科研成果 by Year: 2016

Yang W. Development and optimization of activated carbon air cathode towards scale up applications of microbial fuel cells. 2016.
Yang W. Development and optimization of activated carbon air cathode towards scale up applications of microbial fuel cells. 2016.
Li X, Gao T, Wu Y. Development of two-dimensional materials for electronic applications. Science China-Information Sciences [Internet]. 2016;59. 访问链接
Duan XL, Shen GF, Yang HB, Tian J, Wei FS, Gong JC, Zhang JF. Dietary intake polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and associated cancer risk in a cohort of Chinese urban adults: Inter- and intra-individual variability. Chemosphere. 2016;144:2469-2475.Abstract
Dietary intake is one of the major exposure pathways of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), especially in Chinese people because foods are often prepared with grilling and/or frying that would produce high levels of PAHs. In this paper, we assessed daily dietary intakes (DDI) of PAHs, using a "duplicate plate method", among 100 Chinese urban residents. The DDI of benzo(a)pyrene ranged from 0.06 mu g per day to 13.5 mu g per day with a median of 0.69 mu g per day, varying largely across subjects. The median Incremental Lifetime Cancer Risk (ILCR) attributable to PAH dietary intake was 6.65 x 10(-5) (4.41 x 10(-5) to 1.02 x 10(-4) as inter-quartile range). The contribution of several high-PAH containing foods like barbecued, smoked or deep-fried meats to the overall DDIs was about 13%. The use of raw foods may underestimate dietary intake of PAHs and associated exposure risk considerably. Results from foods sampled in different seasons suggested that seasonal variability within an individual may contribute notably to overall variability measured in a population and more future studies with longer-term investigation on food ingestion and pollutant exposure are needed. The study indicates that measuring actually consumed foods is more appropriate for dietary intake exposure assessment, and intra-individual variance should be taken into account during study design and data analysis. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Duan X, Shen G, Yang H, Tian J, Wei F, Gong J, Zhang J. Dietary intake polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and associated cancer risk in a cohort of Chinese urban adults: Inter- and intra-individual variability. Chemosphere [Internet]. 2016;144:2469-2475. 访问链接
Jia M, Gao X, Zhang Y, Hoffmeister M, Brenner H. Different definitions of CpG island methylator phenotype and outcomes of colorectal cancer: a systematic review. Clin Epigenetics [Internet]. 2016;8:25. 访问链接Abstract
Contradictory results were reported for the prognostic role of CpG island methylator phenotype (CIMP) among colorectal cancer (CRC) patients. Differences in the definitions of CIMP were the most common explanation for these discrepancies. The aim of this systematic review was to give an overview of the published studies on CRC prognosis according to the different definitions of CIMP. A systematic literature search was performed in MEDLINE and ISI Web of Science for articles published until 3 April 2015. Data extraction included information about the study population, the definition of CIMP, and investigated outcomes. Thirty-six studies were included in this systematic review. Among them, 30 studies reported the association of CIMP and CRC prognosis and 11 studies reported the association of CIMP with survival after CRC therapy. Overall, 16 different definitions of CIMP were identified. The majority of studies reported a poorer prognosis for patients with CIMP-positive (CIMP+)/CIMP-high (CIMP-H) CRC than with CIMP-negative (CIMP-)/CIMP-low (CIMP-L) CRC. Inconsistent results or varying effect strengths could not be explained by different CIMP definitions used. No consistent variation in response to specific therapies according to CIMP status was found. Comparative analyses of different CIMP panels in the same large study populations are needed to further clarify the role of CIMP definitions and to find out how methylation information can best be used to predict CRC prognosis and response to specific CRC therapies.
Liu T, Zhang Q, Kim K-T, Wu Y, Lee C-W, Goldsmith PF, Di Li, Zhongshi Wang, Liu S-Y, Chen H-R, Tatematsu K'ichi, et al. Discovery of an Extremely Wide-angle Bipolar Outflow in AFGL 5142. \apj. 2016;824:31.
Zhao X, Liu W, Fu J, Cai Z, O'Reilly SE, Zhao D. Dispersion, sorption and photodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbons in dispersant-seawater-sediment systems. Marine pollution bulletin. 2016;109(1):526-538.
Z., Y., et al. Distribution and sources of air pollutants in the North China Plain based on on-road mobile measurements. Atmos. Chem. Phys. . 2016;16:12551–12565.
Chen Y, Dai Y, Wang Y, Wu Z, Xie S, Liu Y. Distribution of bacterial communities across plateau freshwater lake and upslope soils. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES. 2016;43:61-69.Abstract
Microorganisms are involved in a variety of biogeochemical processes in natural environments. The differences between bacterial communities in freshwaters and upslope soils remain unclear. The present study investigated the bacterial distribution in a plateau freshwater lake, Erhai Lake (southwestern China), and its upslope soils. Illumina MiSeq sequencing illustrated high bacterial diversity in lake sediments and soils. Sediment and soil bacterial communities were mainly composed of Proteobacteria, Acidobacteria, Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Chloroflexi and Planctomycetes. However, a distinctive difference in bacterial community structure was found between soil and sediment ecosystems. Water content, nitrogen and pH affected the distribution of the bacterial community across Erhai Lake and its upslope soils. Moreover, the soil bacterial community might also be shaped by plant types. This work could provide some new insights into plateau aquatic and terrestrial microbial ecology. (C) 2015 The Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Published by Elsevier B.V.
Gao X, Mons U, Zhang Y, Breitling LP, Brenner H. DNA methylation changes in response to active smoking exposure are associated with leukocyte telomere length among older adults. Eur J Epidemiol [Internet]. 2016;31:1231-1241. 访问链接Abstract
Telomere length (TL) is associated with an increased risk of aging-related diseases. As a preventable environmental hazard of morbidity and mortality, smoking has been reported to promote TL attrition by producing a variety of oxidants and free radicals. Since DNA methylation has been demonstrated to play an important role in the pathways of smoking and smoking-induced diseases, this study aimed to address whether the smoking-associated DNA methylation changes could be associated with accelerated TL shortening. We obtained DNA methylation profiles in whole blood samples by Illumina Infinium Human Methylation 450 Beadchip array in two independent subsamples of the ESTHER study and measured their relative TL by quantitative PCR. Terminal Restriction Fragment analysis was additionally performed in a subsample to obtain absolute TL in base pairs. TL measurements across panels were standardized by z-transformation. After correction for multiple testing, we successfully confirmed that seven out of 151 smoking-related CpG sites were associated with TL (FDR <0.05). A smoking index based on the seven loci showed monotonic associations with TL, cumulative smoking exposure and time after smoking cessation. In conclusion, our study supports suggestions that epigenetic alterations could play a role in smoking-associated disproportionate aging as reflected by TL. Further research is required to examine whether the identified epigenetic signatures of smoking can be of value in clinical practice to assess individual aging across the lifespan.
Zhang K, Gu Y. Dynamic Behaviour and Phase Change of Rising Supercritical CO2 Bubbles in a Vertical Capillary Tube Filled with a Light Crude Oil, in ; 2016.
Ha W, Yi J, Yuan Y, Zhang J. The dynamic effect of rural-to-urban migration on inequality in source villages: System GMM estimates from rural China. China Economic Review [Internet]. 2016;37:27-39. 访问链接Abstract
Using a newly constructed panel dataset that covers the 14-year period from 1997 to 2011 for more than 100 villages in China, this study analyzes the dynamic effect of rural-to-urban migration on inequality in source villages. Given that income inequality is time persisting, we use a system GMM framework. We found that the dynamic relationship between migration and income inequality is inversely U-shaped. Specifically, contemporary migration increases income inequality, whereas lagged migration has a strong income inequality-reducing effect on the sending villages. A 50 percent increase in the lagged migration rate translates into a one-ninth to one-tenth standard deviation reduction in income inequality.
Xie Y, Dai* H, Dong H, Hanaoka T, Masui T. Economic impacts from PM2.5 pollution-related health effects in China: A provincial-level analysis. Environmental Science & Technology [Internet]. 2016;50:4836 - 4843. 访问链接
Guo Y, Yin J, Wei X, Tan Z, Shu J, Liu B, Zeng Y, Gao S, Peng H, Liu Z, et al. Edge-States-Induced Disruption to the Energy Band Alignment at Thickness-Modulated Molybdenum Sulfide Junctions. ADVANCED ELECTRONIC MATERIALS [Internet]. 2016;2(8):1600048. 访问链接
He W, Wallack MJ, Kim K-Y, Zhang X, Yang W, Zhu X, Feng Y, Logan BE. The effect of flow modes and electrode combinations on the performance of a multiple module microbial fuel cell installed at wastewater treatment plant. Water Research. 2016;105:351–360.
He W, Wallack MJ, Kim K-Y, Zhang X, Yang W, Zhu X, Feng Y, Logan BE. The effect of flow modes and electrode combinations on the performance of a multiple module microbial fuel cell installed at wastewater treatment plant. Water Research. 2016;105:351-360.
Han Y, Stroud CA, Liggio J, Li S-M. The effect of particle acidity on secondary organic aerosol formation from alpha-pinene photooxidation under atmospherically relevant conditions. ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS. 2016;16:13929-13944.Abstract
Secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formation from photooxidation of alpha-pinene has been investigated in a photochemical reaction chamber under varied inorganic seed particle acidity levels at moderate relative humidity. The effect of particle acidity on SOA yield and chemical composition was examined under high-and low-NOx conditions. The SOA yield (4.2-7.6 %) increased nearly linearly with the increase in particle acidity under high-NOx conditions. In contrast, the SOA yield (28.6-36.3 %) was substantially higher under low-NOx conditions, but its dependency on particle acidity was insignificant. A relatively strong increase in SOA yield (up to 220 %) was observed in the first hour of alpha-pinene photooxidation under high-NOx conditions, suggesting that SOA formation was more effective for early alpha-pinene oxidation products in the presence of fresh acidic particles. The SOA yield decreased gradually with the increase in organic mass in the initial stage (approximately 0-1 h) under high-NOx conditions, which is likely due to the inaccessibility to the acidity over time with the coating of alpha-pinene SOA, assuming a slow particle-phase diffusion of organic molecules into the inorganic seeds. The formation of later-generation SOA was enhanced by particle acidity even under low-NOx conditions when introducing acidic seed particles after alpha-pinene photooxidation, suggesting a different acidity effect exists for alpha-pinene SOA derived from later oxidation stages. This effect could be important in the atmosphere under conditions where alpha-pinene oxidation products in the gas-phase originating in forested areas (with low NOx and SOx) are transported to regions abundant in acidic aerosols such as power plant plumes or urban regions. The fraction of oxygen-containing organic fragments (CxHyO1+ 33-35% and CxHyO2+ 16-17 %) in the total organics and the O / C ratio (0.52-0.56) of alpha-pinene SOA were lower under high-NOx conditions than those under low-NOx conditions (39-40, 17-19, and 0.61-0.64 %), suggesting that alpha-pinene SOA was less oxygenated in the studied high-NOx conditions. The fraction of nitrogen-containing organic fragments (CxHyNz+ and CxHyOzNp+) the total organics was enhanced with the increases in particle acidity under high-NOx conditions, indicating that organic nitrates may be formed heterogeneously through a mechanism catalyzed by particle acidity or that acidic conditions facilitate the partitioning of gas-phase organic nitrates into particle phase. The results of this study suggest that inorganic acidity has a significant role to play in determining various organic aerosol chemical properties such as mass yields, oxidation state, and organic nitrate content. The acidity effect being further dependent on the timescale of SOA formation is also an important parameter in the modeling of SOA.
Yin X, Zhang J, Hu Z, Xie H, Guo W, Wang Q, Ngo HH, Liang S, Lu S, Wu W. Effect of photosynthetically elevated pH on performance of surface flow-constructed wetland planted with Phragmites australis. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH. 2016;23:15524-15531.Abstract
Combination of emergent and submerged plants has been proved to be able to enhance pollutant removal efficiency of surface flow-constructed wetland (SFCW) during winter. However, intensive photosynthesis of submerged plants during summer would cause pH increase, which may have adverse effects on emergent plants. In this study, nitrogen transformation of lab-scale SFCW under pH gradient of 7.5, 8.5, 9.5 and 10.5 was systematically investigated. The results showed that total nitrogen (TN) removal efficiency decreased from 76.3 +/- 0.04 to 51.8 +/- 0.04 % when pH increased from 7.5 to 10.5, which was mainly attributed to plant assimilation decay and inhibition of microbe activities (i.e., nitrite-oxidizing bacteria and denitrifiers). Besides, the highest sediment adsorption in SFCW was observed at pH of 8.5. In general, the combination of submerged and emergent plants is feasible for most of the year, but precaution should be taken to mitigate the negative effect of high alkaline conditions when pH rises to above 8.5 in midsummer.
Chen YQ, Zhang ZG, Huang RC, Huang ZP. Effect of residual interface stress on thermo-elastic properties of unidirectional fiber-reinforced nanocomposites. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 2016;113:133-147.Abstract
Surface/interface effect plays a significant role in the study of the mechanical properties of nano composites. Most previous papers in the literature only considered the surface/interface elasticity, whereas some papers only considered the residual surface/interface stress (surface/interface tension). In this paper, an energy-based surface/interface theory is applied to systematically study the effective thermo-elastic properties of unidirectional fiber-reinforced nanocomposites, in which both the surface/interface elasticity and the residual surface/interface stress are included. The emphasis is particularly placed on the influence of the residual interface stress on the effective thermo-elastic properties of such nanocomposites, since this influence was ignored by many previous authors. Analytical expressions of five effective transversely isotropic elastic constants are derived, in which a modified generalized self consistent method is suggested to obtain an explicit expression of the size-dependent effective transverse shear modulus. Furthermore, with an introduced concept of 'equivalent fiber' (i.e., a fiber together with its interface), the effective thermal expansion coefficients and the effective specific heat at constant strain of the fiber-reinforced nanocomposite are obtained. Finally, numerical examples are illustrated, and the effect of residual interface stress on the effective thermo-elastic properties of the fibrous nanocomposite is discussed. It is shown that the residual interface stress has a significant effect on the overall thermo-elastic properties of the nanocomposites. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
