科研成果 by Type: 期刊论文

Merrill S, Schroeder R, Åkerlund M, Jumle V, Rau J, Schwieter C, Yan P, Kessling P. The Shifting Image of Sweden Abroad: Framings of the 2022 Swedish Election in Traditional and Far-Right Online Media from the United States, Germany, India, and China. Nationalism and Ethnic Politics [Internet]. 2024:1-21. 访问链接
Wang X, Yan P, Liu C. Responsibility toward society: A review and prospect of Savolainen’severyday information practice. Data and Information Management [Internet]. 2024. 访问链接
Yan P, Schroeder R. Drifting Away from the Mainstream:Media Attention and the Politics of Hyperpartisan News Websites. Weizenbaum Journal of the Digital Society [Internet]. 2024;4(2). 访问链接Abstract
Populism has recently enjoyed success in Europe, the US, and beyond. Populist leaders and their supporters have accused “mainstream” media of being part of a “corrupt” elite that misrepresents the will of the virtuous “people.” Distrust of the media has also prompted the rejection of traditional media sources for political information and given prominence to alternative and hyperpartisan sources such as Breitbart. However, limited research exists concerning who consumes hyperpartisan media, how the websites of hyperpartisan media are interconnected, and what content is presented in hyperpartisan news. By combining cross-national surveys with large-scale digital trace datasets of website visits, this paper demonstrates the link between populist party support and hyperpartisan media visits. It also identifies influential sources of hyperpartisan news by analyzing the audience similarity networks of these websites and reveals country-level variations in hyperpartisan news and the dominance of US politics among the identified hyperpartisan news topics.
Mishra M, Yan P, Schroeder R. TikTok Politics: Tit for Tat on the India–China Cyberspace Frontier. International Journal of Communication [Internet]. 2022;16. 访问链接Abstract
TikTok has enjoyed wide popularity in the Global South. But in the summer of 2020, a tit for tat altercation erupted over the use of the app in India against the backdrop of a border dispute between India and China. India banned TikTok, along with other Chinese mobile applications. This ban raised larger ongoing issues around user privacy, cybersecurity threats, and content regulation issues on social media platforms and telecommunications equipment around the world. In this paper we explore these issues and the wider debates on social media. To do so, we interviewed policymakers and academics as well as representatives from India’s technology industry. We also applied computational linguistic analysis on 6,388 Twitter posts about the ban by Indian users. The discourses on Twitter show intense nationalistic rhetoric and that Indian Twitter users were vocal in urging the government to ban TikTok. In-depth expert interviews suggested there were intense geopolitical conflicts behind the TikTok ban. We situate these findings with a broader analysis of the current geopolitics of social media platforms. 
al Robinson, L. ..YPet. Digital inequalities 3.0: Emergent inequalities in the information age. . First Monday [Internet]. 2020;25. 访问链接
al. Robinson, L. ..YPet. Digital Inequalities 2.0: Legacy Inequalities in the Information Age. First Monday [Internet]. 2020;25. 访问链接
Yan P. [Book Review] Payal Arora, The Next Billion Users: Digital Life Beyond the West. International Sociology. 2020;35(2):231-234.
Yan P, Schroeder R. Variations in the adoption and use of mobile social apps in everyday lives in urban and rural China. Mobile Media & Communication [Internet]. 2019;8(3):318–341. 访问链接
Yan P, Yasseri T. Two Diverging Roads: A Semantic Network Analysis of Chinese Social Connection (“Guanxi”) on Twitter. Frontiers. Digital Humanities [Internet]. 2019;4(11). 访问链接
闫蒲. "超越 “连接”: 社会学视角下的农村互联网.". 互联网天地. 2016;5:1-5.
闫蒲. 互联网社交大数据下行为研究的机遇与挑战. 中国统计. 2016;3:10-17.