科研成果 by Year: 2022

李佳荫, 周明, 宁淼, 史旭荣, 严刚, 马强, 陆克定. 苏州市大气VOCs特征及来源解析. 北京大学学报自然科学版 [Internet]. 2022;58(4):771-781. 访问链接Abstract
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Xuefei Ma, Zhaofeng Tan KLYZ. Quantitative study on the interference of OH radicalmeasurement in the air pollution complex. Chinese Science Bulletin [Internet]. 2022;67:3724-3736. 访问链接
Tan Z, Lu K, Ma X, Chen S, He L, HUANG X, Li X, Lin X, Tang M, Yu D, et al. Multiple Impacts of Aerosols on O3 Production Are Largely Compensated: A Case Study Shenzhen, China. Environmental science & technology. 2022;56.
Chen X, Wang H, Zhai T, Li C, Lu K. Direct measurement of N 2 O 5 heterogeneous uptake coefficients on ambient aerosols via an aerosol flow tube system: design, characterization and performance. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. 2022;15:7019-7037.
Wang H, Yuan B, Zheng E, Zhang X, Wang J, Lu K, Ye C, Yang L, Huang S, Hu W, et al. Formation and impacts of nitryl chloride in Pearl River Delta. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2022;22:14837-14858.
Li C, Wang H, Chen X, Zhai T, Ma X, Yang X, Chen S, Li X, Zeng L, Lu K. Observation and modeling of organic nitrates on a suburban site in southwest China. Science of The Total Environment. 2022;859:160287.
Liu Y, Li J, Ma Y, ZHOU M, Tan Z, Zeng L, Lu K, Zhang Y. A review of gas-phase chemical mechanisms commonly used in atmospheric chemistry modelling. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2022;123.
Pan W, Gong S, Lu K, Zhang L, Xie S, Liu Y, Huabing K, Zhang X, Zhang Y. Multi-scale analysis of the impacts of meteorology and emissions on PM2.5 and O3 trends at various regions in China from 2013 to 2020 3. Mechanism assessment of O3 trends by a model. Science of The Total Environment. 2022;857:159592.
Wang H, Lu K, Tan Z, Chen X, Liu Y, Zhang Y. Formation mechanism and control strategy for particulate nitrate in China. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2022;123.
Ye C, Lu K, Song H, Mu Y, Chen J, Zhang Y. A critical review of sulfate aerosol formation mechanisms during winter polluted periods. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2022;123.
Wang Y, Jin X, Liu Z, Wang G, Lu K, Hu B, Wang S, Li G, An X, Wang C, et al. Progress in quantitative research on the relationship between atmospheric oxidation and air quality. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2022;123.
Ye C, Xue C, Liu P, Zhang C, Ma Z, Zhang Y, Liu C, Liu J, Lu K, Mu Y. Strong impacts of biomass burning, nitrogen fertilization, and fine particles on gas-phase hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). Science of The Total Environment. 2022;843:156997.
Xue C, Ye C, Kleffmann J, Zhang W, He X, Liu P, Zhang C, Zhao X, Liu C, Ma Z, et al. Atmospheric measurements at Mt. Tai – Part II: HONO budget and radical (RO x + NO3) chemistry in the lower boundary layer. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2022;22:1035-1057.
Lu K, Wang H, Liu Y, Chen X, Gao Y, Qiu W, Jing S, Wang Q, Lou S, Edwards P, et al. Unexpected Fast Photochemistry Emerges in Cool Seasons China. National Science Open. 2022.
Wang H, Peng C, Wang X, Lou S, Lu K, Gan G, Jia X, Chen X, Chen J, Wang H, et al. N2O5 uptake onto saline mineral dust: a potential missing source of tropospheric ClNO2 in inland China. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2022;22:1845-1859.
Yang X, Lu K, Ma X, Gao Y, Tan Z, Wang H, Chen X, Li X, HUANG X, He L, et al. Radical chemistry in the Pearl River Delta: observations and modeling of OH and HO2 radicals in Shenzhen 2018. 2022.
Liu X, Kwok G, Wu Y, Huang C, Lu K, Zhang Y, Duan L, Cheng M, Chai F, Mei F, et al. Evaluating cost and benefit of air pollution control policies in China: a systematic review. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2022.
Xue C, Ye C, Kleffmann J, Zhang C, Catoire V, Bao F, Mellouki A, Xue L, Chen J-M, Lu K, et al. Atmospheric measurements at Mt. Tai – Part I: HONO formation and its role in the oxidizing capacity of the upper boundary layer. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2022;22:3149-3167.
Chen X, Wang H, Lu K. Interpretation of NO3–N2O5 observation via steady state in high-aerosol air mass: the impact of equilibrium coefficient in ambient conditions. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2022;22:3525-3533.
Ma X, Tan Z, Lu K, Yang X, Chen X, Wang H, Chen S, Xin F, Li S, Li X, et al. OH and HO2 radical chemistry at a suburban site during the EXPLORE-YRD campaign in 2018. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2022;22:7005-7028.
