魏旭, 肖潇, 周羿, 周伊敏.
银行杠杆率监管对企业短债长用的影响:一个理论分析框架. 金融学季刊 [Internet]. 2023;17(4):73-96.
Ding X, Yuan L, Zhou Y.
Internet Access and Older Adults' Health: Evidence from China. China Economic Review [Internet]. 2023;82:102047.
访问链接AbstractIn the context of China's rapid population aging and internet expansion, this study examines the impact of information and communication technologies on the of older adults’ health. Using the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study 2011–2018, we find that internet access improves older adults' self-reported health, mental health, and activities of daily living (ADL). Further investigations provide evidence for several underlying mechanisms, including improving social participation, promoting healthy behaviors, and encouraging intergenerational interactions. Heterogeneity analyses show that disadvantaged groups, such as those with any ADL difficulty and without social participation or a spouse, benefit more from internet access.
Yang M, Xia X, Zhou Y.
Abandoned children in China: the son-preference culture and the gendered-differentiated impacts of the one-child policy. Humanities & Social Sciences Communications [Internet]. 2023;10(532):1-10.
访问链接AbstractChina has experienced an upsurge in child abandonment since the late 1970s in parallel with its one-child policy (OCP) and market reforms. Due to the scarcity of individual-level data, the literature focuses on informal adoption and child trafficking. This study first demonstrates the spatial-temporal trends of child abandonment across over 100,000 self-reported cases spanning 40 years in China collected from an internet platform. We then examine how the OCP and the long-established clan culture influence the incidence of child abandonment at the provincial level. We further compare whether the influences vary across genders. The results indicate that a tougher OCP penalty increases child abandonment, particularly the abandonment of girls. The influence of the OCP on girl abandonment is weaker in provinces with a strong clan culture, where sex ratios at birth are more unbalanced due to an increased incidence of gender-selective abortions.
黄炜, 任昶宇, 周羿.
退休制度、劳动供给与收入消费动态. 经济研究 [Internet]. 2023;(1):141-157.
周伊敏, 魏旭, 周默涵, 周羿.
机遇还是挑战?宏观冲击对微观创新的影响——基于企业异质性视角的分析. 中国工业经济 [Internet]. 2023;(1):38-56.
Wei X, Xiao X, Zhou Y, Zhou Y.
Spillover Effects between Liquidity Risks through Endogenous Debt Maturity. Journal of Financial Markets [Internet]. 2023;64:100814.
访问链接AbstractWe construct a model of debt maturity structure and show how a firm trades off between the costs of market liquidity risk and rollover risk. On one hand, the issuance of long-term debt reduces market liquidity because it increases the supply in the secondary debt market, which increases the cost the firm bears for long-term debt (i.e., the cost of market liquidity risk). On the other hand, the use of short-term debt increases the likelihood of early liquidation, which raises the cost of short-term debt for the firm (i.e., the cost of rollover risk). We show that market liquidity risk and rollover risk the firm is exposed to are connected through endogenously determined debt maturity structure. An exogenous shock (e.g., shrinkage of market depth or an increase in risk-free interest rate) that directly increases one type of liquidity risk would induce the firm to alter debt maturity structure and partially offset the impact of the shock by raising its exposure to the other type of risk (i.e., spillover effects exist). We also show that the spillover from market liquidity risk (rollover risk) to rollover risk (market liquidity risk) is more (less) pronounced during economic recessions or in the case of competitive firms.
胡龙海, 黄炜, 任昶宇, 周羿.
风险感知、网络搜索与消费扭曲. 经济学 [Internet]. 2023;23(2):425-446.