科研成果 by Year: 2011

Wu Y, Lin Y-M, Bol AA, Jenkins KA, Xia F, Farmer DB, Zhu Y, Avouris P. High-frequency, scaled graphene transistors on diamond-like carbon. Nature [Internet]. 2011;472:74-78. 访问链接
Xia F, Perebeinos V, Lin Y-M, Wu Y, Avouris P. The origins and limits of metal-graphene junction resistance. Nature Nanotechnology [Internet]. 2011;6:179-184. 访问链接
Wrachien N, Cester A, Wu YQ, Ye PD, Zanoni E, Meneghesso G. Effects of Positive and Negative Stresses on III-V MOSFETs With Al2O3 Gate Dielectric. Ieee Electron Device Letters [Internet]. 2011;32:488-490. 访问链接
Wu YQ, Farmer DB, Valdes-Garcia A, Zhu WJ, Jenkins KA, Dimitrakopoulos C, Avouris P, Lin YM. Record high RF performance for epitaxial graphene transistors.; 2011 pp. 23.8 (3 pp.)-23.8 (3 pp.). 访问链接
Wu YQ, Farmer DB, Valdes-Garcia A, Zhu WJ, Jenkins KA, Dimitrakopoulos C, Avouris P, Lin YM, Ieee. Record High RF Performance for Epitaxial Graphene Transistors.; 2011. 访问链接
Lin Y-M, Farmer DB, Jenkins KA, Wu Y, Tedesco JL, Myers-Ward RL, Eddy, Charles R. J, Gaskill KD, Dimitrakopoulos C, Avouris P. Enhanced Performance in Epitaxial Graphene FETs With Optimized Channel Morphology. Ieee Electron Device Letters [Internet]. 2011;32:1343-1345. 访问链接
Lin Y-M, Valdes-Garcia A, Han S-J, Farmer DB, Meric I, Sun Y, Wu Y, Dimitrakopoulos C, Grill A, Avouris P, et al. Wafer-Scale Graphene Integrated Circuit. Science [Internet]. 2011;332:1294-1297. 访问链接
Gu JJ, Koybasi O, Wu YQ, Ye PD. III-V-on-nothing metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors enabled by top-down nanowire release process: Experiment and simulation. Applied Physics Letters [Internet]. 2011;99. 访问链接
Gu JJ, Liu YQ, Wu YQ, Colby R, Gordon RG, Ye PD. First experimental demonstration of gate-all-around III-V MOSFETs by top-down approach.; 2011 pp. 33.2 (4 pp.)-33.2 (4 pp.). 访问链接
Gu JJ, Liu YQ, Wu YQ, Colby R, Gordon RG, Ye PD, Ieee. First Experimental Demonstration of Gate-all-around III-V MOSFETs by Top-down Approach.; 2011. 访问链接
Gu JJ, Wu YQ, Ye PD. Effects of gate-last and gate-first process on deep submicron inversion-mode InGaAs n-channel metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistors. Journal of Applied Physics [Internet]. 2011;109. 访问链接