
Motherhood Penalty and Low Fertility in China: A Pseudo-Event Study. Journal of Population Economics. Forthcoming.Abstract
Using the census data from 2000-2015 and a pseudo-event study design, we estimate the motherhood penalty in China and explore its association with declining fertility. We find that one-third of working women leave their jobs in the year when they give birth, and the penalty persists for over eight years. The motherhood penalty increases significantly across almost all provinces during this period, and provinces with larger increases in the penalty experience greater declines in fertility rates. Using a mover-based design, we find that the rising motherhood penalty has caused a significant decline in the total fertility rate.
Huang W, Pan Y, Zhou Y. One-Child Policy, Marriage Distortion, and Welfare Loss. Review of Economics and Statistics [Internet]. Forthcoming. 访问链接Abstract
We investigate how exposure to the One-Child Policy (OCP) during early adulthood affects marriage and fertility in China. Exploring fertility penalties across provinces over time and the different implementations by ethnicity, we show that the OCP significantly increases the unmarried rate among the Han ethnicity but not among the minorities. The OCP increases Han-minority marriages in regions where Han-minority couples are allowed for an additional child, but the impact is smaller in other regions. Finally, the deadweight loss caused by lower fertility accounts for 10 percent of annual household incomes, and policy-induced fewer marriages contribute to 30 percent of the fertility decline.
Qiu LD, Wei X, Zhou M, Zhou Y. Resource, Competition, and the Equilibrium Effects of Innovation Subsidies. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization [Internet]. 2024;224:297-322. 访问链接Abstract
We study the equilibrium effects of innovation subsidies that reduce firms' innovation costs in a monopolistic competition model with firm heterogeneity in innovation capabilities and an industry-level resource constraint. Subsidies change product market competition and resource price, and further affect firms' innovation. We show a counterintuitive result: though subsidies lower innovation costs, high-capability firms may reduce their innovation. This finding implies that the demand curve for innovation investments of certain firms in equilibrium can be locally upward-sloping. We show that at the industry level, both average innovation input and output demonstrate inverted-U shaped responses to increasing subsidies but with differing turning points. Notably, an increase in average innovation input may be accompanied by a decrease in average innovation output. These findings cast doubts on the interpretation of existing empirical evidences on firm and industry responses to innovation subsidies, most of which assume away treatment effect heterogeneity and equilibrium feedbacks.
Xie Y, Yang F, Huang J, He Y, Zhou Y, Qian Y, Cai W, Zhou J. Declining Chinese Attitudes Toward the United States Amid COVID-19. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences [Internet]. 2024;121(21):e2322920121. 访问链接Abstract
In this paper, we present findings from four separate studies using different data sources and methods to examine Chinese attitudes toward the United States amid the COVID-19 pandemic. The empirical results consistently indicate a marked and significant decline in Chinese attitudes toward the US between late 2019 and the end of 2022. Using a quasi-experimental design and granular survey data that exploit daily variations in public opinion, we offer additional evidence that the decline in Chinese attitudes toward the United States followed a distinct pattern not true for Chinese attitudes toward other countries. Specifically, the rise in Chinese unfavorability toward the United States closely corresponded to the heightened Chinese attention to the pandemic’s progression in the United States. These results collectively suggest a causal effect of COVID-19, shedding light on how public health crises, international relations, and media jointly shape the increasing enmity between the two great powers.
魏旭, 肖潇, 周羿, 周伊敏. 银行杠杆率监管对企业短债长用的影响:一个理论分析框架. 金融学季刊 [Internet]. 2023;17(4):73-96. 访问链接Abstract
Ding X, Yuan L, Zhou Y. Internet Access and Older Adults' Health: Evidence from China. China Economic Review [Internet]. 2023;82:102047. 访问链接Abstract
In the context of China's rapid population aging and internet expansion, this study examines the impact of information and communication technologies on the of older adults’ health. Using the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study 2011–2018, we find that internet access improves older adults' self-reported health, mental health, and activities of daily living (ADL). Further investigations provide evidence for several underlying mechanisms, including improving social participation, promoting healthy behaviors, and encouraging intergenerational interactions. Heterogeneity analyses show that disadvantaged groups, such as those with any ADL difficulty and without social participation or a spouse, benefit more from internet access.
Yang M, Xia X, Zhou Y. Abandoned children in China: the son-preference culture and the gendered-differentiated impacts of the one-child policy. Humanities & Social Sciences Communications [Internet]. 2023;10(532):1-10. 访问链接Abstract
China has experienced an upsurge in child abandonment since the late 1970s in parallel with its one-child policy (OCP) and market reforms. Due to the scarcity of individual-level data, the literature focuses on informal adoption and child trafficking. This study first demonstrates the spatial-temporal trends of child abandonment across over 100,000 self-reported cases spanning 40 years in China collected from an internet platform. We then examine how the OCP and the long-established clan culture influence the incidence of child abandonment at the provincial level. We further compare whether the influences vary across genders. The results indicate that a tougher OCP penalty increases child abandonment, particularly the abandonment of girls. The influence of the OCP on girl abandonment is weaker in provinces with a strong clan culture, where sex ratios at birth are more unbalanced due to an increased incidence of gender-selective abortions.
黄炜, 任昶宇, 周羿. 退休制度、劳动供给与收入消费动态. 经济研究 [Internet]. 2023;(1):141-157. 访问链接Abstract
周伊敏, 魏旭, 周默涵, 周羿. 机遇还是挑战?宏观冲击对微观创新的影响——基于企业异质性视角的分析. 中国工业经济 [Internet]. 2023;(1):38-56. 访问链接Abstract
Wei X, Xiao X, Zhou Y, Zhou Y. Spillover Effects between Liquidity Risks through Endogenous Debt Maturity. Journal of Financial Markets [Internet]. 2023;64:100814. 访问链接Abstract
We construct a model of debt maturity structure and show how a firm trades off between the costs of market liquidity risk and rollover risk. On one hand, the issuance of long-term debt reduces market liquidity because it increases the supply in the secondary debt market, which increases the cost the firm bears for long-term debt (i.e., the cost of market liquidity risk). On the other hand, the use of short-term debt increases the likelihood of early liquidation, which raises the cost of short-term debt for the firm (i.e., the cost of rollover risk). We show that market liquidity risk and rollover risk the firm is exposed to are connected through endogenously determined debt maturity structure. An exogenous shock (e.g., shrinkage of market depth or an increase in risk-free interest rate) that directly increases one type of liquidity risk would induce the firm to alter debt maturity structure and partially offset the impact of the shock by raising its exposure to the other type of risk (i.e., spillover effects exist). We also show that the spillover from market liquidity risk (rollover risk) to rollover risk (market liquidity risk) is more (less) pronounced during economic recessions or in the case of competitive firms.
胡龙海, 黄炜, 任昶宇, 周羿. 风险感知、网络搜索与消费扭曲. 经济学 [Internet]. 2023;23(2):425-446. 访问链接Abstract
Zhou Y, Cai W, Xie L. The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Depressive Symptoms in China: A Longitudinal, Population-based Study. International Journal of Public Health [Internet]. 2022;67:1604919. 访问链接Abstract
Objectives: We aimed to examine how COVID-19 incidence is associated with depressive symptoms in China, whether the association is transient, and whether the association differs across groups. Methods: We used a longitudinal sample from 2018 and 2020 waves of the China Family Panel Study. We constructed COVID-19 incidence rates as the number of new cases per 100,000 population in respondents’ resident provinces in the past 7, 14, and 28 days when a respondent was surveyed. We performed linear or logistic regressions to examine the associations, and performed stratified analyses to explore the heterogeneity of the associations. Results: Our sample included 13,655 adults. The 7-day incidence rate was positively associated with the CES-D score (coef.=2.551, 95% CI: 1.959-3.142), and likelihood of being more depressed (adjusted odds ratio=6.916, 95% CI: 4.715–10.144). The associations were larger among those with less education, pre-existing depression, or chronic conditions. We did not find any significant association between the 14- or 28-day local incidence rates and depressive symptoms. Conclusion: The impact of COVID-19 incidence on mental health in China’s general population was statistically significant and moderate in magnitude and transient. Disadvantaged groups experienced higher increases in depressive symptoms.
Cai W, Zhou Y. Men smoke less under the COVID-19 closure policies: The role of altruism. Social Science & Medicine [Internet]. 2022;306:115159. 访问链接Abstract
This study examines whether people smoked more under the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) closure policies which trapped them at home with their families. In such circumstances, the pleasure from smoking could be more tempting than usual, but at the same time smokers’ families are more likely to be victims of passive smoking. This study uses temporal and regional variations in policy strengths with data from the Oxford COVID-19 Government Response Tracker project (OxCGRT) to examine the impact of COVID-19 closure policies on smoking behaviors. With longitudinal data from the China Family Panel Studies (CFPS) in 2018 and 2020, we find diminished smoking behaviors among Chinese male adults when the government implemented strict public health policies for the COVID-19 pandemic. People with more conscientiousness personality traits or stronger pro-family attitudes tend to smoke less as policy stringency increases.
刘潇, 周羿, 黄海. 性别比失衡与教育获得的性别差异. 经济科学 [Internet]. 2022;44(5):150-163. 访问链接Abstract
谢艳, 周羿. 社会冲突的跨国扩散效应:基于1995-2012冲突事件数据的分析. 世界经济与政治 [Internet]. 2022;(9):74-98. 访问链接Abstract
殷戈, 黄炜, 周羿. 社会资本在人力资本积累中的作用:以党员家长的溢出效应为例. 经济学报 [Internet]. 2022;9(4):577-604. 访问链接Abstract
Xiao X, Li X, Zhou Y. Financial literacy and overconfidence and investment fraud victimization. Economics Letters [Internet]. 2022;212:110308. 访问链接Abstract
This study uses the data of a nationally representative survey in China to investigate the role of financial literacy overconfidence in investment fraud victimization. The study finds that male, wealthy, and educated respondents tend to be more confident about their financial knowledge. Moreover, overconfident respondents are more likely to believe that the abnormally high returns claimed in two hypothetical investment opportunities are attainable.
Wei X, Zhou Y, Zhou Y. Signaling of Earlier-born Children's Endowments, Intra-household Allocation, and Birth-order Effects. Economic Modelling [Internet]. 2022;108:105754. 访问链接Abstract
This paper provides a new explanation for birth-order effects by considering the genetic similarity between siblings. We develop a quantity--quality trade-off model in which parents form their expectations of possible future children's endowments by observing the performance of their existing children. Our model shows that having a talented first child may weaken parents' incentive to have additional children due to the substitution effect. However, it also may encourage a second birth due to the signaling effect. Without assuming that children of a specific birth order have a biological advantage or more parental attention, this model predicts a birth-order gap in parents' human capital investment, the magnitude of which depends on the endowments of the first child and its predictive power as a signal of the potential endowment of a possible second child.
Barnett W, Xiao X, Zhou Y. Competitive Exclusion vs. Mimetic Isomorphism? An Identified Empirical Test. Sociological Science [Internet]. 2021;8:211-219. 访问链接Abstract
Why are organizations sometimes so similar, and in other cases so different? For decades this question has been central to research on organizations, and two leading theories have answered the question very differently. Neo-institutional theory has pointed to the importance of mimetic isomorphism, where organizations imitate one another as they navigate decisions in the context of uncertainty over what is regarded as legitimate action. By contrast, ecological theory argues that competitive exclusion explains the differences we see around us, as organizations repel one another when they vie for the same resources. Decades of empirical work has tended to confirm one or the other theory, with scant effort being made to reconcile these conflicting predictions. Furthermore, much of the existing empirical work is limited to descriptive studies that make little or no attempt to empirically identify their findings, leaving the empirical record open to concerns over endogeneity. This paper conducts an identified empirical test, in a context where the two arguments make opposing predictions. In an analysis of auditor selection after the collapse of Arthur Andersen, we find evidence of competitive exclusion, but no evidence of mimetic isomorphism. Implications for the continued progress of organization theory are discussed.
Xie L, Wei X, Zhou Y. The Spillover Effects of Adult Child's Schooling on Parent's Smoking Cessation: Evidence from China's Compulsory Schooling Reform. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health [Internet]. 2021;75(11):1104-1110. 访问链接Abstract
Objective: As elderly parents today will share a longer life with their children than ever before, the spillover effects of children's human capital on parents' wellbeing become increasingly important. This study investigated whether children's schooling leads parents to give up smoking and whether the effects were moderated by their education or child-parent contact frequency. Methods: Using data from the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study (CHARLS), we conducted an instrumental variable analysis using China's compulsory schooling reform in the 1980s as a natural experiment. Results: The Instrumental Variable (IV) estimates suggest that elderly parents of more highly educated children are more likely to quit smoking. Moreover, the effects are more significant among parents who had not finished primary school and also slightly stronger among parents who live close to their children or meet their children frequently. Discussion: Our findings add to current evidence on spillover effects of education in smoking cessation. A child's education may exert the impact through the spillover of health knowledge.
