
Ai, Meitong; Gao M; JR. Health Cost Risk, Informal Insurance, and Annuitization Decisions, in 2023 American Risk and Insurance Association (ARIA) Annual Meeting. Washington DC; 研究手稿. 全文链接 SSRN: abstract=4567635Abstract
This paper provides the first piece of empirical evidence regarding the impact of health cost risk on individuals' annuitization decisions. We find that health cost risk increases the probability of individuals' pension participation but decreases the amount of pension contributions. We show that the substitution effect of informal insurance on pensions leads to these seemingly contradictory results. The impact of health cost risk on pension participation and contributions is negative and consistent with the mainstream theory after accounting for the effect of informal insurance. The substitution effect of informal insurance on pensions is stronger, and thus mitigates the impact of health cost risk more pronounced for households that have better-educated children, lower incomes, and more informal social networks and in regions that have a higher male–female ratio, that have higher mobility, or are less developed; but this substitution effect does not differ depending on their children's gender. This study improves our understanding of the relationship between health cost risk and individuals' annuitization decisions as well as the role of informal insurance in this relationship.
高明, 刘玉珍, 张宇. 金融教育:理论基础与实验证据. 研究手稿.Abstract
王熙, 黄德金, 高明. 波动率指数与价格发现:基于中国市场的理论拓展. 金融研究 [Internet]. 2024;530(8):113–131. 正文链接www.jryj.org.cnAbstract
波动率指数(Volatility Index,VIX)作为重要的市场情绪和系统性风险衡量指标,受到了各国监管部门和投资机构广泛关注。学术文献通常认为VIX可以正向预测股票市场未来超额收益率,并在美国等市场得到验证。然而,基于中国A股市场构建的VIX却与A股未来超额收益率负相关,即便使用Martin(2017)提出的可提高美国市场价格发现能力的修正指数SVIX,也是负相关关系。这一实证结果违背了现代金融学的基本原理:系统性风险承担应与期望超额收益率正相关。本文在Martin(2017)基础上,基于中国市场特征刻画股票市场期望收益率的近似上界,提出“流动性修正的波动率指数(LVIX)”,将SVIX拓展至允许看涨看跌期权平价公式背离的情形。与VIX和SVIX负向预测A股超额收益率不同,LVIX能够正向预测A股超额收益率且预测系数为1,与资产定价理论相契度更高,并且,LVIX还能改进SVIX对于美国市场的理论相契度。本文的理论拓展和指标构建,不仅对资产定价具有理论贡献,也对衡量我国金融市场系统性风险和期望超额收益率有现实意义。
高明, 毕燕璐, 胡聪慧. 环境立法与投资者利益保护:基于股票市场异常波动的视角. 金融研究 [Internet]. 2024;523(1):113–130. 全文链接www.jryj.org.cnAbstract
高明, 胡聪慧. 正规金融与非正规金融:机制、效率与实证挑战. 金融研究 [Internet]. 2022;503(5):189–206. 全文链接 www.jryj.org.cnAbstract
高明, 艾美彤, 贾若. 家庭金融参与中的信任重建:来自农村社会养老保险的证据. 经济研究 [Internet]. 2021;(8):174–191. 全文链接 CNKI: CJFDTOTAL-JJYJ202108012Abstract
厉以宁发展与贫困治理思想述评. In: 一生治学当如此:厉以宁经济理论述评. Vol. 13. 商务印书馆; 2020. pp. 204–218. 全书介绍 ISBN: 978-7-100-18534-9Abstract
Gao M, Liu Y-J, Shi Y. Do People Feel Less at Risk? Evidence from Disaster Experience. Journal of Financial Economics [Internet]. 2020;138(3):866–888. 全文链接 SSRN: abstract=3443901Abstract
Past studies typically have focused on whether people perceive more rare risk after experiencing catastrophic disasters. We show that people can also feel less risk with unexpected "lucky" disaster experience. By exploring a novel identification strategy based on households' expectations, we find that households perceive less (more) risk when they experience disasters that have lower (higher) actual fatalities than what was expected. This opposite experience effect of rare disasters is substantial: a one standard deviation increase in the negative (positive) experience shock is associated with a 1.71% decrease (a 1.31% increase) in the life insurance-to-portfolio ratio. We discuss three possible mechanisms to account for our empirical findings: incomplete information learning, salience theory, and change in risk preferences.
胡聪慧, 于军, 高明. 中国上市公司送转动机研究:操纵迎合还是估值提升. 会计研究 [Internet]. 2019;(4):50–57. 全文链接 CNKI: CJFDTotal-KJYJ201904007Abstract
Gao M. No Pain, No Gain? Household Beliefs and Stock Market Participation. Economics Letters [Internet]. 2019;181:81–84. 全文链接 DOI: 10.1016/j.econlet.2019.05.001Abstract
This paper investigates whether household beliefs on the determinants of success affect their stock market participation decisions. Using national survey data from China, I show that Chinese households believe that personal effort is the most influential factor in people’s success, followed by family social connections, aptitude, and luck. Moreover, households that believe more in effort are less likely to participate in the stock market, while those who place more emphasis on family social connections are more likely to participate. The negative (positive) effects of effort (family social connections) are more profound for agricultural (workplace-affiliated) households. Further, I offer belief mechanisms to explain the heterogeneity of stock market participation for different occupations.
周俊文, 党建伟, 高明. 第三方支付监管的目标与制度安排. 金融监管研究 [Internet]. 2019;87(3):79–97. 全文链接 DOI: 10.13490/j.cnki.frr.2019.03.006Abstract
Gao M, Meng J, Zhao L. Income and Social Communication: The Demographics of Stock Market Participation. World Economy [Internet]. 2019;42(7):2244–2277. 全文链接 DOI: 10.1111/twec.12777Abstract
This paper analyzes the determinants of stock market participation decisions using officially compiled aggregate stock account opening data in China. Different from the literature that often focuses on one particular dimension, our paper systematically evaluates the relative importance of disposable income, demographic variables, macroeconomic factors, stock market conditions, and social communication on both the level and the change of the participation rate. We find that the level of the participation rate is predominately determined by the income factor, followed by various measures of social communication. Social communication plays the most important role in the change of the participation rate, acting as a multiplier to stimulate stock market participation. The effects are more pronounced in high income, high education, high population density groups, and during the bull market period.
高明, 李德龙, 施雨水. 金融发展与收入差距:二元体制是一个决定性的因素吗. 经济学报 [Internet]. 2018;5(3):114–141. 全文链接 DOI: 10.16513/j.cnki.cje.2018.03.006Abstract
本文在先前文献的基础上,考虑到二元体制对中国城乡收入差距的决定性意义,引入城镇内收入差距的概念。文章运用中国31个省级行政单位1991–2008年的面板数据,分别对金融发展与城乡间、城镇内收入差距之间的关系进行了实证研究。结果显示,不论是城乡间还是城镇内,金融发展对收入差距的影响均存在倒U型的库兹涅茨效应。基于1997–2012年城乡财产性收入数据的研究也具有一致性。本文实证结果支持了Greenwood and Jovanovic (1990)所提出的门槛理论,即收入差距的扩大并非因为金融发展不具有正外部性,而是因为贫困者无法享受到此类福利。本文建议相关的制度设计应更加关注农村居民和低收入者。
Gao M, Liu Y-J, Wu W. Fat-Finger Trade and Market Quality: The First Evidence From China. Journal of Futures Markets [Internet]. 2016;36(10):1014–1025. 全文链接 DOI: 10.1002/fut.21771Abstract
More trading is algorithmic or computer generated, and in markets where it is allowed, high frequency. However, what happens when there is an algorithmic trading error? This study attempts to answer that question by examining the August 16, 2013, fat-finger trade in Chinese equity and equity futures markets. We find that both markets were excessively volatile, illiquid, and positively skewed. Moreover, we document that index returns are predictable for a shorttime, indicating that the fat-finger event induced an inefficient market. Our results highlight the importance of market surveillance and regulation to lessen the damage of future fat-finger events.
胡聪慧, 张勇, 高明. 价格时滞、投机性需求与股票收益. 管理世界 [Internet]. 2016;(1):44–53. 全文链接 DOI: 10.19744/j.cnki.11-1235/f.2016.01.005Abstract
本文旨在借助Hou和Moskovitz (2005)提出的反映市场摩擦的综合指标——价格时滞,考察不同市场摩擦对A股市场股票收益的影响特征及内在机理。研究发现,价格时滞越严重的股票未来收益越低,套利组合的收益高达每月1.36%。这不仅与美国股票市场的证据不同,而且难以被经典理论解释。本文从投机性需求角度对此提出了一种新的解释。价格时滞表明投资者对公共信息反应不足、过度依赖私有信息交易,这一行为会加剧投资者对股票估值的意见分歧,刺激投机性需求,放大股票中转售期权的价值,从而导致股价被高估。接着,本文证实价格时滞严重的股票具有较强的投机性特征,价格时滞对未来收益的预测性也主要源自股票的投机性特征。本文的研究表明,与美国市场不同,在中国股票市场,与投机性需求相关的市场摩擦对股票收益的影响要远大于与流动性、投资者认可度相关的市场摩擦。【中国人民大学书报资料中心复印报刊资料《投资与证券》2016年第5期全文转载】【国务院发展研究中心信息网股票市场栏目全文转载(2017/3/25)】
Gao M, Fok R. Demographics, Family/Social Interaction, and Household Finance. Economics Letters [Internet]. 2015;136:194–196. 全文链接 DOI: 10.1016/j.econlet.2015.09.027Abstract
We examine the role of demographics and family/social interaction in Chinese household finance. The impacts of demographic characteristics are not limited to stock market participation, but extend to other financial activities. Households with strong family and social interaction are more likely to save, invest in risky assets and borrow. Family interaction is positively related to informal financing.
Wang J-Y, Fok R (C-W), Gao M, Liu Y-J. Out of Sight, Not Out of Mind: The Evidence from Taiwan. International Review of Economics and Finance [Internet]. 2015;37:138–156. 全文链接 DOI: 10.1016/j.iref.2014.11.019Abstract
This paper extends the current literatures on the relation between fund expenses and fund flows using data from Taiwan. Our findings for the Taiwan market differ from previous studies on the U.S. market. Specifically, we find no support for the notion of “out of sight, out of mind”. For Taiwan mutual funds, net flows and inflows are negatively related to operating expenses but not front-end loads. The discrepancy between our results and those reported for the U.S. market may be attributed to the fee structure in Taiwan, where operating expenses are much higher than front-end loads and seem to have a bigger impact on fund performance. The negative relation between net flows (inflows) and operating expenses is more pronounced for funds with high institutional investor participation and funds charging high operating expenses. However, investor types show no significant impact on the relations between front-end loads and various measures of fund flows.
高明, 林莞娟, 于丹丹. 认知局限与居民借款行为研究. 金融学季刊 [Internet]. 2014;8(2):113–135. 全文链接 HANDLE: 20.500.11897/413249Abstract
高明, 刘玉珍. 跨国家庭金融比较:理论与政策意涵. 经济研究 [Internet]. 2013;(2):134–149. 全文链接 CNKI: CJFDTotal-JJYJ201302012Abstract
胡聪慧, 高明. 噪音与证券分析师的迎合动机. 金融学季刊 [Internet]. 2011;6(2):102–118. 全文链接 CNKI: CJFDTOTAL-JKJR201102007Abstract