科研成果 by Type: Conference Proceedings

Lundh JS, Masten HN, Sasaki K, Jacobs AG, Cheng Z, Spencer J, Chen L, Gallagher J, Koehler AD, Konishi K. AlN-capped β-(AlxGal-x)2O3/Ga2O3 heterostructure field-effect transistors for near-junction thermal management of next generation power devices. 2022 Device Research Conference (DRC). 2022:1-2.
Tang J, Guo J. An Analysis Method for Online Shopping Platform Comments Based on NLP-AHP: Taking Amazon as An Example. 2022 3rd International Conference on Education, Knowledge and Information Management (ICEKIM). 2022:1080-1085.
Qiu Y, Ma* Y, Zhao W, Wu M, Ye* L, HUANG R. DCIM-GCN: Digital Computing-in-Memory to Efficiently Accelerate Graph Convolutional Networks. IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer Aided Design (ICCAD) [Internet]. 2022. Links
Wu Z, Lu CQ. The dynamics of career sustainability: A latent transition analysis. The 82nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. 2022.
Bracken C, Broman D, Campbell A, Hou Z, Ou Y, Oikonomou K, Voisin N. Evaluation of renewables' co-variability to support 2035 decarbonization goals. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. 2022;2022:GC42Q-0924.
Liu Q, Wu Z, Lu C. Future Work Self and Career Success: An Integrative Perspective of Resource Interaction and Proactive Behavior. The 24nd National Academic Conference of Psychology. 2022.
Huang Q, Yang M, Luo J, Su C, HUANG R. HfO 2-based Ferroelectric Devices for Low Power Applications. 2022 6th IEEE Electron Devices Technology & Manufacturing Conference (EDTM). 2022:285-287.
Wu Z, Ma Y, Lu CQ. How to sustain proactivity? The dynamic relationship between job performance and job crafting. The 82nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. 2022.
Cheng Z. (Invited, Digital Presentation) Thermal Conductance across Heterogeneously Integrated Interfaces for Thermal Management of Wide and Ultra-Wide Bandgap Electronics. Electrochemical Society Meeting Abstracts 241. 2022;(31):1318-1318.
Luo J, Xu W, Fu B, Yu Z, Yang M, Li Y, Huang Q, HUANG R. A Novel Ambipolar Ferroelectric Tunnel FinFET based Content Addressable Memory with Ultra-low Hardware Cost and High Energy Efficiency for Machine Learning. 2022 IEEE Symposium on VLSI Technology and Circuits (VLSI Technology and Circuits). 2022:226-227.
Fu Z, Wang K, Fu B, Xu S, Zheng H, Luo J, Su C, Xu W, Lv X, Huang Q. Novel Energy-efficient Hafnia-based Ferroelectric Processing-in-Sensor with in-situ Motion Detection and Four-quarter Mutipilcation. 2022 International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM). 2022:24.5. 1-24.5. 4.
Luo J, Shao H, Fu B, Fu Z, Xu W, Wang K, Yang M, Li Y, Lv X, Huang Q. Novel Ferroelectric Tunnel FinFET based Encryption-embedded Computing-in-Memory for Secure AI with High Area-and Energy-Efficiency. 2022 International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM). 2022:36.5. 1-36.5. 4.
Xu W, Luo J, Du Y, Huang Q, HUANG R. Novel Negative-Feedback Method for Writing Variation Suppression in FeFET-Based Computing-in-Memory Macro. 2022 China Semiconductor Technology International Conference (CSTIC). 2022:1-3.
Wu P, Li H, Deng Y, Hu W, Hu W, Dai Q, Dong Z, Sun J, Zhang R, Zhou X-H. On the Opportunity of Causal Learning in Recommendation Systems: Foundation, Estimation, Prediction and Challenges. IJCAI-ECAI2022 [Internet]. 2022. 访问链接Abstract
Recently, recommendation based on causal inference has gained much attention in the industrial community. The introduction of causal techniques into recommender systems (RS) has brought great development to this field and has gradually become a trend. However, a unified causal analysis framework has not been established yet. On one hand, the existing causal methods in RS lack a clear causal and mathematical formalization on the scientific questions of interest. Many confusions need to be clarified: what exactly is being estimated, for what purpose, in which scenario, by which technique, and under what plausible assumptions. On the other hand, technically speaking, the existence of various biases is the main obstacle to drawing causal conclusions from observed data. Yet, formal definitions of the biases in RS are still not clear. Both of the limitations greatly hinder the development of RS.In this paper, we attempt to give a causal analysis framework to accommodate different scenarios in RS, thereby providing a principled and rigorous operational guideline for causal recommendation. We first propose a step-by-step guideline on how to clarify and investigate problems in RS using causal concepts. Then, we provide a new taxonomy and give a formal definition of various biases in RS from the perspective of violating what assumptions are adopted in standard causal analysis. Finally, we find that many problems in RS can be well formalized into a few scenarios using the proposed causal analysis framework.
Clarens AF, Fauvel C, Fuhrman J, Ou Y, McJeon HC, Shobe W, Doney S. Regional Implications of Carbon Dioxide Removal on Achieving Net-Zero Emissions Targets. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. 2022;2022:GC26F-05.
Wan Y, Wei Y, Xu B, Tanenhaus MK. Rhythmic coordination affects children’s perspective-taking during online communication. The Proceedings of the 44th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. 2022:1636-1643.Abstract
We evaluated the effectiveness of new indices of text comprehension in measuring relative text difficulty. Specifically, we examined the efficacy of automated indices produced by the web-based computational tool Coh-Metrix. In an analysis of 60 instructional science texts, we divided texts into groups that were considered to be more or less difficult to comprehend. The defining criteria were based on Coh-Metrix indices that measure independent factors underlying text coherence: referential overlap and vocabulary accessibility. In order to validate the text difficulty groups, participants read and recalled two “difficult” and two “easy” texts that were similar in topic and length. Easier texts facilitated faster reading times and better recall compared to difficult texts. We discuss the implications of these results in the context of theoretically motivated techniques for improving textbook selection. 
Luo J, Xu W, Du Y, Fu B, SONG J, Fu Z, Yang M, Li Y, Ye L, Huang Q. Energy-and area-efficient Fe-FinFET-based time-domain mixed-signal computing in memory for edge machine learning. 2021 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM). 2021:19.5. 1-19.5. 4.
Zhang Y, Tang J, Zhang P. An Exploratory Study on Chinese Preteens' Internet Use and Parental Mediation during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Poster presented at ASIST ’21. 2021.
Liu Y, Wu Z, Dewitte S. Exploring country differences in the adoption of mobile payments. the INFORMS Marketing Science Conference. 2021.
Deng J, Li* S, Hensen P. Exploring the effect of rational factors and trust in health behavior change. 2021ASIS&T Conference. 2021.
