科研成果 by Year: 2013

Yan H, Low T, Zhu W, Wu Y, Freitag M, Li X, Guinea F, Avouris P, Xia F. Damping pathways of mid-infrared plasmons in graphene nanostructures. Nature Photonics [Internet]. 2013;7:394-399. 访问链接
Wu Y, Farmer DB, Xia F, Avouris P. Graphene Electronics: Materials, Devices, and Circuits. Proceedings of the Ieee [Internet]. 2013;101:1620-1637. 访问链接
Valdes-Garcia A, Xia F, Han S-J, Farmer DB, Dimitrakopoulos C, Oida S, Yan H, Wu Y, Hedges CM, Jenkins KA, et al. Graphene Technology for RF and THz Applications. In: 2013 Ieee Mtt-S International Microwave Symposium Digest. ; 2013. 访问链接
Hu Y, Li S, Jiao G, Wu YQ, Huang D, Ye PD, Li M-F. Extraction of Channel Electron Effective Mobility in InGaAs/Al2O3 n-FinFETs. Ieee Transactions on Nanotechnology [Internet]. 2013;12:806-809. 访问链接