科研成果 by Year: 2013

Nakajima K, Lu HY, Zhao X, Shen B, Li RX, Xu ZZ. 100-GeV large scale laser plasma electron acceleration by a multi-PW laser. Chinese Optics LettersChinese Optics LettersChinese Optics Letters. 2013;11:13501-13515.
Park YS, Tao Y, Zhang Z. A 1.15 Gb/s fully parallel nonbinary LDPC decoder with fine-grained dynamic clock gating, in 2013 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference Digest of Technical Papers. IEEE; 2013:422–423. 访问链接
Miao L, Teng J, Lin J, Liao X, Chen J. 14-3-3 proteins interact with neurofilament protein-L and regulate dynamic assembly of neurofilaments. Journal of Cell Science [Internet]. 2013;(2):427-436. 访问链接
汤一介. 1945—1948年汤用彤先生与北大复校——汤用彤与胡适、傅斯年. 北京大学学报(哲学社会科学版). 2013;(3):132-139.Abstract
Zhao W, Wang L, Han H, Jin K, Lin N, Guo T, Chen Y, Cheng H, Lu F, Fang W, et al. 1B50-1, a mAb raised against recurrent tumor cells, targets liver tumor-initiating cells by binding to the calcium channel α2δ1 subunit. Cancer Cell [Internet]. 2013;(4):541-556. 访问链接
韩丽, 张剑波, 王凤. 2010年世博会期间上海大气中PAN和PPN的监测分析. 北京大学学报(自然科学版) [Internet]. 2013;49(3):497-503. 访问链接Abstract
采用在线仪器监测分析2010年上海世博会期间浦东新区监测站大气中的PAN和PPN,最高浓度分别为5500×10 12和709×10 12L/L,其中PANs在5,6月份的浓度高于7,8月份。PAN和PPN日变化显著,6点出现浓度最低值,12点出现最高值。PAN与PPN的比值在7,8,10月3个月份比值高于其他月份,表明大气中VOCs人为源的比重有所减少。PAN与O3日最高浓度比值平均为0.034,93.4%的PAN与O3的比值在0.07以下,与典型城市污染地区相比该比值偏小。
蔡文璇,汪琼. 2012:MOOC元年. 中国教育网络 [Internet]. 2013;(6月上):16-17. 访问链接Abstract
王余光,熊静,范凡. 2012年我国文献学研究进展. 山东图书馆学刊. 2013;(5).
A 2.3GHz single-ended energy recovery rectifier with stepped-impedance resonator for improved efficiency of outphasing amplifier
Wang D, Negra R. A 2.3GHz single-ended energy recovery rectifier with stepped-impedance resonator for improved efficiency of outphasing amplifier. 2013 European Microwave Conference [Internet]. 2013:920-923. 访问链接Abstract
This paper proposes an energy recovery rectifier suitable for the use in outphasing and/or linear amplification with nonlinear components (LINC) transmitters. The proposed application oriented rectifier consists of a high-efficiency resistive rectifier and a stepped-impedance resonator (SIR) which stores the energy in order to reduce load sensitivity of the circuit. The rectifier is designed including harmonic frequency control to improve conversion efficiency and to provide a resistive input impedance at the fundamental frequency. The proposed rectifier has been implemented in hybrid technology. The fabricated circuit provides peak RF-to-DC efficiency of 73.5 % at 2.3 GHz and more than 60 % over a dynamic range of 8 dB. Furthermore, measurements show good agreement with simulation results.
Zhu F-Y, Wang Q-Q, Zhang X-S, Hu W, Zhao X, Zhang H-X. 3D reconstruction and feature extraction for analysis of nanostructures by SEM imaging. Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (TRANSDUCERS & EUROSENSORS XXVII), 2013 Transducers & Eurosensors XXVII: The 17th International Conference on. 2013:2700-2703.
林毅夫. 5大诱因导致经济发展信心不足. 中国投资. 2013;(5):116.Abstract
Niu G, Liu W, Wang T, Ni J. Absorption of Cr (VI) onto amino-modified titanate nanotubes using 2-bromoethylamine hydrobromide through S N 2 reaction. Journal of colloid and interface science. 2013;401:133-140.
Niu G, Liu W, Wang T, Ni J. Absorption of Cr(VI) onto amino-modified titanate nanotubes using 2-Bromoethylamine hydrobromide through S(N)2 reaction. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 2013;401:133-140.
Gan L, Fu H, Luk W, Yang C, Xue W, Huang X, Zhang Y, Yang G. Accelerating solvers for global atmospheric equations through mixed-precision data flow engine, in Proc. 23rd International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL'13). Porto, Portugal: IEEE; 2013:1–6. 访问链接
Hu Z, Xiong Y, Han X, Geng C, Jiang B, Huo Y, Luo JC. Acute Mechanical Stretch Promotes eNOS Activation in Venous Endothelial Cells Mainly via PKA and Akt Pathways. [Internet]. 2013;(8). 访问链接
C.C. Z, W.J.* L, M.M. F. Adaptation of herders to droughts and privatization of rangeland-use rights in the arid Alxa Left Banner of Inner Mongolia. Journal of Environmental Management. 2013;(126):182-190.
Zhou F, Chen GX, Huang YF, Yang JZ, Feng H. An adaptive moving finite volume scheme for modeling flood inundation over dry and complex topography. Water Resources Research. 2013;49:1914-1928.Abstract
A new geometrical conservative interpolation on unstructured meshes is developed for preserving still water equilibrium and positivity of water depth at each iteration of mesh movement, leading to an adaptive moving finite volume (AMFV) scheme for modeling flood inundation over dry and complex topography. Unlike traditional schemes involving position-fixed meshes, the iteration process of the AFMV scheme moves a fewer number of the meshes adaptively in response to flow variables calculated in prior solutions and then simulates their posterior values on the new meshes. At each time step of the simulation, the AMFV scheme consists of three parts: an adaptive mesh movement to shift the vertices position, a geometrical conservative interpolation to remap the flow variables by summing the total mass over old meshes to avoid the generation of spurious waves, and a partial differential equations(PDEs) discretization to update the flow variables for a new time step. Five different test cases are presented to verify the computational advantages of the proposed scheme over nonadaptive methods. The results reveal three attractive features: (i) the AMFV scheme could preserve still water equilibrium and positivity of water depth within both mesh movement and PDE discretization steps; (ii) it improved the shock-capturing capability for handling topographic source terms and wet-dry interfaces by moving triangular meshes to approximate the spatial distribution of time-variant flood processes; (iii) it was able to solve the shallow water equations with a relatively higher accuracy and spatial-resolution with a lower computational cost.
Zhang X, Chen Y, Lin X, Hong X, Zhu Y, Li W, He W, An F, Guo H. Adenine phosphoribosyl transferase 1 is a key enzyme catalyzing cytokinin conversion from nucleobases to nucleotides in arabidopsis. Molecular Plant [Internet]. 2013;(5):1661-1672. 访问链接
Wang F, Chen R, Ji D, Bai SN, Qian M, Deng M. Adjustment method for microarray data generated using two-cycle RNA labeling protocol. BMC Genomics [Internet]. 2013;(1). 访问链接
Wang F, Chen R, Ji D, Bai SN, Qian M, Deng M. Adjustment method for microarray data generated using two-cycle RNA labeling protocol. BMC Genomics [Internet]. 2013;(1). 访问链接
