
Guo H, Duong H, Ma N, Lin C. The Arabidopsis blue light receptor cryptochrome 2 is a nuclear protein regulated by a blue light-dependent post-transcriptional mechanism. Plant Journal [Internet]. 1999;(3):279-287. 访问链接 SCI被引用次数:133.
Lin C, Yang H, Guo H, Mockler T, Chen J, Cashmore AR. Enhancement of blue-light sensitivity of Arabidopsis seedlings by a blue light receptor cryptochrome 2. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America [Internet]. 1998;(5):2686-2690. 访问链接 SCI被引用次数:363.
Guo H, Yang H, Mockler TC, Lin C. Regulation of flowering time by Arabidopsis photoreceptors. Science [Internet]. 1998;(5355):1360-1363. 访问链接 SCI被引用次数:564.
