科研成果 by Year: 2019

胡聪慧, 于军, 高明. 中国上市公司送转动机研究:操纵迎合还是估值提升. 会计研究 [Internet]. 2019;(4):50–57. 全文链接 CNKI: CJFDTotal-KJYJ201904007Abstract
Gao M. No Pain, No Gain? Household Beliefs and Stock Market Participation. Economics Letters [Internet]. 2019;181:81–84. 全文链接 DOI: 10.1016/j.econlet.2019.05.001Abstract
This paper investigates whether household beliefs on the determinants of success affect their stock market participation decisions. Using national survey data from China, I show that Chinese households believe that personal effort is the most influential factor in people’s success, followed by family social connections, aptitude, and luck. Moreover, households that believe more in effort are less likely to participate in the stock market, while those who place more emphasis on family social connections are more likely to participate. The negative (positive) effects of effort (family social connections) are more profound for agricultural (workplace-affiliated) households. Further, I offer belief mechanisms to explain the heterogeneity of stock market participation for different occupations.
周俊文, 党建伟, 高明. 第三方支付监管的目标与制度安排. 金融监管研究 [Internet]. 2019;87(3):79–97. 全文链接 DOI: 10.13490/j.cnki.frr.2019.03.006Abstract
Gao M, Meng J, Zhao L. Income and Social Communication: The Demographics of Stock Market Participation. World Economy [Internet]. 2019;42(7):2244–2277. 全文链接 DOI: 10.1111/twec.12777Abstract
This paper analyzes the determinants of stock market participation decisions using officially compiled aggregate stock account opening data in China. Different from the literature that often focuses on one particular dimension, our paper systematically evaluates the relative importance of disposable income, demographic variables, macroeconomic factors, stock market conditions, and social communication on both the level and the change of the participation rate. We find that the level of the participation rate is predominately determined by the income factor, followed by various measures of social communication. Social communication plays the most important role in the change of the participation rate, acting as a multiplier to stimulate stock market participation. The effects are more pronounced in high income, high education, high population density groups, and during the bull market period.