科研成果 by Year: 2016

Hu WW, Hu M*, Hu W, Jimenez JL, Yuan B, Chen WT, Wang M, Wu YS, Chen C, Wang ZB. Chemical composition, sources, and aging process of submicron aerosols in Beijing: Contrast between summer and winter. J Geophys. Res. 2016;121(4):1955-1977.
Wang HC, Li CK, Liu HW, Yan JQ, Wang JF, Liu J, Lin ZQ, Li YN, Wang Y, Li L, et al. Chiral anomaly and ultrahigh mobility in crystalline HfTe5. Physical Review B [Internet]. 2016;93. 访问链接
He Q, Jiang XJ, Gouldson A, Sudmant A, Guan DB, Colenbrander S, Xue T, Zheng B, Zhang Q. Climate change mitigation in Chinese megacities: A measures-based analysis of opportunities in the residential sector. Applied Energy. 2016;184:769-778.Abstract
China's commitment to the UNFCCC to peak its emissions by 2030, or sooner, signaled a long anticipated shift in China's model of development with far reaching consequences. Cities in China, and particularly the residential sector in cities, will be charged with making significant reductions in emissions growth even as rates of urbanization continue to climb. Focusing on Beijing and Shanghai, this paper carries out a measures-based economic analysis of low carbon investment opportunities in the residential sector. Results find significant opportunity: between 2015 and 2030, BAU levels of CO2 emissions could be reduced by 10.2% in Beijing and 6.8% in Shanghai with the adoption of economically attractive low carbon measures. While these headline results underline the case for low carbon investment in the residential sectors of these megacities in China, a closer analysis provides insights for understanding the economics of decarbonisation in cities more generally. (C) 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Yu Y, Notaro M, Kalashnikova OV, Garay MJ. Climatology of summer Shamal wind in the Middle East. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 2016;121:289–305.
Dai H, Mischke P, Xie X, Xie Y, Masui T. Closing the gap? Top-down versus bottom-up projections of China's regional energy use and CO2 emissions. Applied Energy [Internet]. 2016;162:1355-1373. 访问链接
Wang Y, Xu C, You S, Xu C, Tao D. CNNpack: Packing Convolutional Neural Networks in the Frequency Domain, in NeurIPS.; 2016.
CAO J, XU J, Wang Y, LU G, Zhang X. A compact SCR model using advanced BJT models and standard SPICE elements. SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences [Internet]. 2016;59(10):109302 (3). 访问链接
Zhang Y. Y., Jin Z. J., Sun Z. D. The Comparison between Full-stack Data and Pure P-wave Data on Deeply Buried Ordovician Paleokarst Reservoir Prediction, in 78th EAGE Expanded Abstract.; 2016. 访问链接
Zhang Y. Y., Jin Z. J., D. SZ. The comparison between Full-Stack Data and Pure P-wave Data on deeply buried Ordovician Paleokarst reservoir prediction. Earth Science research [Internet]. 2016;5(1):57-66. 访问链接
Kim HJ, Li C, Feng J, Cho JH, Zhang ZY. Competing magnetic orderings and tunable topological states in two-dimensional hexagonal organometallic lattices. Physical Review B [Internet]. 2016;93. 访问链接
Zhang J, Xiong R, Zhao C, Zhang Y, Ma S, Gao W. CONCOLOR: Constrained Non-Convex Low-Rank Model for Image Deblocking. IEEE Trans. Image Processing [Internet]. 2016;25:1246–1259. 访问链接
Scheuermann AG, Kemp KW, Tang K, Lu DQ, Satterthwaite PF, Ito T, Chidsey CED, McIntyre PC. Conductance and capacitance of bilayer protective oxides for silicon water splitting anodes. Energy & Environmental Science [Internet]. 2016;9:504-516. 链接(Link)Abstract
State-of-the-art silicon water splitting photoelectrochemical cells employ oxide protection layers that exhibit electrical conductance in between that of dielectric insulators and electronic conductors, optimizing both built-in field and conductivity. The SiO2-like layer interposed between a deposited protective oxide film and its Si substrate plays a key role as a tunnel oxide that can dominate the total device impedance. In this report, we investigate the effects of changes in interfacial SiO2 resistance and capacitance in the oxide bilayer through both solid state leakage current and capacitance–voltage measurements and through electrochemical methods applied to water splitting cells. Modelling is performed to describe both types of data in a simple and intuitive way, allowing for insights to be developed into the connections among both the dielectric (charge storage) and conductive (charge transport) properties of bilayer protective oxides and their effects on oxygen evolution performance. Finally, atomic layer deposited (ALD) Al2O3 is studied as an insulator layer with conductivity intermediate between that of tunnel oxide SiO2 and the more conductive ALD-TiO2, to further generalize this understanding.
Dai C, Cai YP, Lu WT, Liu H, Guo HC. Conjunctive Water Use Optimization for Watershed-Lake Water Distribution System under Uncertainty: a Case Study. Water Resources Management [Internet]. 2016;30:4429–4449. 访问链接Abstract
In this research, a large-scale inexact optimization method was developed for the conjunctive use management of a watershed-lake water distribution system. The modeling framework has the advantages in taking into account the water balance of multi-reservoirs, satisfying the municipal industrial and agricultural water demands in the multi-period context, reflecting the relationship among multi-reservoirs, multiple water related projects, and maintaining the operational rules of certain lake levels. Moreover, such a method can also handle the uncertainty expressed as fuzzy membership functions through integrating the fuzzy credibility chance-constrained programming. The developed method was applied to the conjunctive use management of water resources in the lake Dianchi watershed, China. Cost-effective water allocation schemes for the groundwater project and the water transfer project, and optimal operational rules for the lake and multiple reservoirs were successfully obtained. Also, the annual water balance of the watershed-lake system and the system cost of the conjunctive water use were investigated and analyzed under multiple credibility levels of meeting the water demands for municipal, industrial and agricultural users.
肖珑,姚伯岳. The Construction and Development of the Academic Digital Library of Chinese Ancient Collections. In: Academic Library Development and Administration in China. Hershey,PA, USA: IGI Global; 2016. pp. 126-135. 访问链接
Gu K, Wang S, Zhai G, Ma S, Yang X, Zhang W. Content-weighted mean-squared error for quality assessment of compressed images. Signal, Image and Video Processing [Internet]. 2016;10:803–810. 访问链接
Kim K-Y, Yang W, Evans PJ, Logan BE. Continuous treatment of high strength wastewaters using air-cathode microbial fuel cells. Bioresource technology. 2016;221:96–101.
Kim K-Y, Yang W, Evans PJ, Logan BE. Continuous treatment of high strength wastewaters using air-cathode microbial fuel cells. Bioresource technology. 2016;221:96-101.
Li BG, Gasser T, Ciais P, Piao SL, Tao S, Balkanski Y, Hauglustaine D, Boisier JP, Chen Z, Huang MT, et al. The contribution of China's emissions to global climate forcing. Nature [Internet]. 2016;531:357-361. 访问链接Abstract
Knowledge of the contribution that individual countries have made to global radiative forcing is important to the implementation of the agreement on "common but differentiated responsibilities" reached by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Over the past three decades, China has experienced rapid economic development(1), accompanied by increased emission of greenhouse gases, ozone precursors and aerosols(2,3), but the magnitude of the associated radiative forcing has remained unclear. Here we use a global coupled biogeochemistry-climate model(4,5) and a chemistry and transport model(6) to quantify China's present-day contribution to global radiative forcing due to well-mixed greenhouse gases, short-lived atmospheric climate forcers and land-use-induced regional surface albedo changes. We find that China contributes 10% +/- 4% of the current global radiative forcing. China's relative contribution to the positive (warming) component of global radiative forcing, mainly induced by well-mixed greenhouse gases and black carbon aerosols, is 12% +/- 2%. Its relative contribution to the negative (cooling) component is 15% +/- 6%, dominated by the effect of sulfate and nitrate aerosols. China's strongest contributions are 0.16 +/- 0.02 watts per square metre for CO2 from fossil fuel burning, 0.13 +/- 0.05 watts per square metre for CH4, -0.11 +/- 0.05 watts per square metre for sulfate aerosols, and 0.09 +/- 0.06 watts per square metre for black carbon aerosols. China's eventual goal of improving air quality will result in changes in radiative forcing in the coming years: a reduction of sulfur dioxide emissions would drive a faster future warming, unless offset by larger reductions of radiative forcing from well-mixed greenhouse gases and black carbon.
Cheng X, Miao L, Su Z, Chen H, Song Y, Chen X, Zhang H. Controlled fabrication of nano-scale wrinkle structure by fluorocarbon plasma on pre-strain membranes. Microsystems & Nanoengineering. 2016;2:16074.
Controlling Surface-plasmon-polariton Launching with Hot Spot Cylindrical Waves in a Metallic Slit Structure
Yao W, Sun C, Gong Q, Chen J. Controlling Surface-plasmon-polariton Launching with Hot Spot Cylindrical Waves in a Metallic Slit Structure. Nanotechnology [Internet]. 2016;27:385204. 访问链接Abstract
Plasmonic nanostructures, which are used to generate surface plasmon polaritions (SPPs), always involve sharp corners where the charges can accumulate. This can result in strong localized electromagnetic fields at the metallic corners, forming the hot spots. The influence of the hot spots on the propagating SPPs are investigated theoretically and experimentally in a metallic slit structure. It is found that the electromagnetic fields radiated from the hot spots, termed as the hot spot cylindrical wave (HSCW), can greatly manipulate the SPP launching in the slit structure. The physical mechanism behind the manipulation of the SPP launching with the HSCW is explicated by a semi-analytic model. By using the HSCW, unidirectional SPP launching is experimentally realized in an ultra-small metallic step-slit structure. The HSCW bridges the localized surface plasmons and the propagating surface plasmons in an integrated platform and thus may pave a new route to the design of plasmonic devices and circuits.
