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访问链接 Lou C, Li Z, Ouyang Q.
A molecular model for persister in E. coli. Journal of Theoretical Biology [Internet]. 2008;(2):205-209.
访问链接 Ni M, Yang L, Liu X-L, Qi O.
Fluence-response dynamics of the UV-induced SOS response in Escherichia coli. Current Microbiology [Internet]. 2008;(6):521-526.
访问链接 Yang K, Bai H, Ouyang Q, Lai L, Tang C.
Finding multiple target optimal intervention in disease-related molecular network. Molecular Systems Biology [Internet]. 2008.
访问链接 Lu X, Wang C, Qiao C, Wu Y, Ouyang Q, Wang H.
Effect of noise on chemical waves in three-dimensional reaction-diffusion systems with gradient. Journal of Chemical Physics [Internet]. 2008;(11).
访问链接 Xia F, Guo W, Mao Y, Hou X, Xue J, Xia H, Wang L, Song Y, Ji H, Ouyang Q, et al. Gating of single synthetic nanopores by proton-driven DNA molecular motors. Journal of the American Chemical Society [Internet]. 2008;(26):8345-8350.