科研成果 by Year: 2013

Ouillette P, Saiya-Cork K, Seymour E, Li C, Shedden K, Malek SN. Clonal evolution, genomic drivers, and effects of therapy in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. [Internet]. 2013;(11):2893-2904. 访问链接
Qu F, Zhang C, Du R-R, Lu L. Coexistence of bulk and surface Shubnikov-de haas oscillations in Bi 2Se3. Journal of Low Temperature Physics. 2013;170(5-6):397-402.
Qu F, Zhang C, Du R-R, Lu L. Coexistence of bulk and surface Shubnikov-de haas oscillations in Bi 2Se3. Journal of Low Temperature Physics. 2013;(5-6):397-402.
Dong GX, Wang XB, Liu HL, Xu FR. Collectivity of neutron-rich magnesium isotopes investigated by projected shell model calculations. Phys. Rev. C [Internet]. 2013;88:024328. 访问链接
Huang H, Li Y, Liu Z, Wu J, Duan W. Comment on "structural and electronic properties of T graphene: A two-dimensional carbon allotrope with tetrarings". Physical Review Letters. 2013;(2).
Huang H, Li Y, Liu Z, Wu J, Duan W. Comment on “Structural and electronic properties of t graphene: a two-dimensional carbon allotrope with tetrarings”. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2013;110:029603.
Yue DL, Hu M, Wang ZB, Wen MT, Guo S, Zhong LJ, Wiedensohler A, Zhang YH. Comparison of particle number size distributions and new particle formation between the urban and rural sites in the PRD region, China. Atmospheric EnvironmentAtmospheric Environment. 2013;76:181-188.Abstract
Particle number size distributions were simultaneously measured at the Guangzhou (GZ) urban site (23.13 degrees N, 113.26 degrees E) and the Back-garden (BG) rural site (23.5 degrees N, 113.03 degrees E) in the Pearl River Delta (PRD) region in July, 2006. It provided new findings into the evolution of particle number size distribution and new particle formation (NPF) in two different environments. Number concentration of particles (20 nm-10 mu m diameter) at GZ was about 70% higher than at BG and significantly affected by traffic emission. However, number concentrations of the regional aerosols (100-660 nm) were (6 +/- 3) x 10(3) cm(-3) at both sites. At BG, the diurnal variation of particle number size distributions showed an obvious particle growth process beginning at about 9:00 (LT), probably caused by NPF. In contrast, particle number concentrations in the size rages of 20-45 nm, 45-100 nm, and 100-660 nm showed similar trends with two main peaks at about 12:00 (LT) and 19:00 (LT) at GZ. NPF events were observed at both sites, but the occurrence frequency at GZ was about 50% lower than at BG. Regional NPF events at both sites probably in the same air mass were simultaneously observed with similar growth rates, concentrations and production rates of the condensable vapors, and condensational sinks on July 6. On the whole, deceasing traffic emission will improve air quality efficiently in the aspect of particle number concentration and fine particulate pollution in the summer of PRD should be controlled in a regional scale, especially with stagnant air mass from South China Sea. Crown Copyright (C) 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Yue DL, Hu M, Wang ZB, Wen MT, Guo S, Zhong LJ, Wiedensohler A, Zhang YH. Comparison of particle number size distributions and new particle formation between the urban and rural sites in the PRD region, China. Atmospheric EnvironmentAtmospheric Environment. 2013;76:181-188.Abstract
Particle number size distributions were simultaneously measured at the Guangzhou (GZ) urban site (23.13 degrees N, 113.26 degrees E) and the Back-garden (BG) rural site (23.5 degrees N, 113.03 degrees E) in the Pearl River Delta (PRD) region in July, 2006. It provided new findings into the evolution of particle number size distribution and new particle formation (NPF) in two different environments. Number concentration of particles (20 nm-10 mu m diameter) at GZ was about 70% higher than at BG and significantly affected by traffic emission. However, number concentrations of the regional aerosols (100-660 nm) were (6 +/- 3) x 10(3) cm(-3) at both sites. At BG, the diurnal variation of particle number size distributions showed an obvious particle growth process beginning at about 9:00 (LT), probably caused by NPF. In contrast, particle number concentrations in the size rages of 20-45 nm, 45-100 nm, and 100-660 nm showed similar trends with two main peaks at about 12:00 (LT) and 19:00 (LT) at GZ. NPF events were observed at both sites, but the occurrence frequency at GZ was about 50% lower than at BG. Regional NPF events at both sites probably in the same air mass were simultaneously observed with similar growth rates, concentrations and production rates of the condensable vapors, and condensational sinks on July 6. On the whole, deceasing traffic emission will improve air quality efficiently in the aspect of particle number concentration and fine particulate pollution in the summer of PRD should be controlled in a regional scale, especially with stagnant air mass from South China Sea. Crown Copyright (C) 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Yue DL, Hu M, Wang ZB, Wen MT, Guo S, Zhong LJ, Wiedensohler A, Zhang YH. Comparison of particle number size distributions and new particle formation between the urban and rural sites in the PRD region, China. Atmospheric EnvironmentAtmospheric Environment. 2013;76:181-188.Abstract
Particle number size distributions were simultaneously measured at the Guangzhou (GZ) urban site (23.13 degrees N, 113.26 degrees E) and the Back-garden (BG) rural site (23.5 degrees N, 113.03 degrees E) in the Pearl River Delta (PRD) region in July, 2006. It provided new findings into the evolution of particle number size distribution and new particle formation (NPF) in two different environments. Number concentration of particles (20 nm-10 mu m diameter) at GZ was about 70% higher than at BG and significantly affected by traffic emission. However, number concentrations of the regional aerosols (100-660 nm) were (6 +/- 3) x 10(3) cm(-3) at both sites. At BG, the diurnal variation of particle number size distributions showed an obvious particle growth process beginning at about 9:00 (LT), probably caused by NPF. In contrast, particle number concentrations in the size rages of 20-45 nm, 45-100 nm, and 100-660 nm showed similar trends with two main peaks at about 12:00 (LT) and 19:00 (LT) at GZ. NPF events were observed at both sites, but the occurrence frequency at GZ was about 50% lower than at BG. Regional NPF events at both sites probably in the same air mass were simultaneously observed with similar growth rates, concentrations and production rates of the condensable vapors, and condensational sinks on July 6. On the whole, deceasing traffic emission will improve air quality efficiently in the aspect of particle number concentration and fine particulate pollution in the summer of PRD should be controlled in a regional scale, especially with stagnant air mass from South China Sea. Crown Copyright (C) 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Liu W, Sun W, Borthwick AGL, Ni J. Comparison on aggregation and sedimentation of titanium dioxide, titanate nanotubes and titanate nanotubes-TiO 2: Influence of pH, ionic strength and natural organic matter. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects. 2013;434:319-328.
Taylor MJ, Cullen DM, Procter MG, Bäck T, Cederwall B, Doncel M, Braunroth T, Dewald A, Pakarinen J, Grahn T, et al. Competing single-particle and collective states in the low-energy structure of $^113$I. Phys. Rev. C [Internet]. 2013;88:054307. 访问链接
Haxton TK, Zhou H, Tamblyn I, Eom D, Hu Z, Neaton JB, Heinz TF, Whitelam S. Competing thermodynamic and dynamic factors select molecular assemblies on a gold surface. 2013;(26).
Zhang Y. Y., Sun Z. D., Meng W.G. Complex non-marine deep-water reservoir prediction: a case study from Xingma area, Liaohe Oil field, China, in 75th EAGE Expanded Abstract.; 2013. 访问链接
Yin N, Pei J, Lai L. A comprehensive analysis of the influence of drug binding kinetics on drug action at molecular and systems levels. Molecular BioSystems [Internet]. 2013;(6):1381-1389. 访问链接
Zhang C, Shen Q, Tang B, Lai L. Computational design of helical peptides targeting TNFα. Angewandte Chemie - International Edition [Internet]. 2013;(42):11059-11062. 访问链接
Jia C, Wang J, Yao C, Cao Y, Zhong Y, Liu Z, Liu Z, Guo X. Conductance switching and mechanisms in single-molecule junctions. Angewandte Chemie - International Edition [Internet]. 2013;(33):8666-8670. 访问链接
Fu XM, Xu FR, Pei JC, Jiao CF, Shi Y, Zhang ZH, Lei YA. Configuration-constrained total Routhian surfaces with particle-number-conserving pairing. Phys. Rev. C [Internet]. 2013;87:044319. 访问链接
He J, Ma S, Zhang N, Gao W. Content adaptive in-loop depth map filter for HEVC based 3DV coding, in IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP 2013, Vancouver, BC, Canada, May 26-31, 2013.; 2013:2011–2015. 访问链接
Hu Y, Neil C, Lee B, Jun Y-S*. Control of Heterogeneous Fe(III) (Hydr)oxide Nucleation and Growth by Interfacial Energies and Local Saturations. Environmental Science & Technology [Internet]. 2013;47:9198-9206. LinkAbstract
To predict the fate of aqueous pollutants, a better understanding of heterogeneous Fe(III) (hydr)oxide nucleation and growth on abundant mineral surfaces is needed. In this study, we measured in situ heterogeneous Fe(III) (hydr)oxide nucleation and growth on quartz, muscovite, and corundum (Al2O3) in 10–4 M Fe(III) solution (in 10 mM NaNO3 at pH = 3.7 ± 0.2) using grazing incidence small-angle X-ray scattering (GISAXS). Interestingly, both the fastest heterogeneous nucleation and slowest growth occurred on corundum. To elucidate the mechanisms, zeta potential and water contact angle measurements were conducted. Electrostatic forces between the charged Fe(III) (hydr)oxide polymeric embryos and substrate surfaces—which affect local saturations near the substrate surfaces—controlled heterogeneous growth rates. Water contact angles (7.5° ± 0.7, 22.8° ± 1.7, and 44.8° ± 3.7 for quartz, muscovite, and corundum, respectively) indicate that corundum has the highest substrate–water interfacial energy. Furthermore, a comparison of structural mismatches between the substrates and precipitates indicates a lowest precipitate–substrate interfacial energy for corundum. The fastest nucleation on corundum suggests that interfacial energies in the solution–substrate–precipitate system controlled heterogeneous nucleation rates. The unique information provided here bolsters our understanding of nanoparticle–mineral surface interactions, mineral surface modification by iron oxide coating, and pollutant transport.
Li S, Lu HY, Zhang H, Nakajima K, Liu JS, Ni GQ. Cooling-induced increase of methane cluster size investigated under a Coulomb explosion scheme. Chinese Optics Letters. 2013;11:S20201-4.Abstract
In this letter, we discuss the increase in the average cluster size by lowering the stagnation temperature of the methane (CH4) gas. The Coulomb explosion experiments are conducted to estimate the cluster size and the size distribution. The average CH4 cluster sizes Nav of 6 230 and 6 580 are acquired with the source conditions of 30 bars at 240 K and 60 bars at 296 K, respectively. Empirical estimation suggests a five-fold increase in the average size of the CH4 clusters at 240 K compared with that at room temperature under a backing pressure of 30 bars. A strong nonlinear Hagena parameter relation (\Gamma *\propto T^{-3.3}) for the CH4 clusters is revealed. The results may be favorable for the production of large-sized clusters by using gases at low temperature and high back pressures.
