Qin X, Yang P.
Education, skill formation and inequality: An introduction. ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL STUDIES-EPS. 2023;11:209-210.
Yang P, Liu Y.
Diversification of Higher Education as Policy Diffusion: The Rise of the Non-university Sector in China. HIGHER EDUCATION POLICY. 2023.
AbstractOver the past 40 years, global tertiary expansion has been driven in part by the rise of the non-university sector. The growth of this sector, which includes vocational colleges, also contributes to increasingly diverse national higher education systems. Prior research has focused on inter-state variation in national systems, while very few studies have explored intra-state variation in the expansion of non-university sector. Building on the policy innovation and diffusion model, this study uses event history analysis to investigate key drivers behind Chinese prefecture cities' adoption of vocational colleges during the latest tertiary education expansion. The study employs a rich panel dataset from 273 Chinese cities between 2000 and 2014. Findings suggest that the socioeconomic and the politico-institutional contexts matter the most for cities' policy adoption, and the influence of policy diffusion is negative but not significant. Moreover, there is substantial heterogeneity across time and region. The characteristics of early adopters significantly differ from those of late adopters, and the diffusion paths vary within and across regions. This study illustrates that the emergence of sub-national government affiliated non-university institutions is driven by a complex combination of socioeconomic, politico-institutional, and policy forces. Results highlight the regional contextual factors that may override coercive pressure from national strategies to promote the non-university sector expansion and the structural diversity in the context of less developed economies.
Lu W, Yang P, Zheng S, Zhou S.
Natural disasters and high-stakes exam performance: Evidence from the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake. China Economic Review [Internet]. 2023;77:101899.
访问链接AbstractIn this study, the 2008 earthquake in Wenchuan, China serves as a natural experiment for examining the effect of natural disasters on high-stakes exam performance among students who were admitted to four-year colleges between 2005 and 2011. Results of a generalized difference-in-differences model show that, on average, the earthquake reduced a student's National College Entrance Examination (NCEE) standard score by 55% of a standard deviation. The findings have implications for higher education and China's economy, because earthquake exposure lowers a student's probability of being accepted to an elite college, pursuing a major in a high-salary field, and moving to a highly developed urban area for education or employment.
吴华杰, 杨钋.
专业学位研究生教育中实践共同体的构建——以科技小院培养模式为例. 学位与研究生教育. 2023;(01):24-31.
Yang P.
The winner’s curse? Temporal and spatial impacts of higher education expansion on graduate employment and social mobility. Studies in Higher Education. 2023.
AbstractThe massification of higher education has dramatically changed the association between credentials and jobs in advanced countries, while its impacts in transitional economies have received less academic attention. To address this research lacuna, the paper utilizes rich information from China’s national surveys of college graduates from 2003 to 2019 and multiple waves of census data to explore the temporal and spatial effects of tertiary education expansion on college graduates’ job sorting. Regression results from the fixed effects model and the two-stage least-squares model indicate that, on the temporal dimension, the higher education expansion has weakened ties between college credentials and quality jobs over the past 20 years. Recent graduates are more likely to work in informal, non-urban, and non-public sectors, and the college earnings premium has also declined. There is a persistent gap in employment outcomes between bachelor’s and associate degree holders. On the spatial dimension, the growing enrolment size leads to skill sorting towards low skilled regions. The study argues that the dynamic effects of college credentials may be explained by labour market flexibility and cohort crowding after higher education expansion. This paper calls for a critical reflection on the merit of further massification of higher education in developing economies, regarding its potential impacts on intergenerational inequality and regional inequality.
刘海骅, 杨钋, 金红昊.
综合支持计划对资优困难大学生发展的影响——以北京大学“燕园起航项目”为例. 教育学术月刊. 2023;(06):57-66+82.
杨钋, 韩晓峰.
薄弱学校何以参与集团化办学——来自北京市T区SD学校的个案研究. 教育科学研究. 2023;(06):88-96.
熊慧, 杨钋.
自我主导力视角下导生互动影响硕士生个体发展质量的实证研究. 学位与研究生教育. 2023;(04):59-70.
刘云波, 张叶, 杨钋.
职业教育与个人的社会地位获得——基于年龄与世代效应的分析. 教育研究. 2023;44(01):128-143.