科研成果 by Year: 2011

吴晓瑜;李力行. 母以子贵:性别偏好与妇女的家庭地位——来自中国营养健康调查的证据. 经济学(季刊) [Internet]. 2011;10(3):18. 访问链接Abstract
*Li, Lixing; Wu X. Gender of Children, Bargaining Power, and Intrahousehold Resource Allocation in China. Journal of Human Resources. 2011;46(2):295-316.Abstract
Based on the prevalent son preference in China, this paper proposes a new measure of relative bargaining power within the household. Using data from China Health and Nutrition Survey, we show that a woman with a first-born son has a 3.9 percentage points' greater role in household decision-making than a woman with a first-born daughter Having a first-horn son improves the mother's nutrition intakes and reduces her likelihood of being underweight. While thinking of these impacts as being channeled through intrahousehold bargaining power we cannot fully rule out other possible direct effects of a first-born son on the outcomes.
*Li L. The incentive role of creating "cities" in China. China Economic Review. 2011;22(1):172-181.Abstract SCI被引用次数:35.
China operated an urbanization policy by which counties could be given city status between 1983 and 1997. The policy had substantial impacts on the new administrative entities, including more discretionary power and fiscal independence. Such "county-to-city upgrading" provided the central government with an instrument to reward localities. Using a large dataset covering all counties during 1993-1997. I show that upgrading is not an automatic procedure that endorses the high urbanization levels in existing counties. Although official guidelines for upgrading counties to cities were published, these requirements were largely ignored in practice. Instead, economic growth rate was the key factor in determining which counties obtained city status. This paper interprets the creation of county-level cities through upgrading as part of the incentive structure of Chinese local officials. The importance of both fiscal and political incentives facing the local government in promoting economic growth is highlighted.
李力行;吴晓瑜. 健康、教育和经济增长:理论及跨国证据. 南开经济研究 [Internet]. 2011;(01):102-119. 访问链接AbstractPKU 
李力行. 发展农村金融的关键:发挥农用地和宅基地的抵押融资功能. 农村工作通讯 [Internet]. 2011;(14):37-37. 访问链接Abstract
李力行. 推进农地抵押的现实路径. 国土资源导刊 [Internet]. 2011;(08):58-59. 访问链接Abstract
*李力行. 成都改革的新进展——农地确权与集体建设用地入市, in “CMRC中国经济观察”第26次报告会. 中国北京; 2011:10. 访问链接Abstract