科研成果 by Type: 期刊论文

Zhao C, Xu Z, Wang H, Wei J, Wang W, Bai X, Wang E. Carbon-doped boron nitride nanosheets with ferromagnetism above room temperature. Advanced Functional Materials. 2014.
Wang L, Liu D, Yang S, Tian X, Zhang G, Wang W, Wang E, Xu Z, Bai X. Exotic reaction front migration and stage structure in lithiated silicon nanowires. ACS Nano. 2014;(8):8249-8254.
Cheng M, Wang D, Sun Z, Zhao J, Yang R, Wang G, Yang W, Xie G, Zhang J, Chen P, et al. A route toward digital manipulation of water nanodroplets on surfaces. ACS Nano. 2014;(4):3955-3960.
Zhao S, Lu Y, Zhang Y, Lu W, Liang W, Wang E. Piezo-antiferromagnetic effect of sawtooth-like graphene nanoribbons. Applied Physics Letters. 2014;(20).
Chen J, Guo J, Meng X, Peng J, Sheng J, Xu L, Jiang Y, Li X-Z, Wang E-G. An unconventional bilayer ice structure on a NaCl(001) film. Nature Communications. 2014.
Chen J, Ren X, Li X-Z, Alfè D, Wang E. On the room-temperature phase diagram of high pressure hydrogen: An ab initio molecular dynamics perspective and a diffusion Monte Carlo study. Journal of Chemical Physics. 2014;(2).
Guo J, Meng X, Chen J, Peng J, Sheng J, Li X-Z, Xu L, Shi J-R, Wang E, Jiang Y. Real-space imaging of interfacial water with submolecular resolution. Nature Materials. 2014;(2):184-189.
Lin C, Huang X, Ke F, Jin C, Tong N, Yin X, Gan L, Guo X, Zhao R, Yang W, et al. Quasi-one-dimensional graphene superlattices formed on high-index surfaces. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2014;(8).
Wang J-T, Chen C, Wang E, Kawazoe Y. A new carbon allotrope with six-fold helical chains in all-sp 2 bonding networks. Scientific Reports. 2014.
Liu K, Hong X, Choi S, Jin C, Capaz RB, Kim J, Wang W, Bai X, Louie SG, Wang E, et al. Systematic determination of absolute absorption cross-section of individual carbon nanotubes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America [Internet]. 2014;(21):7564-7569. 访问链接
Sun G, Giovambattista N, Wang E, Xu L. Effects of surface structure and solvophilicity on the crystallization of confined liquids. Soft Matter. 2013;(47):11374-11382.
Zhu C, Li H, Zeng XC, Wang EG, Meng S. Quantized Water Transport: Ideal Desalination through Graphyne-4 Membrane. Scientific Reports. 2013.
Chen J, Li X-Z, Zhang Q, Probert MIJ, Pickard CJ, Needs RJ, Michaelides A, Wang E. Quantum simulation of low-temperature metallic liquid hydrogen. Nature Communications. 2013.
Tritsaris GA, Kaxiras E, Meng S, Wang E. Erratum: Adsorption and diffusion of lithium on layered silicon for Li-ion storage (Nano Letters (2013) 13:5 (2258-2263) DOI: 10.1021/nl400830u). Nano Letters. 2013;(6):3004-.
Zhang Q, Cui Y, Wang E. First-principles approaches to simulate lithiation in silicon electrodes. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering. 2013;(7).
Yao X, Feng Y, Hu Z, Zhang L, Wang EG. Dimerization of boron dopant in diamond (100) epitaxy induced by strong pair correlation on the surface. Journal of Physics Condensed Matter [Internet]. 2013;(4). 访问链接
Liu K, Hong X, Wu M, Xiao F, Wang W, Bai X, Ager JW, Aloni S, Zettl A, Wang E, et al. Quantum-coupled radial-breathing oscillations in double-walled carbon nanotubes. Nature Communications [Internet]. 2013. 访问链接
Chen J, Li X-Z, Zhang Q, Michaelides A, Wang E. Nature of proton transport in a water-filled carbon nanotube and in liquid water. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics [Internet]. 2013;(17):6344-6349. 访问链接
Tritsaris GA, Kaxiras E, Meng S, Wang E. Adsorption and diffusion of lithium on layered silicon for Li-ion storage. Nano Letters [Internet]. 2013;(5):2258-2263. 访问链接
Niu C-Y, Wang J-T, Wang E, Chen C. Size-selective self-assembly of magnetic Mn nanoclusters on Si(111). Journal of Chemical Physics [Internet]. 2013;(16). 访问链接
