
Li L, Wang Q, Qiu X, Dong Y, Jia S, Hu J. Field determination and QSPR prediction of equilibrium-status soil/vegetation partition coefficient of PCDD/Fs. Journal of Hazardous MaterialsJournal of Hazardous Materials. 2014;276:278-286.
Dong Y, Li L, Bie P, Jia S, Wang Q, Huang Z, Qiu X, Zhang J, Hu J. Polybrominated diphenyl ethers in farmland soils: Source characterization, deposition contribution and apportionment. Science of The Total EnvironmentScience of The Total Environment. 2014;466-467:524-532.
Li L, Xu J, Hu J, Han J. Reducing Nitrous Oxide Emissions to Mitigate Climate Change and Protect the Ozone Layer. Environmental Science & TechnologyEnvironmental Science & Technology. 2014;48:5290-5297.
胡建信, 方雪坤, 吴婧, 张剑波. 中国控制和管理氢氟碳化物的机遇与挑战. 气候变化研究进展气候变化研究进展. 2014;10:142-148.Abstract
Wu J, Martin JW, Zhai Z, Lu K, Li L, Fang X, Jin H, Hu J, Zhang J. Response to Comment on “Airborne Trifluoroacetic Acid and Its Fraction from the Degradation of HFC-134a in Beijing, China″. Environmental Science & TechnologyEnvironmental Science & Technology. 2014;48:9949-9949.
Fang X, Hu X, Janssens-Maenhout G, Wu J, Han J, Su S, Zhang J, Hu J. Sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) emission estimates for China: an inventory for 1990-2010 and a projection to 2020. Environ Sci TechnolEnviron Sci Technol. 2013;47:3848-55.Abstract
Sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) is the most potent greenhouse gas regulated under the Kyoto Protocol, with a high global warming potential. In this study, SF6 emissions from China were inventoried for 1990-2010 and projected to 2020. Results reveal that the highest SF6 emission contribution originates from the electrical equipment sector (about 70%), followed by the magnesium production sector, the semiconductor manufacture sector and the SF6 production sector (each about 10%). Both agreements and discrepancies were found in comparisons of our estimates with previously published data. An accelerated growth rate was found for Chinese SF6 emissions during 1990-2010. Because the relative growth rate of SF6 emissions is estimated to be much higher than those of CO2, CH4, and N2O, SF6 will play an increasing role in greenhouse gas emissions in China. Global contributions from China increased rapidly from 0.9 +/- 0.3% in 1990 to 22.8 +/- 6.3% in 2008, making China one of the crucial contributors to the recent growth in global emissions. Under the examined Business-as-usual (BAU) Scenario, projected emissions will reach 4270 +/- 1020 t in 2020, but a reduction of about 90% of the projected BAU emissions would be obtained under the Alternative Scenario.
胡建信;张剑波. 减排氢氟碳化物面临哪些机遇和挑战?. 2013:002.
刘建国, 李力, 胡建信. 高关注物质(SVHCs):中国化学品风险管理体制、能力和基础研究挑战. 科学通报科学通报. 2013;58:2643-2650.Abstract
Wu J, Fang X, Xu W, Wan D, Shi Y, Su S, Hu J, Zhang J. Chlorofluorocarbons, hydrochlorofluorocarbons, and hydrofluorocarbons in the atmosphere of four Chinese cities. Atmospheric EnvironmentAtmospheric Environment. 2013;75:83-91.
Fang X, Wu J, Xu J, Huang D, Shi Y, Wan D, Wu H, Shao M, Hu J. Ambient mixing ratios of chlorofluorocarbons, hydrochlorofluorocarbons and hydrofluorocarbons in 46 Chinese cities. Atmospheric EnvironmentAtmospheric Environment. 2012;54:387-392.
Wang Q, Shi Y, Hu J, Yao ZW, Fang X, Dong Y. Determination of dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls in soil and moss from Fildes Peninsula, Antarctica. Chinese Science BulletinChinese Science Bulletin. 2012;57:992-996.
Fang X, Wu J, Su S, Han J, Wu Y, Shi Y, Wan D, Sun X, Zhang J, Hu J. Estimates of major anthropogenic halocarbon emissions from China based on interspecies correlations. Atmospheric EnvironmentAtmospheric Environment. 2012;62:26-33.
Wang Q, Zhao L, Fang X, Xu J, Li Y, Shi Y, Hu J. Gridded usage inventories of chlordane in China. Frontiers of Environmental Science & EngineeringFrontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering. 2012;7:10-18.
Zhang L, Liu J, Hu J, Liu C, Guo W, Wang Q, Wang H. The inventory of sources, environmental releases and risk assessment for perfluorooctane sulfonate in China. Environmental PollutionEnvironmental Pollution. 2012;165:193-198.
苏燊燊, 吴婧, 方雪坤, 胡建信. 中国汽车空调行业淘汰CFCs 的环境效益分析. 中国大气环境科学与技术大会. 2011.Abstract
氯氟烃化合物,又称氟氯化碳(chlorofluorccarbons,简称CFCs)是一类曾被广泛应用于空调、制冷、泡沫和气雾剂等行业的化工产品.CFCs 除具有臭氧损耗潜值ODP (ozonedepleting potential)外,同时也是高全球变暖潜值(GWP)的温室气体,它们除了耗损臭氧层同时也是显著的辐射强迫因子,在2007 年IPCC 发布的评估报告中卤代烃的辐射强迫为0.34W/m2.中国政府与1991 年签订《关于消耗臭氧层物质的蒙特利尔议定书》及其伦敦修正案,成为《蒙特利尔议定书》的缔约国.在中国政府的努力和联合国多边基金的支持下,中国较《蒙特利尔议定书》规定时间提前两年半,于2007 年7 月完成了CFCs 的淘汰目标.
胡建信. 近十年来中国POPs研究回顾及展望. 绿叶绿叶. 2011:30-35.Abstract
摘 要: 中国对POPs的关注始于八十年代初期,那时我们所依据的更多地是从国外得到的信息而非自己的研究结果。斯德哥尔摩公约的签署极大地促进了中国的POPs研究.这十年来.科研环境和研究能力大大提升.具体的研究成果也在逐步积累。国内POPs研究的硬件方面有了很大提高。但在研究经验和研究方法.包括一些技术手段上,跟国外还有很大差距。未来我们更需要的是基于风险管理为目标的研究,对于一些新增的、毒性较弱的POPs,也需要我们去做更深入的毒性研究、风险和风险管理研究。
Wan T, Dou Y, Wang L, Yang L, Zhou X, Wan D, Hu J. Environmental Benefits for Phase-Out HCFC-22 in the Residential Air-Conditioner Sector in China. Advances in Climate Change ResearchAdvances in Climate Change Research. 2011;2:86-92.
万婷婷, 万丹, 王雷, 窦艳伟, 孙学志, 胡建信. 中国冰箱行业淘汰CFCs的环境效益分析. 北京大学学报自然科学版北京大学学报自然科学版. 2011;47:499-504.Abstract
以无《蒙特利尔议定书》的情景为基线情景,从消耗臭氧层物质排放、温室气体排放及冰箱耗电量角度分析中国冰箱行业履约淘汰CFCs产生的环境效益。结果表明,截至2008年底,中国冰箱行业淘汰CFCs已实现减排273.5 Mt CO2-eq和4.7×104 t ODP;2008年后还将减排619.8 Mt CO2-eq和1.0×105 t ODP;通过采用更加节能的制冷剂,截至2008年底累计节电2.8×1010 kWh,折合减排24.2 Mt CO2-eq,对中国节约资源和节能减排具有十分重要的现实意义。
Hu J, Wan D, Li C, Zhang J, Yi X. Forecast of Consumption and Emission of HFC-134a Used in the Mobile Air-conditioner Sector in China. Advances in Climate Change ResearchAdvances in Climate Change Research. 2010;1:20-26.
Qiu X, Zhu T, Hu J. Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and other flame retardants in the atmosphere and water from Taihu Lake, East China. ChemosphereChemosphere. 2010;80:1207-1212.
