科研成果 by Year: 2013

罗仁福, 张林秀, 王晓兵, 易红梅, 史耀疆, Rozelle S. 家长健康信息干预对贫困农村学生贫血的影响. 中国学校卫生. 2013;34:225-227.
史耀疆, 王欢, 罗仁福, 张林秀, 刘承芳, 易红梅, 岳爱, Rozelle S. 营养干预对陕西贫困农村学生身心健康的影响研究. 中国软科学. 2013:48-56.
易红梅, 姚晔舟, 张林秀*. 新农合对农民医疗服务利用和医疗支出的影响——基于5省份的面板数据. 中国卫生政策研究. 2013;6:25-29.
岳爱, 杨矗, 常芳, 田新, 史耀疆*, 罗仁福, 易红梅. 新型农村社会养老保险对家庭日常费用支出的影响. 管理世界. 2013:14-21.
Babiarz KS, Yi* H, Luo R. Meeting the Health-care Needs of the Rural Elderly: The Unique Role of Village Doctors. China & World Economy. 2013;21:44-60.
Liu C, Zhang L, Huang J, Luo R, Yi H, Shi Y, Rozelle S. Project design, village governance and infrastructure quality in rural China. China Agricultural Economic Review. 2013;5:248-280.
Loyalka P, Liu C, Song Y, Yi* H, Huang X, Wei J, Zhang L, Shi Y, Chu J, Rozelle S. Can information and counseling help students from poor rural areas go to high school? evidence from china. Journal of Comparative Economics. 2013;41:1012-1025.
Mo D, Swinnen J, Zhang L, Yi H, Qu Q, Boswell M, Rozelle S. Can One-to-One Computing Narrow the Digital Divide and the Educational Gap in China? The Case of Beijing Migrant Schools. World Development. 2013;46:14-29.
Mo D, Zhang L, Yi H, Luo R, Rozelle S, Brinton C. School Dropouts and Conditional Cash Transfers: Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Trial in Rural China's Junior High Schools. Journal of Development Studies. 2013;49:190-207.
Yi H, Zhang* L, Liu C, Chu J, Loyalka P, Maani M, Wei J. How Are Secondary Vocational Schools in China Measuring up to Government Benchmarks?. China & World Economy. 2013;21:98-120.
Zhang L, Lai* F, Pang X, Yi H, Rozelle S. The impact of teacher training on teacher and student outcomes: evidence from a randomised experiment in Beijing migrant schools. Journal of Development Effectiveness. 2013;5:339-358.
Zhang L, Yi* H, Luo R, Liu C, Rozelle S. The Human Capital Roots of the Middle Income Trap: The Case of China. Agricultural Economics. 2013:151-162.