
P. Zhang and D. Soergel, “Process patterns and conceptual changes in knowledge representations during information seeking and sensemaking: A qualitative user study,” Journal of Information Science, vol. 42, no. 1, pp. 59-78, 2016.
Z. Wang and P. Zhang, “Stop sending me messages!: The negative impact of persuasive messages on green transportation,” IConference 2016 Proceedings, 2016.
张鹏翼, 苏杰, and 张久珍, “社会化构建标签等级的评价研究——以知乎话题结构为例,” 图书与情报, vol. 160, no. 04, pp. 89, 2016.PKU 
黄梦婷 and 张鹏翼, “社会化问答社区的协作方式与效果研究: 以知乎为例,” 图书情报工作, no. 12, pp. 85-92, 2015.PKU 
张鹏翼 and 张璐, “社会资本视角下的用户社交问答行为研究——以知乎为例,” 情报杂志, vol. 34, no. 12, pp. 186-191, 2015.PKU 
张鹏翼 and 刘畅, “移动智能设备个人信息管理——以在校大学生和研究生为例,” 情报杂志, vol. 34, no. 4, pp. 145-149, 2015.PKU 
P. Zhang and C. Liu, “Personal Information Management Practices of Chinese College Students on their Smartphones,” Proceedings of the Third International Symposium of Chinese CHI. ACM, pp. 47-51, 2015.
袁兴福, 张鹏翼, 刘洪莲, and 王军, “基于点击流的电商用户会话建模,” 图书情报工作, no. 1, pp. 119-126, 2015.PKU 
刘洪莲, 张鹏翼, and 王军, “多会话网络购物商品信息搜寻行为研究,” 图书情报工作, no. 14, pp. 117-125, 2015.PKU 
袁兴福, 张鹏翼, and 王军, “电商用户 “状态-行为” 建模及其在商品信息搜索行为分析的应用,” 现代图书情报技术, vol. 31, no. 6, pp. 93-100, 2015.
Y. ZHOU, W. Li, X. YUAN, and P. Zhang, “Ontology modeling of semantics in social media: Public issue knowledge base (PIKB) of the Weibo,” Chinese Journal of Library and Information Science, vol. 1, pp. 002, 2014.
P. Zhang and D. Soergel, “Towards a comprehensive model of the cognitive process and mechanisms of individual sensemaking,” Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, vol. 65, no. 9, pp. 1733-1756, 2014.
P. Zhang and D. Gao, “Collective sensemaking in social media: A case study of the H7N9 flu pandemic in China,” iConference 2014 Proceedings, 2014.
张鹏翼, “基于网络舆情的数字鸿沟与数字融入问题研究——以 “新生代” 农民工为例,” 情报杂志, vol. 32, no. 11, pp. 95-100, 2013.PKU 
张鹏翼, 周妍, and 袁兴福, “公众议题知识库的多层本体设计,” 图书情报工作, vol. 57, no. 13, pp. 132-139, 2013.PKU 
张鹏翼, 瞿艳, and 黄晨, “科技创新集群及环境本体的设计和应用,” 现代图书情报技术, no. 12, pp. 42-47, 2013.
P. Zhang, “Social Inclusion or Exclusion?: When Weibo (Microblogging) Meets the "New Generation" of Rural Migrant Workers,” Library Trends, vol. 62, no. 1, pp. 63, 2013.
张鹏翼, “在线社交网络中信息寻求行为的实证研究: 以微博为例,” 情报杂志, vol. 32, no. 7, pp. 83-87, 2013.PKU 
张鹏翼, “社会融入还是排斥? 当微博遇到 “新生代” 农民工,” 中国图书馆学报, vol. 39, no. 3, 2013.PKU 
P. Zhang, “Information seeking through microblog questions: The impact of social capital and relationships,” Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, vol. 49, no. 1, pp. 1-9, 2012.
