科研成果 by Type: 期刊论文

Li L, Chen N, An N, Feng C, Zheng Y, Zhao L, Li J, Zhang Z, Wang D, Cai Y. Persulfate activation by iron complex: A novel non-radical strategy for enhanced tetracycline degradation. Separation and Purification Technology. 2025;361:131364.
Feng Z, Zheng Y, Wang H, Feng C, Chen N, Wang S. Sodium humate based double network hydrogel for Cu and Pb removal. Chemosphere. 2023;313:137558.
Su Z, Wen D, Gu AZ, Zheng Y, Tang Y, Chen L. Industrial effluents boosted antibiotic resistome risk in coastal environments. Environment International. 2023;171:107714.
Dai T, Su Z, Zeng Y, Yingyu Bao, Zheng Y, Guo H, Yang Y, Wen D. Wastewater treatment plant effluent discharge decreases bacterial community diversity and network complexity in urbanized coastal sediment. Environmental Pollution. 2023;322:121122.
苏志国, 陈伟东, 郑宇涵, 危婕, 李菲菲, 陈嘉瑜, 陈吕军, 温东辉. 基于宏基因组学解析不同污水处理系统的耐药基因组 分布特征和传播机制. Asian Journals of Ecotoxicology. 2023;18(2).
Li Y, Su Z, Dai T, Zheng Y, Chen W, Zhao Y, Wen D. Moderate anthropogenic disturbance stimulates versatile microbial taxa contributing to denitrification and aromatic compound degradation. Environmental Research. 2023;238:117106.
Ren H, Xu R, Chi T, Li F, Zheng Y, Tian J, Chen L. Reductive dehalogenation pathways and inhibition mechanisms of 2, 5-dichloronitrobenzene in UV/sulfite advanced reduction process. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2023;459:141497.
Xu R, Ren H, Chi T, Zheng Y, Xie Y, Tian J, Chen L. Ozone oxidation of 2, 4, 6-TCP in the presence of halide ions: Kinetics, degradation pathways and toxicity evaluation. Chemosphere. 2022;288:132343.
Liu D, Zheng Y, Chen L, Wen D. Prevalence of small-sized microplastics in coastal sediments detected by multipoint confocal micro-Raman spectrum scanning. Science of The Total Environment. 2022;831:154741.
Deng Y, Wen J, Zhu X, Chen N, Feng C, Zheng Y, Wang H, Chen F, Gao Y. Research on the redox behavior changes of humic-like substances wastewater during electrochemical oxidation process and using the treated effluent to improve the heavily contaminated soil: Taking petroleum hydrocarbon contaminated soil as example. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2020;263:121398.
Li F, Chen L, Chen W, Yingyu Bao, Zheng Y, Huang B, Mu Q, Wen D, Feng C. Antibiotics in coastal water and sediments of the East China Sea: distribution, ecological risk assessment and indicators screening. Marine pollution bulletin. 2020;151:110810.
Li F, Chen L, Yingyu Bao, Zheng Y, Huang B, Mu Q, Feng C, Wen D. Identification of the priority antibiotics based on their detection frequency, concentration, and ecological risk in urbanized coastal water. Science of the Total Environment. 2020;747:141275.
Deng Y, Chen N, Feng C, Wang H, Zheng Y, Chen F, Lu W, Kuang P, Feng H, Gao Y. Degradation of nitrogen-containing refractory organic wastewater using a novel alternating-anode electrochemical system. Science of The Total Environment. 2019;697:134161.
Zheng Y, Su Z, Dai T, Li F, Huang B, Mu Q, Feng C, Wen D. Identifying human-induced influence on microbial community: a comparative study in the effluent-receiving areas in Hangzhou Bay. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering. 2019;13:1-11.
Deng Y, Chen N, Feng C, Chen F, Wang H, Feng Z, Zheng Y, Kuang P, Hu W. Research on complexation ability, aromaticity, mobility and cytotoxicity of humic-like substances during degradation process by electrochemical oxidation. Environmental Pollution. 2019;251:811-820.