科研成果 by Year: 2003

Lin G-J, Cheng X, Ou-Yang Q. Breakdown of an inhomogeneous scale-free network under intentional attack. Chinese Physics Letters. 2003;(1):22-24.
Guo H, Li L, Ouyang Q, Liu J, She Z. A systematic study of spirals and spiral turbulence in a reaction-diffusion system. Journal of Chemical Physics. 2003;(11):5038-5044.
Zhang C, Zhang H, Ouyang Q, Hu B, Gunaratne GH. Transition from spiral waves to defect-mediated turbulence induced by gradient effects in a reaction-diffusion system. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 2003;(3 2):362021-362027.
Liu J, She Z-S, Ouyang Q, He XT. Hierarchical structures in spatially extended systems. International Journal of Modern Physics B. 2003;(22-24 I):4139-4148.
Zhou L-Q, Zhang C-X, Ouyang Q. Spiral instabilities in a reaction diffusion system. International Journal of Modern Physics B. 2003;(22-24 I):4072-4085.
Yang Y, Wang H, Ouyang Q. Dynamics of DNA in vitro evolution with Mnt-repressor: Simulations and analysis. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics [Internet]. 2003;(3 1):319031-319038. 访问链接