科研成果 by Type: Conference Proceedings

Han M, Yu B, Su Z, Meng B, Cheng XL, Zhang X-S, Zhang H. Wafer-level fabrication of a triboelectric energy harvester. Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), 2015 28th IEEE International Conference on. 2015:1078-1081.
贾存利, 陈永强, 黄筑平. 含连通开孔饱和孔隙介质的有效力学参数. 北京力学会第21届学术年会暨北京振动工程学会第22届学术年会. 2015:4.Abstract
张振国, 陈永强, 黄筑平. 残余界面应力对纤维增强复合材料热力学性质的影响. 北京力学会第21届学术年会暨北京振动工程学会第22届学术年会. 2015:3.Abstract
冯英,肖珑. A Cooperative Project by Libraries and Museums of China: Metadata Standards for the Digital Preservation of Cultural Heritage. . International Conference on Dublin Core & Metadata Applications (DC-2014) [Internet]. 2014. 访问链接
Defu Wang RN. Design of a 57 % bandwidth microwave rectifier for powering application. 2014 IEEE Wireless Power Transfer Conference [Internet]. 2014:68-71. 访问链接Abstract
This paper proposes a novel implementation of a high frequency rectifier, which is realised using the simplified real frequency technique. The optimum impedances presented at the diode package plane are found from source-pull simulation over a broad frequency range. The implemented broadband rectifiers show good performance in terms of efficiency and bandwidth. Using a HSMS 2820 Schottky diode device, greater than 50 % efficiency has been measured from 1.25 GHz to 2.25 GHz. Furthermore, greater than 60 % efficiency with 14 dB (from 12 dBm to 26 dBm) input power dynamic range is achieved at 1.8 GHz. Peak efficiency of 77 % is obtained at the input power of 23 dBm. The high efficiency over such a large bandwidth is believed to be the best reported to data in open literature at these frequencies.
Defu Wang RN. Design of a broadband microwave rectifier from 40 MHz to 4740 MHz using high impedance inductor. 2014 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference [Internet]. 2014:1010-1012. 访问链接Abstract
This paper proposes a novel configuration of the rectifier which is realised using a high impedance inductor. It removes the input matching network concerning the trade-off of the efficiency and bandwidth. The rectifier with better than 40 % efficiency is designed and measured across the frequency band from 40 MHz to 4740 MHz. The peak RF-DC conversion efficiency of 60.3 % is achieved at 1 GHz operating frequency with 23 dBm incident power. In addition, a minimum of 2 V output DC voltage and greater than 40 % efficiency with 5 dB input power dynamic range from 20 dBm to 25 dBm is obtained covering the entire band.
Wei Z, Wang R, Zheng S, Liang Z, Li Z. An electroporation chip based on flexible microneedle array for in vivo nucleic acid delivery. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS). 2014:817-820.
Meng B, Tang W, Zhang XS, Han MD, Sun XM, Liu W, Zhang HX. A high performance triboelectric generator for harvesting low frequency ambient vibration energy. Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), 2014 IEEE 27th International Conference on. 2014:346-349.
Defu Wang RN. Novel TriBand RF Rectifier Design for Wireless Energy Harvesting. GeMiC 2014; German Microwave Conference [Internet]. 2014:1-3. 访问链接Abstract
In this paper, the design of a 10 mW concurrent triband RF rectifier at 1050 , 2050 and 2600 MHz using the high impedance transmission line with two short stubs is presented. Experimental results show that the efficiency is achieved 59.2 % at 1050 MHz, 35.6 % at 2050 MHz and 52.2 % at 2600 MHz. Compared to the state-of-the-art of multi-band rectifiers, the proposed triband rectifier has the ability to harvest RF energy from the corresponding operating frequencies sources.
Defu Wang RN. Reconstruction lumped-element bandpass filter suitable for lowpass delta-sigma RF transmitters. 2014 International Workshop on Integrated Nonlinear Microwave and Millimetre-wave Circuits (INMMiC) [Internet]. 2014:1-3. 访问链接Abstract
This paper proposes a filter realised using only lumped-element components, implemented as a highly selective bandpass filter suitable for lowpass delta-sigma (LPΔΣ) RF transmitters. The proposed filter is characterised by low insertion loss, high selectivity and a transfer function tailored for filtering the close-up out-of-band noise of LPΔΣ RF transmitters. The circuit design is based on a modified loaded-stub ring-resonator structure, however, implemented using 4 π-shape lumped-element resonators with LC tanks. The measurements show good agreement with simulation and the proposed filter provides a fractional 3-dB bandwidth of 14.3 %, insertion loss of less than 1.6 dB, suppression of more than 18 dB on both sides of the desired band, and a sharp cut-off frequency response. This filter is combined with the delta-sigma transmitter to show the effective reduction of the out-of-band quantisation noise signals.
Han M, Liu W, Meng B, Zhang X-S, Sun X, Zhang H. Springless cubic harvester for converting three dimensional vibration energy. Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), 2014 IEEE 27th International Conference on. 2014:425-428.
Zong W, Chen X, Zhao J, Zhang Y, Fan M, Zhou Z, Cheng H, Sun Y, Chen L. Two-photon three-axis digital scanned light-sheet microscopy (2P3A-DSLM). Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2014.
吴冰冰. 俄罗斯(苏联)中东政策的演变. 2014:16.Abstract
张振国, 陈永强, 黄筑平. 具有非均匀界面相的球形颗粒填充复合材料的有效比热. 第十五届北方七省、市、区力学学术会议. 2014:3.Abstract
贾存利, 陈永强, 黄筑平. 含连通开孔的饱和孔隙介质的细观模型. 第十五届北方七省市区力学学会学术会议. 2014:2.Abstract
林勤业, 陈永强. 边界元法在复合材料界面分离问题中的应用. 中国计算力学大会2014暨第三届钱令希计算力学奖颁奖大会. 2014:3.Abstract
本文用边界元方法求解颗粒填充复合材料的变形和界面分离问题,采用多子域法实现颗粒和基体之间的界面连续和分离条件,并采用主从自由度法(Master-Slave Elimination)[1]求解了界面从完美结合到分离的过程。算例表明,边界元法在此类问题中具有精度高和容易实施的优势。
钱雪梅. 阿富汗战争改变了什么?. 2014:17.Abstract
肖珑. 面向人文学科领域的服务创新探索. 数位化论文典藏联盟年会,2014. 2014;(数位科技的多元发展与资讯服务应用(会议论文集,ISBN978-986-04-1283-3)):3-24.
Defu Wang RN. A 2.3GHz single-ended energy recovery rectifier with stepped-impedance resonator for improved efficiency of outphasing amplifier. 2013 European Microwave Conference [Internet]. 2013:920-923. 访问链接Abstract
This paper proposes an energy recovery rectifier suitable for the use in outphasing and/or linear amplification with nonlinear components (LINC) transmitters. The proposed application oriented rectifier consists of a high-efficiency resistive rectifier and a stepped-impedance resonator (SIR) which stores the energy in order to reduce load sensitivity of the circuit. The rectifier is designed including harmonic frequency control to improve conversion efficiency and to provide a resistive input impedance at the fundamental frequency. The proposed rectifier has been implemented in hybrid technology. The fabricated circuit provides peak RF-to-DC efficiency of 73.5 % at 2.3 GHz and more than 60 % over a dynamic range of 8 dB. Furthermore, measurements show good agreement with simulation results.
Zhu F-Y, Wang Q-Q, Zhang X-S, Hu W, Zhao X, Zhang H-X. 3D reconstruction and feature extraction for analysis of nanostructures by SEM imaging. Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (TRANSDUCERS & EUROSENSORS XXVII), 2013 Transducers & Eurosensors XXVII: The 17th International Conference on. 2013:2700-2703.
