科研成果 by Year: 2016

Fujimori, S., et al. Will International Emissions Trading Help Achieve the Objectives of the Paris Agreement?. Environmental Research Letters 11, 104001 (2016). 访问链接
Fujimori, S., et al. SSP3: AIM Implementation of Shared Socioeconomic Pathways. Global Environmental Change 42, 268–283 (2016). 访问链接
Tian, X., et al. The effects of household consumption pattern on regional development: A case study of Shanghai. Energy 103, 49-60 (2016). 访问链接
Xie, Y., Dai*, H., Dong, H., Hanaoka, T. & Masui, T. Economic impacts from PM2.5 pollution-related health effects in China: A provincial-level analysis. Environmental Science & Technology 50, 4836 - 4843 (2016). 访问链接
Fujimori, S., Dai, H., Masui, T. & Matsuoka, Y. Global energy model hindcasting. Energy 114, 293–301 (2016). 访问链接
Herran, D.S., Dai, H., Fujimori, S. & Masui, T. Global assessment of onshore wind power resources considering the distance to urban areas. Energy Policy 91, 75-86 (2016). 访问链接
Dai, H., Herran, D.S., Fujimori, S. & Masui, T. Key factors affecting long-term penetration of global onshore wind energy integrating top-down and bottom-up approaches. Renewable Energy 85, 19-30 (2016). 访问链接
Dai, H., Xie, X., Xie, Y., Liu, J. & Masui, T. Green growth: The economic impacts of large-scale renewable energy development in China. Applied Energy 162, 435-449 (2016). 访问链接
Wu, R., et al. Achieving China's INDC through carbon cap-and-trade: Insights from Shanghai. Applied Energy 184, 1114–1122 (2016). 访问链接
Mittal, S., Dai*, H., Fujimori, S. & Masui, T. Bridging greenhouse gas emissions and renewable energy deployment target: Comparative assessment of China and India. Applied Energy 166, 301–313 (2016). 访问链接
Mittal, S., Dai*, H. & Shukla, P.R. Low carbon urban transport scenarios for China and India: A comparative assessment. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 266–276 (2016). 访问链接
Dai, H., Mischke, P., Xie, X., Xie, Y. & Masui, T. Closing the gap? Top-down versus bottom-up projections of China's regional energy use and CO2 emissions. Applied Energy 162, 1355-1373 (2016). 访问链接
Cheng, B., et al. Impacts of low-carbon power policy on carbon mitigation in Guangdong Province, China. Energy Policy 88, 515-527 (2016). 访问链接