
岳爱, 杨矗, 常芳, 田新, 史耀疆*, 罗仁福, 易红梅. 新型农村社会养老保险对家庭日常费用支出的影响. 管理世界. 2013:14-21.
史耀疆, 王欢, 罗仁福, 张林秀, 刘承芳, 易红梅, 岳爱, Rozelle S. 营养干预对陕西贫困农村学生身心健康的影响研究. 中国软科学. 2013:48-56.
Babiarz KS, Miller G, Yi H, Zhang L, Rozelle S. China’s New Cooperative Medical Scheme Improved Finances Of Township Health Centers But Not The Number Of Patients Served. Health Affairs. 2012;31:1065-1074.
Yi H, Zhang L, Luo R, Shi Y, Mo D, Brinton C, Rozelle S. Dropping out: Why are Students Leaving Junior High in China's Poor Rural Areas?. International Jounral of Educational Development. 2012:555-563.
Mo D, Yi H, Zhang L, Shi Y, Rozelle S, Medina A. Transfer Paths and Academic Performance: The Primary School Merger Program in China. International Jounral of Education Development. 2012:423-431.
Zhang L, Yi H, Luo R, Liu C, Shi Y, Rozelle S, Singer KB, Miller G, Atlas S. Caring for One Billion: Assessing the New Social Protection Programs in Rural China. Center for Social Protection, Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex; 2011.
Yi H, Hare D, Zhang L. Does the Provision of Public Goods Correspond to Local Demand?. Contemporary Economic Policy. 2011;29:115-137.Abstract
Recently China's central government has promoted public goods investment in pursuit of rural development and poverty reduction. However, the top down nature of investment planning may lead to mismatches between public goods projects and the demands of local residents. Using village- and household-level survey data, this study seeks to identify the determinants of project implementation, focusing on investments in roads, drinking water, and irrigation. Contrary to some popular perception, our results suggest symmetry between farmers' reported demand and the types of projects implemented in their villages. The relative contribution of local demand to project implementation is seen to vary, however, across different types of public goods. (JEL D71, H41, H77, P35)
易红梅, 张林秀. 农村最低生活保障政策在实施过程中的瞄准分析. 中国人口•资源与环境. 2011;21:67-73.
易红梅, 张林秀, 罗仁福, 刘承芳, Rozelle S. 新型农村合作医疗:农民知多少,受益多少?. 人口学刊. 2011:47-53.
罗仁福, 张林秀, 赵启然, 易红梅, 史耀疆, Rozelle S. 陕西贫困农村寄宿学校小学生贫血情况调查. 中国学校卫生. 2011:1257-1258.
Zhang L, Yi H, Rozelle S. Good and Bad News from China's New Cooperative Medical Scheme. IDS Bulletin. 2010;41:95-106.Abstract
Abstract The overall goal of this article is to understand the progress in implementing the New Cooperative Medical Scheme, while seeking to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the programme and, in particular, to understand its effects on the incidence of catastrophic medical payment. The study is based on two rounds of nationally representative household survey data collected in 2005 and 2008. The study found that the programme has a very high level of participation, and has increased farmers' use of medical services. However, despite efforts by both central and local governments and high household participation, the programme is only partially achieving its policy objectives. In particular, it has been able to extend to almost all of the rural population, but has failed to cover expenses for catastrophic illness, due to insufficient funds.
Babiarz KS, Miller G, Yi H, Zhang L, Rozelle S. New evidence on the impact of China's New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme and its implications for rural primary healthcare: multivariate difference-in-difference. BMJ. 2010:c5617 .
Yi H, Zhang L, Singer K, Rozelle S, Atlas S. Health Insurance and Catastrophic Illness: A Report on the New Cooperative Medical System in Rural China. Health Economics. 2009;18:119-127.
易红梅, 张林秀, 颜媛媛. 农民参合行为及其对新型农村合作医疗财务可持续性的影响分析. 经济问题探索. 2009:166-174.
易红梅, 张林秀, 罗仁福, 刘承芳. 我国乡镇卫生院的现状及其在新型农村合作医疗体系的定位探讨. 中国卫生经济. 2009;28:56-58.
Zhang L, Luo R, Yi H, Tyler S. Climate Adaptation in Asia: Knowledge Gaps and Research Issues in China. ISET-International and ISET-Nepal; 2008.
易红梅, 张林秀, Hare D, 刘承芳. 农村基础设施投资与农民投资需求的关系——来自5省的实证分析. 中国软科学. 2008:106-115,148.
张林秀, 易红梅, 罗仁福, 罗思高. 新型农村合作医疗:主要挑战和政策建议. 中国卫生政策研究. 2008;1:39-44.
易红梅, 易法海. 主要发展中国家农业“绿箱”支持政策比较. 世界农业. 2005;310:4-7.
易红梅, 易法海, 乔雯, 国秀丽. 农民增收的主要政策效应分析. 统计与决策. 2005:51-53.
