科研成果 by Type: 期刊论文

Wu H, Jin Z, Jiang S, Tang H, Morris JP, Zhang J, Zhang B. Selecting appropriate model complexity: an example of tracer inversion for thermal prediction in enhanced geothermal systems. Water Resource Research. 2024;60(7):e2023WR036146.
Liu Y, Wu H, Taleghani AD, Zhang K, Zhang J, Yang M, Zhang B. Effects of temperature-dependent viscosity on thermal drawdown-induced fracture flow channeling in enhanced geothermal systems. Renewable Energy [Internet]. 2024;235:121274. 访问链接
Zhang L, Hu L, Wu H. Numerical assessment of equivalent hydraulic conductivity and electro-osmotic conductivity for electro-osmotic consolidation under two-dimensional plane-strain analysis. Acta Geotechnica [Internet]. 2024;19:4967–4977. 访问链接
Yang M, Wang Y, Wu H, Zhang P, Ju X. Thermo-hydro-chemical modeling and analysis of methane extraction from fractured gas hydrate-bearing sediments. Energy [Internet]. 2024;292:130490. 访问链接
Cheng C, Liu R, Wu H, Zhang B, Zheng J, Peng B, Zhang J. Geothermal resource potential from intraplate magmatic–volcanic activities: A case study of Mt. Changbai in Northeast China. Geothermics [Internet]. 2024;122:103053. 访问链接
Zhang K, Shen S-L, Wu H, Zhou A. Nitsche-based material point method for large deformation frictional contact problems. Computational Particle Mechanics [Internet]. 2024. 访问链接
Wu H, Liu Y, Yang M, Zhang J, Zhang B. Effect of temperature-dependent rock thermal conductivity and specific heat capacity on heat recovery in an enhanced geothermal system. Rock Mechanics Bulletin [Internet]. 2023;2(2):100045. 访问链接
Wu H, Settgast RR, Fu P, Morris JP. An enhanced virtual crack closure technique for stress intensity factor calculation along arbitrary crack fronts and the application in hydraulic fracturing simulation. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering [Internet]. 2021;54:2943-2957. 访问链接
Fu P, Schoenball M, Ajo-Franklin JB, Chai C, Maceira M, Morris JP, Wu H, Knox H, Schwering PC, White MD, et al. Close observation of hydraulic fracturing at EGS Collab Experiment 1: Fracture trajectory, microseismic interpretations, and the role of natural fractures. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth [Internet]. 2021;126:e2020JB020840. 访问链接
Wu H, Fu P, Morris JP, Mattson ED, Neupane G, Smith MM, J.Hawkins A, Zhang Y, Kneafsey T. Characterization of flow and transport in a fracture network at the EGS Collab field experiment through stochastic modeling of tracer recovery. Journal of Hydrology [Internet]. 2021;593:125888. 访问链接
Wu H, Fu P, Hawkins A, Tang H, Morris JP. Predicting the long-term thermal performance of EGS reservoirs from tracer tests using ensemble smoother with multiple data assimilation. Water Resources Research [Internet]. 2021;57:e2021WR030987. 访问链接
Wu H, Fu P, Frone Z, White MD, Ajo-Franklin JB, Morris JP, Knox HA, Schwering PC, Strickland CE, Roberts BQ, et al. Modeling heat transport processes in enhanced geothermal systems: Validation at EGS Collab Experiment 1. Geothermics [Internet]. 2021;97:102254. 访问链接
Wu H, Fu P, Morris JP, Settgast RR, Ryerson FJ. ICAT: A numerical scheme to minimize numerical diffusion in advection-dispersion modeling and its application in identifying flow channeling. Advances in Water Resources [Internet]. 2019;134:103434. 访问链接
Wu H, Fu P, Yang X, Morris JP, Johnson TC, Settgast RR, Ryerson FJ. Accurate imaging of hydraulic fractures using templated electrical resistivity tomography. Geothermics [Internet]. 2019;81:74-87. 访问链接
Zhang L, Hu L, Wu H. Experimental study of the effects of soil pH and ionic species on the electro-osmotic consolidation of kaolin. Journal of Hazardous Materials [Internet]. 2019;368:885-893. 访问链接
Wu H, Hu L, Wen Q. Numerical assessment of equivalent radius for electro-kinetic geosynthetics electrodes during electro-osmotic consolidation. International Journal of Geomechanics [Internet]. 2018;18(5):04018024. 访问链接
Wu H, Wen Q, Hu L, Gong M. Effect of adsorbate concentration to adsorbent dosage ratio on the sorption of heavy metals on soils. Journal of Environmental Engineering [Internet]. 2018;144(2):04017094. 访问链接
Wu H, Wen Q, Hu L, Gong M, Tang Z. Feasibility study on the application of coal gangue as landfill liner material. Waste Management [Internet]. 2017;63:161-171. 访问链接
Wu H, Hu L, Wen Q. Numerical simulation of electro-osmotic consolidation coupling non-linear variation of soil parameters. Computers and Geosciences [Internet]. 2017;103:92-98. 访问链接
Wu H, Qi W, Hu L, Wen Q. Electro-osmotic consolidation of soil with variable compressibility, hydraulic conductivity and electro-osmosis conductivity. Computers and Geotechnics [Internet]. 2017;85:126-138. 访问链接
