科研成果 by Type: 期刊论文

李力行, 申广军. 金融发展与城市规模——理论和来自中国城市的证据. 经济学(季刊). Forthcoming;18(3).
张丹丹, 李力行, 童晨. 最低工资、流动人口失业与犯罪. 经济学(季刊). 2018;17(3).
周广肃, 樊纲, 李力行. 收入差距、物质渴求与家庭风险金融资产投资. 世界经济. 2018;(4):53-74.
Li L, Wu X. Number of Siblings, Credit Constraint, and Entrepreneurship in China. Journal of Development Studies. 2018;54(7):1253-1273.
申广军, 欧阳伊玲, 李力行. 技能结构的地区差异:金融发展视角. 金融研究. 2017;(7).
Huang Z, Li L, Ma G, Xu CL. Hayek, Local Information, and Commanding Heights: Decentralizing State-Owned Enterprises in China. American Economic Review [Internet]. 2017;107(8):2455-2478. 访问链接
*Li L, Wu X. TheConsequences of Having a Son on Family Wealth in Urban China. Review of Income and Wealth. 2017;63(2):378-393.
李力行, 黄佩媛, 马光荣. 土地资源错配与中国工业企业生产率差异. 管理世界. 2016;(8):86-96.
周广肃, 李力行. 养老保险是否促进了农村创业?. 世界经济. 2016;(11):172-192.
周广肃;谢绚丽;*李力行. 信任对家庭创业决策的影响及机制探讨. 管理世界. 2015;(12):121-129.
Li, Lixing; *Ma G. Government size and tax evasion: evidence from china. Pacific Economic Review. 2015;20(2):346-364.Abstract
This paper investigates how government size affects tax evasion in China. Using matched county-firm data for 1998-2005, we estimate the impact of county government size on the relationship between a firm's reported profit and imputed profit based on the national income accounts. A larger government is found to be correlated with more severe tax evasion, especially for state-owned and collectively-owned firms. Such an effect is stronger when local governance become worse. This paper shows that a large government does not bring about a strong state capacity to enforce tax rules at the local level in China.
李力行;申广军. 经济开发区、地区比较优势与产业结构调整. 经济学(季刊) [Internet]. 2015;(03):885-910. 访问链接Abstract
李力行;周广肃. 家庭借贷约束、公共教育支出与社会流动性. 经济学(季刊) [Internet]. 2015;(01):65-82. 访问链接Abstract
吴晓瑜;李力行. 城镇化如何影响了居民的健康?. 南开经济研究 [Internet]. 2014;(06):58-73. 访问链接Abstract
*马光荣;李力行. 金融契约效率、企业退出与资源误置. 世界经济. 2014;(10):77-103.
吴晓瑜;王敏;*李力行. 中国的高房价是否阻碍了创业?. 经济研究. 2014;(09):121-134.
姚洋 吴鸾莺; *李力行;. 农业税费改革对土地流转的影响——基于状态转换模型的理论和实证分析. 中国农村经济. 2014;(07):48-60.
Wu, Xiaoyu; *Li L. The motives of intergenerational transfer to the elderly parents in china: consequences of high medical expenditure. Health Economics. 2014;23(6):631-652.Abstract
The support for the elderly is facing big challenges with the problem of population aging. Transfers from adult children could partly insure elderly parents against low income and high medical expenditure. There are two main motives for transfers in the literature, namely altruism and exchange. By using data from a new household survey of people aged 45 years and above in China, we estimate the transfer derivatives with the adjustment of medical expenditure in elderly parents' income. We find a large negative impact of adjusted income on transfers at the lower end of income distribution, which is consistent with the altruistic motive. Evidence on the exchange motive is found only for sons, but not for daughters. In addition, there is evidence on the 'exchange-for-service' motive, which interprets transfer as a payment to parents' family services, such as taking care of grandchildren.
周广肃 李力行;. 代际传递、社会流动性及其变化趋势——来自收入、职业、教育、政治身份的多角度分析. 浙江社会科学 [Internet]. 2014;(05):11-22+156. 访问链接Abstract
*Li, Lixing; Wu X. Housing prices and entrepreneurship in China. Journal of Comparative Economics. 2014;42(2):436-449.Abstract
Housing price has increased dramatically in China during the past decade. The appreciation of house value could relax credit constraint and thus encourage entrepreneurship. However, a house serves as both an important investment channel and a prerequisite for marriage in China. The continuous high return of investment in housing and intensified marriage market competition make house purchase a priority for young people and their parents, which would crowd out entrepreneurial activities. Using two large datasets, we find that high housing price in general discourages entrepreneurial activities for urban adults. For house owners, while house value appreciation has a positive wealth effect, the ratio of mortgage over income has a negative effect. For non-owners, a higher ratio of housing price over income corresponds to a lower probability of entrepreneurship. This study highlights the negative consequences of surging housing price on entrepreneurship in developing countries.
