科研成果 by Type: Conference Proceedings

Zhang J, Shi M, Chen H, Han M, Song Y, Cheng XL, Zhang H. Ultra-sensitive transparent and stretchable pressure sensor with single electrode. Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), 2016 IEEE 29th International Conference on. 2016:173-176.
Lin Q, Chen Y. Application of BEM in interface debonding of composite. 2015:2.Abstract
The debonding of particle/matrix interfaces has an important effect on the behavior of composite materials. During last decades, great efforts have been made to simulate the behavior of the interface. Boundary element method, as an alternative effective numerical method, has great advantages in simu...
Zhou Q, Chen Y. BEM Simulation of Interface debonding due to thermomechanical loading. 2015:1.Abstract
The stress and the debonding of the interface in coating layers structure due to thermal loading are investigated by using boundary element methods(BEM). The nearly-singular integrals that arise in the boundary integral equation(BIE) for such thin layered structures cannot be accurately evaluated us...
Design of a high efficiency rectifier with wide bandwidth and input power range based on the time reversal duality of power amplifier
Wang D, Nghiem XA, Wei M-D, Negra R. Design of a high efficiency rectifier with wide bandwidth and input power range based on the time reversal duality of power amplifier. 2015 European Microwave Conference (EuMC) [Internet]. 2015:291-294. 访问链接Abstract
This paper presents the concept and measurements of a new microwave rectifier based on the time reversal duality of power amplifiers. It is shown that the proposed rectifier can simultaneously provide high efficiency at large input power range over much more improved bandwidth compared to the conventional rectifier from time reversal duality. It is also reported that the proposed rectifier allows reconfiguration of the efficiency at input power range without placing the tunable elements. A 10 W wideband power amplifier with 79%drain efficiency at 1.85 GHz is used to validate the concept. By making the gate bias network short-terminated and replacing the drain termination with the DC load resistor for power amplifier, the circuit can operate as microwave rectifier with taking part of bandwidth from power amplifier. Measurements show the efficiency bandwidth with larger than 70 % rectifying efficiency at 15 dB input power range over a 1.7–1.95 GHz frequency range. The measurements thereby validate the presented concept and demonstrate the potential of the proposed rectifier for use in future wireless energy harvesting applications.
Ma Y, Kim M, Cao Y, Seo J-S, Vrudhula S. Energy-Efficient Reconstruction of Compressively Sensed Bioelectrical Signals withStochastic Computing Circuits. IEEE International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD) [Internet]. 2015. Links
Cheng XL, Meng B, Han M, Shi M, Zhang H. Floor-based large-area triboelectric generator for active security monitoring. Consumer Electronics (ICCE), 2015 IEEE International Conference on. 2015:581-582.
Cheng XL, Meng B, Han M, Chen H, Zhang H. A high-efficiency transparent electrification-based generator for harvesting droplet energy. Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (TRANSDUCERS), 2015 Transducers-2015 18th International Conference on. 2015:62-65.
Zhang P, Liu C. Personal Information Management Practices of Chinese College Students on their Smartphones. Proceedings of the Third International Symposium of Chinese CHI. 2015:47-51.
Ding K, Chen Y, Wang Y, Tan Y. Regional seismic waveform inversion using swarm intelligence algorithms. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC2015) [Internet]. 2015:1-7. 访问链接Abstract
Inversion is a critical and challenging task in geophysical research. Geophysical inversion can be formulated as an optimization problem to find the best parameters whose forward synthesis data most fit the observed data. The inverse problems are usually highly non-linear, multi-modal as well as ill-posed, so conventional optimization algorithms cannot handle it very efficiently. In the past decades, genetic algorithm (GA) and its many variants are widely applied to inverse problems and achieve great success. Swarm intelligence algorithms are a family of global optimizers inspired by swarm phenomena in nature, and have shown better performance than GA for diverse optimization problems. However, swarm intelligence algorithms are not utilized for geophysical inversion problems until recently and only limited number of works are reported. In this paper, we try to apply two swarm intelligence algorithms, Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and Fireworks Algorithm (FWA), to the regional seismic waveform inversion. To explore the advantages and disadvantages of swarm intelligence algorithms over GA, synthetic experiments are conducted by using these two swarm intelligence algorithm and several GA variants as well as Differential Evolution (DE). The experimental results show that, both swarm intelligence algorithms outperform the widely used GA, DE, and the models estimated by swarm intelligence algorithms are closer to the true solution. The promising results imply that swarm intelligence algorithms are a potentially more powerful tool for inversion problems.
Study of the impedance transformation ratio of microwave rectifier for outphasing power recycling application
Wang D, Negra R. Study of the impedance transformation ratio of microwave rectifier for outphasing power recycling application. 2015 IEEE Topical Conference on Power Amplifiers for Wireless and Radio Applications (PAWR) [Internet]. 2015:1-3. 访问链接Abstract
This paper presents an analysis for the impedance transformation ratio of microwave rectifier, implemented as an energy recycling unit suitable for RF outphasing transmitters. The experimental demonstration is realised by two single-ended microwave rectifiers with different impedance transformation ratios to separately replace the power-wasting resistive load of an isolating combiner in a multilevel LINC system. The measurement results show that the implemented rectifier can improve the overall efficiency of the multilevel LINC system from original 39.5 % to 46.7 % and 44.9 % respectively, without affecting linearity.
Han M, Yu B, Cheng XL, Meng B, Zhang H. A super-flexible and lightweight membrane for energy harvesting. Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (TRANSDUCERS), 2015 Transducers-2015 18th International Conference on. 2015:55-58.
Zhu FY, Wang C, Zhang X, Zhao X, Zhang H. A three-step model of black silicon formation in deep reactive ion etching process. Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), 2015 28th IEEE International Conference on. 2015:365-368.
Meng B, Cheng XL, Han MD, Chen HT, Zhu FY, Zhang HX. Triboelectrification based active sensor for polymer distinguishing. Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), 2015 28th IEEE International Conference on. 2015:102-105.
Han M, Yu B, Su Z, Meng B, Cheng XL, Zhang X-S, Zhang H. Wafer-level fabrication of a triboelectric energy harvester. Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), 2015 28th IEEE International Conference on. 2015:1078-1081.
贾存利, 陈永强, 黄筑平. 含连通开孔饱和孔隙介质的有效力学参数. 北京力学会第21届学术年会暨北京振动工程学会第22届学术年会. 2015:4.Abstract
张振国, 陈永强, 黄筑平. 残余界面应力对纤维增强复合材料热力学性质的影响. 北京力学会第21届学术年会暨北京振动工程学会第22届学术年会. 2015:3.Abstract
冯英,肖珑. A Cooperative Project by Libraries and Museums of China: Metadata Standards for the Digital Preservation of Cultural Heritage. . International Conference on Dublin Core & Metadata Applications (DC-2014) [Internet]. 2014. 访问链接
Design of a 57 % bandwidth microwave rectifier for powering application
Wang D, Negra R. Design of a 57 % bandwidth microwave rectifier for powering application. 2014 IEEE Wireless Power Transfer Conference [Internet]. 2014:68-71. 访问链接Abstract
This paper proposes a novel implementation of a high frequency rectifier, which is realised using the simplified real frequency technique. The optimum impedances presented at the diode package plane are found from source-pull simulation over a broad frequency range. The implemented broadband rectifiers show good performance in terms of efficiency and bandwidth. Using a HSMS 2820 Schottky diode device, greater than 50 % efficiency has been measured from 1.25 GHz to 2.25 GHz. Furthermore, greater than 60 % efficiency with 14 dB (from 12 dBm to 26 dBm) input power dynamic range is achieved at 1.8 GHz. Peak efficiency of 77 % is obtained at the input power of 23 dBm. The high efficiency over such a large bandwidth is believed to be the best reported to data in open literature at these frequencies.
Design of a broadband microwave rectifier from 40 MHz to 4740 MHz using high impedance inductor
Wang D, Negra R. Design of a broadband microwave rectifier from 40 MHz to 4740 MHz using high impedance inductor. 2014 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference [Internet]. 2014:1010-1012. 访问链接Abstract
This paper proposes a novel configuration of the rectifier which is realised using a high impedance inductor. It removes the input matching network concerning the trade-off of the efficiency and bandwidth. The rectifier with better than 40 % efficiency is designed and measured across the frequency band from 40 MHz to 4740 MHz. The peak RF-DC conversion efficiency of 60.3 % is achieved at 1 GHz operating frequency with 23 dBm incident power. In addition, a minimum of 2 V output DC voltage and greater than 40 % efficiency with 5 dB input power dynamic range from 20 dBm to 25 dBm is obtained covering the entire band.
Wei Z, Wang R, Zheng S, Liang Z, Li Z. An electroporation chip based on flexible microneedle array for in vivo nucleic acid delivery. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS). 2014:817-820.
