
Zhou W-F, Chen J. Similarity model for corner roll in turbulent Rayleigh-Benard convection. Physics of FluidsPhysics of Fluids. 2018;30:111705.
Chen J, Bao Y, Yin Z-X, She Z-S. Theoretical and numerical study of enhanced heat transfer in partitioned thermal convection. International Journal of Heat and Mass TransferInternational Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2017;115, Part A:556-569.
Li S-Y, She Z-S, Chen J. Velocity--vorticity correlation structures (VVCS) in spatially developing compressible turbulent boundary layer, in 70th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics.Vol 62. Denver, Colorado; 2016:00004.
Chen J, Yin Z-X, She Z-S, Bao Y. Kinetic thermal structure in turbulent Rayleigh-B\'{e}nard convection, in 70th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics.Vol 62. Denver, Colorado; 2016:00009.
Chen J, Bao Y, She Z-S. A theory for optimal heat transfer in a partitioned convection cell, in 68th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics.Vol 60. Boston, Massachusetts; 2015:00003.
Bao Y, Chen J, Liu B-F, She Z-S, Zhang J, Zhou Q. Enhanced heat transport in partitioned thermal convection. Journal of Fluid MechanicsJournal of Fluid Mechanics. 2015;784:R5(1--11).
Wang TJ, Chen J, Shi X, Hu N, She Z. Experimental evidence for non-linear growth in compressible mixing layer. Science China --- Physics, Mechanics & AstronomyScience China --- Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy. 2014;57:963-970.
Chen J, Hussain F, Pei J, She Z-S. Velocity–vorticity correlation structure in turbulent channel flow. Journal of Fluid MechanicsJournal of Fluid Mechanics. 2014;742:291-307.
Pei J, Chen J, Fazle H, She Z. New scaling for compressible wall turbulence. Science China Physics, Mechanics and AstronomyScience China Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy. 2013;56:1770-1781.Abstract
Classical Mach-number (M) scaling in compressible wall turbulence was suggested by van Driest (Van Driest E R. Turbulent boundary layers in compressible fluids. J Aerodynamics Science, 1951, 18(3): 145-160) and Huang et al. (Huang P G, Coleman G N, Bradshaw P. Compressible turbulent channel flows: DNS results and modeling. J Fluid Mech, 1995, 305: 185-218). Using a concept of velocity-vorticity correlation structure (VVCS), defined by high correlation regions in a field of two-point cross-correlation coefficient between a velocity and a vorticity component, we have discovered a limiting VVCS as the closest streamwise vortex structure to the wall, which provides a concrete Morkovin scaling summarizing all compressibility effects. Specifically, when the height and mean velocity of the limiting VVCS are used as the units for the length scale and the velocity, all geometrical measures in the spanwise and normal directions, as well as the mean velocity and fluctuation (r.m.s) profiles become M-independent. The results are validated by direct numerical simulations (DNS) of compressible channel flows with M up to 3. Furthermore, a quantitative model is found for the M-scaling in terms of the wall density, which is also validated by the DNS data. These findings yield a geometrical interpretation of the semi-local transformation (Huang et al., 1995), and a conclusion that the location and the thermodynamic properties associated with the limiting VVCS determine the M-effects on supersonic wall-bounded flows.
Chen J, Shi X-T, Wang T-J, She Z-S. Wavy structures in compressible mixing layers. Acta Mechanica SinicaActa Mechanica Sinica. 2013;29:633-640.
Pei J, Chen J, She Z-S, Hussain F. Model for propagation speed in turbulent channel flows. Physical Review EPhysical Review E. 2012;86:046307.Abstract
The propagation speed Vc of the streamwise velocity fluctuations u' in turbulent channel flows is calculated using direct numerical simulation (DNS) data at four Mach numbers (M=0, 0.8, 2.0, and 3.0). The profiles of Vc are shown to display remarkable similarity at different M. Quantitative models are developed based on a statistical structure called Velocity-Vorticity Correlation Structure (VVCS), defined as the vorticity region most correlated to velocity fluctuations at a fixed location. Good agreement with DNS-measured propagation velocities is obtained throughout the channel and for all M. The result confirms earlier speculation that the near-wall propagation is due to an advection by coherent vortex structures, and validates the concept of the VVCS.
Chen J, Pei J, Hussain F, She Z. Mach number similarity of large--scale structures in compressible channel flows, in ICTAM2012. Beijing; 2012:FM14-028.
Pei J, Chen J, She Z-S, Hussain F. Mach Number Dependence of Near Wall Structure in Compressible Channel Flows, in Recent Advances in Fluid Dynamic Research --- Proceeding of the Sixth International Conference on Fluid Mechanics.Vol 1376.; 2011:146--148.
Shi X-T, Chen J, Bi W-T, Shu C-W, She Z-S. Numerical simulations of compressible mixing layers with a discontinuous Galerkin method. Acta Mechanica SinicaActa Mechanica Sinica. 2011;27:318-329.
Chen J, Pei J, She Z-S, Hussain F. Velocity-Vorticity Correlation Structure in Turbulent Channel Flow, in Recent Advances in Fluid Dynamic Research --- Proceeding of the Sixth International Conference on Fluid Mechanics.Vol 1376.; 2011:87--89.
Wang T-J, Shi X-T, Chen J, She Z-S. Multi-Scale Structures in Compressible Turbulent Mixing Layers. Modern Physics Letters BModern Physics Letters B. 2010;24:1429-1432.
Shi X, Chen J, She Z. Visualization of compressibility effects on large-scale structures in compressible mixing layers. Journal of VisualizationJournal of Visualization. 2010;13:273-274.
Cao Y-H, Chen J, She Z-S. The nature of near-wall convection velocity in turbulent channel flow. Acta Mechanica SinicaActa Mechanica Sinica. 2008;24:587-590.Abstract
A novel notion of turbulent structure-the local cascade structure-is introduced to study the convection phenomenon in a turbulent channel flow. A space-time cross-correlation method is used to calculate the convection velocity. It is found that there are two characteristic convection speeds near the wall, one associated with small-scale streaks of a lower speed and another with streamwise vortices and hairpin vortices of a higher speed. The new concept of turbulent structure is powerful to illustrate the dominant role of coherent structures in the near-wall convection, and to reveal also the nature of the convection-the propagation of patterns of velocity fluctuations-which is scale-dependent.
Yu-Hui C, Jie P, Jun C, Zhen-Su S. Compressibility Effects in Turbulent Boundary Layers. Chinese Physics LettersChinese Physics Letters. 2008;25:3315-3318.
Chen J. Visualization of horsesoe vortex structure. Experiments and Measurements in Fluid MechanicsExperiments and Measurements in Fluid Mechanics. 2003;17:71--78.
