A Tunable mmWave Band-Pass Filter Based on Ferroelectric Hafnium Zirconium Oxide Varactors


Abdulazhanov S, Le QH, Huynh DK, Wang D, Gerlach G, Kämpfe T. A Tunable mmWave Band-Pass Filter Based on Ferroelectric Hafnium Zirconium Oxide Varactors. 2019 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Workshop Series on Advanced Materials and Processes for RF and THz Applications (IMWS-AMP) [Internet]. 2019:46-48.
A Tunable mmWave Band-Pass Filter Based on Ferroelectric Hafnium Zirconium Oxide Varactors


This paper presents a tunable 60 GHz band-pass filter, based on a coplanar waveguide (CPW) transmission line, periodically loaded with ferroelectric Hafnium Zirconium Oxide (HZO) variable metal-ferroelectric-metal (MIM) capacitors (varactors), developed for back-end-of-line (BEoL) integration. Derived from the nonlinear capacitance of hafnium zirconium oxide and implementing the method-of-moments simulation, it was shown, that with changing the bias voltage between 0.95 and -3 V, the filter’s center frequency can be tuned between 60.5 and 69,7 GHz, respectively. Hereby, a minimum insertion loss of -3.3 dB is realized. The chip area of the filter is only 0.062 mm 2 , making it the smallest among tunable V-band filters.
