
杨玉宇 and 张鹏翼, “视频社会化标引与标引娱乐化研究——以哔哩哔哩弹幕网为例,” 图书情报工作, vol. 64, no. 8, pp. 125-133, 2020.Abstract
P. Zhang and D. Soergel, “Cognitive Mechanisms in Sensemaking: A Qualitative User Study,” Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, vol. 71, no. 2, pp. 158-171, 2020.
Dedema and P. Zhang, “"Happy Rides Are All Alike; Every Unhappy Ride Is Unhappy in Its Own Way": Passengers' Emotional Experiences while Using a Mobile Application for Ride-sharing,” in iConference 2019, Washington DC, 2019.
J. Zhou and P. Zhang, “Examining the Influence of Visual Stimuli and Personal Characteristics on Users' Willingness-to-Wait Time and Waiting Patterns,” in 21ST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HUMAN-COMPUTER INTERACTION, Orlando, Florida, USA, 2019.
J. Lai, Y. Han, and P. Zhang, “Argumentation model of WeChat group chat: Evidence from content analysis with inductive coding,” in Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 2019, vol. 56, no. 1, pp. 699-700. 访问链接Abstract
ABSTRACT Argumentation, the act of defending one's inherent knowledge or views through speech expression, is a kind of widespread information expression and communication behavior. In this poster, we aim to explore the characteristics and patterns of argumentation in social media to examine basic rules the patterns follow by conducting content analysis of the transcript of a WeChat Group Chat. We build a theoretical model of argumentation behavior in mobile social media using the inductive coding and find that social media has a great influence on argumentation.
L. Tong, H. Lin, and P. Zhang, ““I don't understand it so it can't be good”: Users' acg domain expertise and perceived quality of video tags,” in Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 2019, vol. 56, no. 1, pp. 780-782. 访问链接Abstract
ABSTRACT Tag quality is an important factor to the success of social tagging systems and platforms. Users' domain expertise may influence they perceive tag quality. This study aims to explore how users of different domain experience (frequent user, occasional user, and non-user) perceive the quality of the same tags. We examined an online video community, Bilibili, which specializes in Anime, Comic and Games (ACG) subculture. We asked 60 users to watch 15 videos and rate the 95 tags of these videos, and found that: 1) Users with more domain expertise give higher ratings for tags' relevance to the videos and their retrieval value; 2) Occasional users have the lowest understandability rating, followed by non-users, and frequent users; 3) users think high-frequency tags are less suitable for retrieval. These results may provide insights to high quality tag selection for personalized recommendation and retrieval.
张鹏翼, 王汉桢, 刘鸿彬, and 刘畅, “信息管理学科新兴职业研究——以用户体验相关职位为例,” 图书与情报, no. 06, pp. 25-34, 2019.Abstract
J. An, Y. Na, and P. Zhang, “How do parents of children with ASD use information grounds to seek for ASD‐related information?,” Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology, vol. 56, no. 1, pp. 10-20, 2019.
周翔, 张鹏翼, and 王军, “移动购物用户信息浏览特征及对购买的影响研究——基于移动电商APP点击流日志的分析,” 数据分析与知识发现, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 1-9, 2018.
张璐, 刘畅, and 张鹏翼, “协同搜索与独立搜索的行为与体验的比较研究,” 图书情报工作, vol. 62, no. 21, pp. 62-70, 2018.Abstract
[目的 /意义]探究在协同与独立模式下完成信息搜索任务的过程中,用户在搜索体验、交互行为方面的差异,试图通过对比研究来理解协同信息搜索行为的特点,为协同搜索系统的设计提供借鉴。[方法 /过程]基于图书交互式检索平台(CLEF-Social Book Search)进行实验,共招募16名独立被试和18名协同被试到实验室完成多种类型的书目搜索任务,对搜索前后问卷记录的搜索体验以及后台服务器记录的搜索过程交互行为进行对比分析。[结果/结论]搜索体验方面,协同搜索被试比独立搜索被试对实验系统的功能评价更好,对系统的美感、耐用性、新颖度评价更高,参与实验的专注度更高,但却感到更加费力;搜索行为方面,相比独立模式下的被试,协同模式下的被试在目标型任务中进行更多次决策,尤其是删除书目的决策,意味着协同搜索被试在搜索后期会进行更多的决策讨论和整理;在探索任务中,协同被试比独立被试的平均决策时间和首次决策时间都更长,可能是由于在探索任务中协同被试的参与度更高、讨论更多。
L. Xu, Dedema, and P. Zhang, “Comparing User Experience in Interactions with Different Types of Digital Products,” HCI International. 2018.
Y. Jiao, X. Chen, D. Wang, P. Zhang, and J. Wang, “Exploring Browsing Behavior of Product Information in an M-commerce Application: a Transaction Log Analysis,” iConference 2018: Transforming Digital Worlds. 2018.
L. Xu, Dedema, and P. Zhang, “Users’ Emotional Experiences during Interaction with Information Products: A Diary Study,” iConference 2018: Transforming Digital Worlds. 2018.
童刘奕 and 张鹏翼, “《中国图书馆分类法》和《美国国会图书馆图书分类法》人工映射分析与差异性探究,” 数字图书馆论坛, vol. 2018, no. 3, pp. 53-58, 2018.
王哲 and 张鹏翼, “学习小组在线知识协作中的用户角色与行为,” 图书情报工作, vol. 62, no. 7, pp. 77-87, 2018.
张鹏翼, 王丹雪, 焦祎凡, 陈秀雨, and 王军, “基于用户浏览日志的移动购买预测研究,” 数据分析与知识发现, no. 01, pp. 51-63, 2018.Abstract
【目的】对用户在移动购物APP进行的信息浏览与商品购买行为特征进行描述分析,并尝试预测商品购买。【方法】在日志请求参数与用户信息行为类型之间建立映射,得到用户的行为解析,进一步分析用户行为特征后,使用Logistic二元回归和C&R决策树两种方法建立商品支付购买预测模型。实验数据来自2015年3月某移动购物APP的290位重度用户的3 923 429条服务器端日志。【结果】在用户浏览行为特征方面,用户周内使用平稳,夜晚睡前达到高峰;最关注单品详情,浏览程度越深越有可能查看店铺信息并进行商品、店铺信息的分享;用户对商品的浏览呈幂律分布,90%的商品浏览记录都在16条以下。在用户购买行为特征方面,有9条浏览记录的商品、提交了订单的商品最有可能被购买;商品购买与浏览、分享单品和店铺信息次数呈正相关。在商品支付购买预测方面,C&R决策树预测准确率稍高于Logistic二元回归,然而变量种类远少于后者。【局限】日志数据可能不能准确反映用户的操作行为;对于用户行为的解析有一定模糊性;数据来自重度用户,可能不具有普适性;数据来自于3月份这个时间段,可能会受前后浏览或购买行为的影响。【结论】用户浏览及购买行为特征可帮助移动购物APP完善产品功能,提升用户体验;Logistic二元回归相比于C&R决策树可以更好地预测商品支付购买。
虞鑫 and 张鹏翼, “媒介公共性的“理解-交往”悖论——基于结构方程模型的实证分析,” 新闻界, no. 02, pp. 40-46, 2018.Abstract
J. An, T. Li, Y. Teng, and P. Zhang, “Factors Influencing Emoji Usage in Smartphone Mediated Communications,” iConference 2018: Transforming Digital Worlds . Springer International Publishing, pp. 423-428, 2018.Abstract
Emojis have become more and more popular in text-based online communication to express emotions. This indicates a potential to utilize emojis in sentiment analysis and emotion measurements. However, many factors could affect people’s emoji usage and need to be examined. Among them, age, gender, and relationship types may result in different interpretations of the same emoji due to the ambiguity of the iconic expression. In this paper, we aim to explore how these factors may affect the frequency, type, and sentiment of people’s emoji usage in communications. After analyzing 6,821 Wechat chatting messages from 158 participants, we found people between 26–35 had lowest frequency of emoji usage; younger and elder groups showed different sentiment levels for the same emojis; people chose emoji types based on relationships. These findings shed light on how people use emojis as a communication tool.
Z. Wang and P. Zhang, “Activity Patterns of Collaborative Sensemaking in Small Discussion Groups,” in iConference '17, Wuhan, China, 2017. 访问链接
张璐 and 张鹏翼, “线上线下社会资本与社会化问答行为的关系研究——以知乎医学和健康话题为例,” 图书情报工作, vol. 61, no. 17, pp. 84-90, 2017. 访问链接
