科研成果 by Year: 2019

He L, Wu D, Tong M. The influence of different charged poly (amido amine) dendrimer on the transport and deposition of bacteria in porous media. Water Research [Internet]. 2019;161:364-371. 访问链接Abstract
The influence of dendrimer on the bacterial transport and deposition behaviors in saturated porous media (quartz sand) was investigated in both NaCl (10 and 25 mM) and CaCl2 solutions (1.2 and 5 mM). 3.5G and 4G poly (amido amine) (PAMAM) dendrimer was employed as negatively and positively charged dendrimer, respectively. Three dendrimer concentrations (10 μg/L, 1 and 10 mg/L) were considered in present study. We found that regardless of the solution chemistry (ionic strength and ion types) and dendrimer concentrations, the presence of negatively charged PAMAM 3.5G in suspensions enhanced bacterial transport and inhibited their deposition in quartz sand; while the presence of positive charged PAMAM 4G yet induced the opposite effects (decreased bacterial transport and increased their deposition in quartz sand). The increased repulsive force between cell and quartz sand due to the adsorption of PAMAM 3.5G onto both cell and sand surfaces, the competition deposition sites as well as the steric repulsion via the suspended PAMAM 3.5G drove to the increased bacterial transport with PAMAM 3.5G copresent in suspensions in quartz sand. While the reduced repulsive force between cell and quartz sand induced by the chemical heterogeneity on both cell and sand surfaces (due to the adsorption of positive charged PAMAM 4G) increased bacterial retention in quartz sand with copresence of PAMAM 4G (10 μg/L and 1 mg/L) in suspensions. Steric repulsion due to the presence of great amount of suspended PAMAM 4G yet lead to the enhanced bacterial transport with furthering increasing PAMAM 4G to 10 mg/L relative to the lower PAMAM 4G concentration. © 2019
Li M, He L, Zhang M, Liu X, Tong M, Kim H. Cotransport and Deposition of Iron Oxides with Different-Sized Plastic Particles in Saturated Quartz Sand. Environmental Science and Technology [Internet]. 2019;53(7):3547-3557. 访问链接Abstract
The present study was designed to investigate the cotransport and deposition of different-sized plastic particle from nano- (0.02 μm) to micrometer-scale (0.2 and 2 μm) with goethite and hematite (two types of representative iron oxides abundant in natural environment) in porous media at both low (5 mM) and high ionic strength (25 mM) in NaCl solutions. We found that through different mechanisms (i.e., modification of surface properties of iron oxides, steric repulsion, or alteration in deposition sites on quartz sand), different-sized plastic particles induced different effects on the transport and deposition behaviors of iron oxides in quartz sand. Likewise, via different mechanisms such as change of surface properties or alteration in deposition sites on quartz sand, different transport behaviors for different sized plastic particles induced by the copresence of iron oxides were also observed. The results of this study suggested that cotransport of iron oxides and plastic particles in porous media is far more complex than those of individual colloid transport. Since both plastic particles and iron oxides are ubiquitous presence in natural environment, it is expected that they would interact with each other and thus alter the surface properties, leading to the change of transport behaviors in porous media. Copyright © 2019 American Chemical Society.