Improvements to the matching projection decoding method for Ambisonic system with irregular loudspeaker layouts


Ge Z, Wu X, Qu T. Improvements to the matching projection decoding method for Ambisonic system with irregular loudspeaker layouts, in international conference on acoustics speech and signal processing(ICASSP). Brighton, United Kingdom; 2019:121-125.


The Ambisonic technique has been widely used for soundfield recording and reproduction recently. However, the basicAmbisonic decoding method will break down when the play-back loudspeakers distribute unevenly. Various methods havebeen proposed to solve this problem. This paper introducesseveral improvements to a recently proposed Ambisonic de-coding method, the matching projection method, for unevenloudspeaker layouts. The first improvement is energy preserv-ing; the second is introducing the “in-phase” weight, and thethird is introducing partial projection coefficients. To eval-uate the improved method, we compared it with the origi-nal one and the all-round Ambisonic decoding method witha 2-dimension unevenly arranged loudspeaker array. The re-sult shows our method greatly improves the original methodwhere the loudspeaker arranges very sparsely or densely.