Xie K.
Various Forms of Chineseness in the Origins of Southeast Asian Communism. In: Left Transnationalism: The Communist International and the National, Colonial, and Racial Questions. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press; 2020. pp. 286-314.
访问链接AbstractPeople often see the origins of communist movements in Southeast Asia and the region’s overseas Chinese community as closely intertwined. This perception is evident in the cases of densely Chinesepopulated areas such as Malaya and Siam (Thailand), as well as places like Vietnam and Cambodia, where China’s influence has been historically strong in both political and cultural domains. Admittedly, it is very convenient to connect many Chinese-involved communist activities in Southeast Asia to the emergence of the communist party in China, but the simplistic argument – that Southeast Asia imports communism from China – is severely problematic. While overseas Chinese...
Xie K.
Review of Subversive Seas: Anticolonial Networks across the Twentieth- Century Dutch Empire, by Kris Alexanderson. Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde / Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia [Internet]. 2020;176(2-3):405-407.
访问链接AbstractKris Alexanderson’s Subversive Sea is the newest addition to the growing scholarship on the twentieth-century Dutch empire. Adopting a fresh approach, this groundbreaking work examines the transoceanic aspects of Indonesian anticolonialism by examining the shipping networks stretching beyond the geographic boundaries of the metropole and colony. Based on her solid archival work, careful reading of existing literature, and well-structured analysis, Alexanderson demonstrates how the “oceans’ permeable boundaries created a simultaneous liberating and threatening maritime spatiality” and that “the maritime world is not a liminal space but an active political arena” (p. 27). Specifically, she points out Dutch shipping companies “connected disparate bodies of water into intertwined transoceanic networks” and played a “unique role in navigating interwar power struggles between imperial hegemony and anticolonialism” (p. 25). By “repositioning colonial Indonesia to a sub-imperial center,” Subversive Sea reveals that the interconnected maritime networks were not only critical in defining colonial structure within the colonial state but also reflected “fundamental differences between terrestrial and oceanic characteristics particular to the interwar Dutch empire” (p. 2).
Xie K.
Review of The Special Operations Executive in Malaya: World War II and the Path to Independence, by Rebecca Kenneison. Journal of British Studies [Internet]. 2020;59(2):449-451.
访问链接AbstractThe past few years have seen a growing number of scholarly works on British operations in Southeast Asia and their relationships with local resistance in World War II. Particularly intriguing is the mysterious last-minute deal struck between the British in Malaya and the Chinese-dominated Malayan Communist Party, or MCP, before the Japanese takeover...
战前印尼和马来亚共产主义运动的比较研究. 澎湃新闻·思想市场 [Internet]. 2020.
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印尼的行政区划和地方政府架构. 城市中国 [Internet]. 2020;87:66-69.