科研成果 by Year: 2024

Yang M, Wang Y, Wu H, Zhang P, Ju X. Thermo-hydro-chemical modeling and analysis of methane extraction from fractured gas hydrate-bearing sediments. Energy [Internet]. 2024;292:130490. 访问链接
Cheng C, Liu R, Wu H, Zhang B, Zheng J, Peng B, Zhang J. Geothermal resource potential from intraplate magmatic–volcanic activities: A case study of Mt. Changbai in Northeast China. Geothermics [Internet]. 2024;122:103053. 访问链接
Wu H, Jin Z, Jiang S, Tang H, Morris JP, Zhang J, Zhang B. Selecting appropriate model complexity: an example of tracer inversion for thermal prediction in enhanced geothermal systems. Water Resource Research. 2024;60(7):e2023WR036146.
Liu Y, Wu H, Taleghani AD, Zhang K, Zhang J, Yang M, Zhang B. Effects of temperature-dependent viscosity on thermal drawdown-induced fracture flow channeling in enhanced geothermal systems. Renewable Energy [Internet]. 2024;235:121274. 访问链接
Zhang L, Hu L, Wu H. Numerical assessment of equivalent hydraulic conductivity and electro-osmotic conductivity for electro-osmotic consolidation under two-dimensional plane-strain analysis. Acta Geotechnica [Internet]. 2024;19:4967–4977. 访问链接
Zhang K, Shen S-L, Wu H, Zhou A. Nitsche-based material point method for large deformation frictional contact problems. Computational Particle Mechanics [Internet]. 2024. 访问链接