
樊春, 来天平, 欧阳荣彬, 张蓓. 北大直播课堂: 让教师 “零门槛” 在线教学. 中国教育网络. 2020.
Sun Z, Fan C, Sun X, Meng Y, Wu F, Li J. Neural semi-supervised learning for text classification under large-scale pretraining. arXiv preprint arXiv:2011.08626. 2020.
Meng Y, Fan C, Sun Z, Hovy E, Wu F, Li J. Pair the dots: Jointly examining training history and test stimuli for model interpretability. arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.06943. 2020.
耿幼平, 杨旭, 樊春. 做好运维工作促进电子校务应用系统开发. 华东师范大学学报 (自然科学版). 2015:321–323.
Xu H, Fan C, Li K. Electrokinetic modeling of ion and fluidic transport property in nanopore systems, in 2014 17th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS). IEEE; 2014:3498–3502.
He Y, Tsutsui M, Scheicher RH, Fan C, Taniguchi M, Kawai T. Mechanism of how salt-gradient-induced charges affect the translocation of DNA molecules through a nanopore. Biophysical journal. 2013;105:776–782.
王素美, 王倩宜, 来天平, 李笑难, 樊春, 彭一明, 樊国平. 数字化校园中跨部门离校系统的设计与实现. 通信学报. 2013;2.
李若淼, 杨旭, 樊春. Kurogo: 让移动门户更灵活. 中国教育网络. 2013:50–51.
李若淼, 杨旭, 樊春. 北京大学: 移动门户面对三类群体. 中国教育网络. 2013:49–50.
欧阳荣彬, 樊春, 来天平. 一种面向单点登录的统一身份认证框架. 武汉大学学报: 理学版. 2012:133–135.
樊春, 彭小斌, 来天平, 杨旭. 中端存储新技术调研. 武汉大学学报: 理学版. 2012:129–132.
杨旭, 宋式斌, 樊春, 彭一明. 北京大学数据中心备份系统建设. 武汉大学学报: 理学版. 2012:53–57.
樊春. 北京大学: 让服务智能推送. 中国教育网络. 2012:21–22.
Xu H, Liu X, DU G, Fan C, Jin R, Han R, Kang J. Surrounding Strain Effects on the Performance of Si Nanowires Grown in Different Axial Orientations. IEEE transactions on nanotechnology. 2011;10:1126–1130.
Xu H, Liu X, DU G, He Y, Fan C, Han R, Kang J. Influence of Radial Stress on the Performance of Gate-All-Around Ge (110) NW FETs with HfO2 Dielectric. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. 2011;11:10530–10534.
He Y, Tsutsui M, Fan C, Taniguchi M, Kawai T. Controlling DNA translocation through gate modulation of nanopore wall surface charges. ACS nano. 2011;5:5509–5518.
He Y, Tsutsui M, Fan C, Taniguchi M, Kawai T. Gate manipulation of DNA capture into nanopores. Acs Nano. 2011;5:8391–8397.
许洪华, 刘晓彦, 何毓辉, 樊春, 杜刚, 孙爱东, 韩汝琦, 康晋锋. Valence band variation in Si (110) nanowire induced by a covered insulator. 中国物理 B: 英文版. 2010:398–402.
Xu H, Liu X, DU G, Zhao Y, He Y, Fan C, Han R, Kang J. Effects of Shell Strain on Valence Band Structure and Transport Properties of Ge/Si1-xGex Core–Shell Nanowire. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. 2010;49:04DN01.
Xu H, Liu X, DU G, He Y, Fan C, Han R, Kang J. Influence of boundary force on the performance of gate-all-around Ge (110) NW FETs with HfO 2 gate insulator, in 2010 3rd International Nanoelectronics Conference (INEC). IEEE; 2010:179–180.
