英属马来亚与荷属东印度群岛华人抗日救亡运动比较研究(1937—1942). 南洋问题研究 [Internet]. 2021;(3):96-114.
深耕与跨界:本尼迪克特·安德森和他的“椰壳碗之战. 亚非研究 [Internet]. 2021;16:120-135.
Xie K.
Ambivalent Fatherland: The Chinese National Salvation Movement in Malaya and Java, 1937–41. Journal of Southeast Asian Studies [Internet]. 2021;52(4):677-700.
访问链接AbstractChina's resistance to Japanese aggression escalated into a full-scale war in 1937. The continuously deteriorating situation stimulated the rise of Chinese nationalism in the diaspora communities worldwide. The Japanese invasion of China, accompanied by the emergence of the National Salvation Movement (NSM) in Southeast Asia, provided the overseas Chinese with a rare opportunity to re-examine their ‘Chineseness’, as well as their relationships with the colonial states and the increasingly self-aware indigenous populations. This research problematises traditional approaches that tend to regard the NSM as primarily driven by Chinese patriotism. Juxtaposing Malaya and Java at the same historical moment, the article argues that the emergence of the NSM was more than just a natural result of the rising Chinese nationalism. Local politics and the shifting political orientations of overseas Chinese communities also profoundly shaped how the NSM played out in different colonial states.
Xie K.
Experiencing Southeast Asian Studies in China: A Reverse Culture Shock. Journal of Southeast Asian Studies [Internet]. 2021;52(2):170-187.
访问链接AbstractSoutheast Asian Studies (SEAS) in China has experienced significant changes in the past twenty years. China's rising political and economic power has stimulated growing demands for better understanding of the wider world, resulting in the rapid development of area studies in recent years. Although SEAS in China predated the relatively recent notion of ‘area studies’ by at least half a century, the boom in area studies has profoundly transformed the field, most notably by attracting a large number of scholars to conduct policy-relevant research. Not only does the ‘policy turn’ reflect shifts of research paradigms in the field of SEAS, but it is also consistent with some larger trends prevailing in China's higher education sector and rapidly changing society in general. This article shows that SEAS in China has grown even more imbalanced, as indicated by the rapid growth of language programmes, absolute domination of short-term policy research, and further marginalisation of humanistic subjects. To respond, Chinese universities have adopted new approaches to SEAS depending on their distinct disciplinary foundations, language coverage, faculty interests, and local governments’ policy preferences.