科研成果 by Year: 2016

Loyalka P, Huang X, Zhang L, Wei J, Yi* H, Song Y, Shi Y, Chu J. The Impact of Vocational Schooling on Human Capital Development in Developing Countries: Evidence from China. The World Bank Economic Review . 2016;30:143-170.
白云丽, 易红梅, 张林秀. 我国村级债务的变迁及区域差异——基于全国5省101个村两期跟踪调查. 地方财政研究. 2016:79-84.
李桂荣, 李向辉, 易红梅. 中职示范学校育人质量的抽样调查与试点评估. 教育与经济. 2016:86-94.
李绍平, 易红梅, 张林秀. 农村居民对孕产妇保健认知和利用及影响因素. 中国卫生事业管理. 2016;33:527-530.
罗仁福, 王宇, 张林秀, 刘承芳, 易红梅. “一事一议” 制度, 农村公共投资决策及村民参与——来自全国代表性村级调查面板数据的证据. 经济经纬. 2016;33:30-35.
易红梅, 张林秀. 中职学校专业技能教育质量的试点评估与改进构想. 教育发展研究. 2016:34-36.
易红梅, 张林秀, 白钰, 白云丽, 马晓晨, 史耀疆, Rozelle S. 西部农村小学生视力不良影响因素分析. 中国公共卫生. 2016.
Chang F, Shi Y, Yi H, Johnson N. Adult child migration and elderly parental health in rural China. China Agricultural Economic Review. 2016;8:677-697.
He J, Yi H, Liu J. Urban Green Space Recreational Service Assessment and Management: A Conceptual Model based on the Service Generation Process. Ecological Economics. 2016:59-68.
Johnston J, Loyalka* P, Chu J, Song Y, Yi H, Huang X, Rozelle S. The Impact of Vocational Teachers on Student Learning in Developing Countries: Does Enterprise Experience Matter?. Comparative Education Review. 2016;60:131-150.
Zhang L, Li S, Yi* H, d’Intignano LM, Ding Y. Correlation between NCMS Policy Design and Catastrophic Medical Payment: Evidence from 25 Counties in Rural China. Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health. 2016;28:26-38.