呼吁那样:使大学生成为成熟个体,具备了解自我,探索未来的基本素养和完整的人格,应成为大学的重要使命。大学应在学习、生活过程中给予学生鼓励、指导和辅助。随着传统的教学中心范式转化为学习中心范式,高等教育的功能在于如何提供学习指导,完善学习环境,提升学生成就,
Yang P.
Earnings Expectation and Graduate Employment:Evidence from Recent Chinese College Graduates. 中国教育学前沿. 2011;6(4):549-570.
AbstractChinese college graduates have faced increasing labor market competition since the expansion of tertiary education. Given rigid market demand, graduates with realistic earnings expectations may experience a more efficient job search. Using the 2008 MYCOS College Graduate Employment Survey, this study finds that a 1 000 yuan reduction in a graduate鈥檚 reservation wage can significantly increase the probability of finding a job by 66% and increase the likelihood of being employed six months after graduation by 92%. In addition, the gap between the reservation wage and the market wage has a positive impact. By slightly adjusting earnings expectations, college graduates can significantly improve job search efficiency. Market wages should be seen as reference points when adjusting income expectations.
高等职业教育收益研究的现状与问题. 中国职业技术教育. 2011;(36):5-16.
Abstract摘 要: 高等职业教育是我国当前教育事业发展的一个重要方向。它的发展既有利于我国人力资源存量和质 量的提高,又有利于劳动生产率的增长和国家的经济成长。本文综述了人力资本理论和教育社会学理论对高等职业教育收益的分析,归纳了国内外对高等职业教育的 收益、高等职业教育对就业的影响和高等职业教育对收入的影响这三个问题的实证研究结果.并对定量分析中存在的问题进行了讨论。在此基础上,本文提出了一个 研究高等职业教育经济和非经济收益的新框架。