科研成果 by Year: 2023

Conference Paper
Duan, K., Wu, Z., & Lu, C. Q. (2023). Profiles in Proactivity: Understanding the Nature, Antecedents, and Outcomes of Employee Feedback Seeking Behavior Profiles. In 2023 Academic Annual Meeting of the Managerial Psychology Professional Committee of the Chinese Association of Social Psychology (The 5th China Managerial Psychology/Organizational Behavior Forum). presented at the Jinan, China, Jinan, China.
Conference Proceedings
Ma, Y., An, X., Wu, Z., Liu, P., & Lu, C. (2023). Customer Mistreatment and Employees’ Coping Strategies: A Meta-SEM Analysis. The 83rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. presented at the Boston, Boston.
Dong, Z., Wu, Z., & Hou, Y. (2023). Protect the environment for impressing others? Understanding whether, why, and when relational mobility shapes individual pro-environmental behaviors. Journal of Cleaner Production. 访问链接
Liu, Y., Wu, Z., Wang, Y., Dong, Z., Sun, Z., & Gan, Y. (2023). Neoliberalism and Governmental and Individual Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-national Analysis. Political Psychology, Online First. 访问链接Abstract
Given the deficiencies of traditional government capacity indicators and cultural factors (e.g., individualism) in explaining the discrepancies of different agents' responses to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, the present study proposed and examined the role of neoliberalism, a novel cultural tradition of knowledge emphasizing the principles of free markets and self-governance, as an additional explanation of the discrepancies in the governmental and individual responses to the pandemic. Analyzing policy responses of 106 nations and personal responses from 105,203 individuals in 104 nations during the first wave of the pandemic, we found that nation-level neoliberalism (delineated by the economic freedom index) negatively predicted the nonlinear trajectories of government policy responses to contain the pandemic. Specifically, in more neoliberal countries, stringent containment policy responses showed a sharper decline in the later stage of the first wave of the pandemic. Moreover, nation-level neoliberalism negatively predicted individuals' pandemic-protective attitudes and behaviors. All these effects are independent of and incremental to those of nation-level individualism. In conclusion, this study sheds light on how neoliberalism could lead to negative consequences during large-scale, long-lasting public threats, offering practical guidance for adjusting public crisis management in the future.
Conference Proceedings
Wu, Z., Ma, Y., & Lu, C. (2023). Tackling Customer Mistreatment: Roles of Growth Mindset and Job Crafting in Pursuing Career Success. The 83nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. presented at the Boston, Boston: Academy of Management. 访问链接
吴仲达,, 梁婧涵,, & 陆昌勤,. (2023). 可持续职业生涯:概念、管理策略与研究展望. 外国经济与管理, 45(6). 访问链接Abstract
在职业环境不断变化且充满不确定性的时代,实现职业生涯的可持续发展对于 组织和员工个体都十分重要的。因此,可持续职业生涯的话题应运而生,并成为职业生涯领域 前沿性的理论构念。国外学者已对此进行了较深入的探讨与研究,但尚未引起国内学者的充分 关注,且缺乏系统的整理。鉴于此,本文旨在对可持续职业生涯这一新概念的内涵以及研究进 展进行系统的评述,并阐述其在不确定职业生涯环境下对组织与个体职业生涯管理的意义。首 先,我们介绍了可持续职业生涯这一概念的提出背景、内涵界定、理论解读和影响因素;然后, 进一步从个体、组织,以及非工作领域三个方面阐述了如何实现可持续职业生涯;最后,评述了 可持续职业生涯的最新研究进展,并提出了六个值得深入探讨的未来研究方向。本文旨在为理 解可持续职业生涯的研究及进展提供整体性的框架,并为不确定环境下的职业生涯管理实践 提供有价值的建议。
Conference Paper
Wu, Z., Lu, C., Ollier-Malaterre, A., Ma, Y., Wang, G., & Liang, J. (2023). Workplace Inaction: Conceptualization, Formation, and Scale Development. In IACMR 2023 Conference. presented at the Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Wu, Z., Ma, Y., & Lu, C. (2023). Another look at the performance–turnover link: A person-centered dynamic perspective. In Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference. presented at the Boston, Boston.
Dong, Z., Hou, Y., Cao, Y., & Wu, Z. (2023). Relational mobility and problematic internet use: A person–environment interactionist perspective. Social Media + Society, 9(1). 访问链接Abstract
Problematic internet use (PIU) is a concerning issue worldwide, and a considerable body of knowledge has accrued from research on the predictors of PIU; however, few studies have investigated the dynamic process by which the social environment impacts individuals’ PIU. Integrating a person–environment interactionist perspective with self-determination theory, we investigate how relational mobility impacts PIU by proposing a “permeating” mechanism of social interactions (i.e., interpersonal sensitivity) and basic psychological needs (i.e., relatedness satisfaction). In Study 1, using a large data set from the Chinese General Social Survey (N = 2,192), we found that relational mobility was negatively related to PIU. In Study 2, using a new sample (N = 392), we found that relational mobility alleviated PIU through interpersonal sensitivity. In Study 3, using a cross-lagged design and two-wave data (N = 298), we confirmed the chain-mediating roles of interpersonal sensitivity and relatedness satisfaction in the relationship between relational mobility and PIU.
Conference Paper
Liang, J., Wang, G., Wu, Z., & Lu, C. (2023). When job insecurity meets technology-induced insecurity: The joint effect on IT engineers' turnover intention and well-being. In The 21th European Association for Work & Organizational Psychology (EAWOP) Congress. presented at the Katowice, Poland, Katowice, Poland.