科研成果 by Year: 2023

吴雅珍, 李丹阳, 张霖 戴瀚程* 气候变化对空气污染影响的模拟研究. 北京大学学报自然科学版 59, 854-870 (2023). 访问链接
吴雅珍, 马啸天, 吴凯 黄晨 戴瀚 经济增长与结构变化对亚洲国家碳排放与空气污染物排放的影响——基于 KAYA、LMDI 与 SDA 分解的驱动力分析. 生态经济 39, 191-205 (2023).
Guo, C., et al. The unintended dilemma of China's target-based carbon neutrality policy and provincial economic inequality. Energy Economics 107002 (2023). 访问链接
Fang, Y., et al. Neutralizing China's transportation sector requires combined decarbonization efforts from power and hydrogen supply. Applied Energy 349, 121636 (2023). 访问链接
Fang, Y., et al. Regionally differentiated promotion of electric vehicles in China considering environmental and human health impacts. Environmental Research Letters 074022 (2023). 访问链接
Ren, M., et al. Enhancing food system efficiency is the key to China’s carbon neutrality. Nature Food (2023). 访问链接
Hossain, M.S., Fang, Y., Ma, T., Huang, C. & Dai, H. The role of electric vehicles in decarbonizing India's road passenger toward carbon neutrality and clean air: A state-level analysis. Energy 127218 (2023). 访问链接
Yazhen Wu, Andre Deppermann, P.H.S.F.M.R.H.Z.L.M.C.F.Q.C.H.D.* Global Land-use and Sustainability Implications of Enhanced Bioenergy Import of China. Applied Energy (2023).
Qiong Su*, Hancheng Dai*, S.X.X.Y.Y.L.V.S.R.K.P. Water-energy-carbon nexus: greenhouse gas emissions from integrated urban drainage systems in China. Environmental Science & Technology (2023).
Li, J., et al. Uncovering the spatially uneven synergistic effects of China's enterprise-level industrial water pollutants reduction. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 190, 106811 (2023). 访问链接Abstract
China has made great efforts in industrial pollution control, but for the different industrial sectors under various development stages, it is not so clear whether there is synergistic effects among them, and how it changes with the environmental policies. This study filled this knowledge gap by comiling the China Industrial Economic and Pollutant Emission data (WatSim-CIEPE) using 1.28 million individual enterprise data. The results demonstrated a power function decreasing trend for the emission per unit output value. The load reduction at different stages had synergic effects, and coastal cities reached the inflection point earlier. There is a completely opposite pattern between pollutant emission and GIOV in spatial evolution, mainly because the chemical and metal sectors with high pollutant emissions and low GIOV migrated to western China. The year gap between the implementation of the national development strategy and the break-point of gravity center variation of GIOV indicates a hysteresis effect for the influence of development policies. There may be three risks in China's industrial pollution control: (a) NH pollution gets serious in the western regions; (b) the food sector may become a new dominant pollution source; (c) the imbalance between industrial development and pollution control may further aggravate.
Hossain, M.S., et al. Narrowing fossil fuel consumption in the Indian road transport sector towards reaching carbon neutrality. Energy Policy 172, 113330 (2023). 访问链接Abstract
Road transportation accounts for 56% of India's transportation sector's CO2 emissions. Reaching carbon neutrality before 2070 requires the deep decarbonization of this sector. This study assesses the potential of battery electric vehicles (BEV) and fuel-cell vehicles (FCV) as the least-cost pathway toward carbon neutrality. We estimate the future demand for passenger and freight services and evaluate the impact of EV policies using the Integrated Model of Energy, Environment, and Economy for Sustainable Development/Technology (IMED/TEC). The study covers road transport emissions, energy, and air pollution transitions under four scenarios, including reference, low, medium, and high penetration of BEV and FCV, which align with the decarbonization target agreed upon under India's national policy. Results show that the carbon neutrality target would be challenging with BEV alone in road passenger and freight transportation because it is less efficient. Combined penetration of BEV and FCV can reduce air pollutant emissions significantly. Operative implementation of FCV could diminish more than 96% of the total road transport CO2 emissions. The analytical framework also proposes local climate change policies towards a carbon neutrality strategy to escalate the share of BEV and FCV in the Indian road transport sector.
Ren, M., et al. Negative emission technology is key to decarbonizing China's cement industry. Applied Energy 329, 120254 (2023). 访问链接
Huang, C., et al. Prospective climate change impacts on China's fossil and renewable power-generation infrastructure: Regional and plant-level analyses. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 188, 106704 (2023). 访问链接