Li L, Weber R, Liu J, Hu J.
Long-term emissions of hexabromocyclododecane as a chemical of concern in products in China. Environment International. 2016;91:291.
AbstractThere has been ever-increasing international interest in investigating the long-term emissions of chemicals in products (CiPs) throughout their entire life cycle in the anthroposphere. Hexabromocyclododecane (HBCDD) is a contemporary example of special interest due to the recent listing of this hazardous flame retardant in the Stockholm Convention and the consequent need for parties to take appropriate measures to eliminate this compound. Here, we conducted a scenario-based dynamic substance flow analysis, coupled with interval linear programming, to forecast the future HBCDD emissions in China in order to assist with the implementation of the Stockholm Convention in this current world's predominant HBCDD manufacturing and consuming country. Our results indicate that, under a business-as-usual scenario, the cumulative HBCDD production will amount to 238,000聽tonnes before its phase-out, 79% of which will be consumed in domestic market, accumulate as stocks in flame-retarded polystyrene insulation boards, and ultimately end up in demolition waste. While the production is scheduled to end in ca. 2021, emissions of HBCDD would continue until after 2100. For the entire simulation period 2000鈥2100, 44% of total cumulative emissions will arise from the industrial manufacture of HBCDD-associated end-products, whereas 49% will come from the end-of-life disposals of HBCDD-containing waste. The most effective end-of-life disposal option for minimizing emissions we found was, a pre-demolition screening combined with complete incineration. Our study warns of the huge challenges that China would face in its eliminating HBCDD contamination in the following decades, and provides an effective methodology for a wider range of countries to recognize and tackle their long-term emission problems of hazardous CiPs.
Wang Z, Fang X, Li L, Bie P, Li Z, Hu J, Zhang B, Zhang J.
Historical and projected emissions of HCFC-22 and HFC-410A from China's room air conditioning sector. Atmospheric EnvironmentAtmospheric Environment. 2016;132:30-35.
Su S, Fang X, Zhao J, Hu J.
Spatiotemporal characteristics of consumption based CO 2 emissions from China’s power sector. Resources Conservation & RecyclingResources Conservation & Recycling. 2016.
AbstractAs China’s largest CO 2 emission source, power sector has a large scale of power exchange, which results in the issue of interprovincial CO 2 emissions transfer embodied in power transmission. Based on interprovincial detailed power exchange data, a bottom-up method which takes into account the fuel mix of exported electricity is developed to calculate provincial CO 2 emissions embodied in power transmission. Provincial CO 2 emissions from power sector associated in consumption perspective in 2007, 2010 and 2012 are analyzed and compared with those in production based perspective. The calculation shows that total CO 2 emissions embodied in interprovincial power exchange is 532 Tg in 2012, accounting for 14% of total emissions from power sector. The embodied emissions have risen by 94% between 2007 and 2012. The general transfer pathway of embodied CO 2 emissions is from eastern China to western China with long-range power transmission. The disparities between consumption and production based CO 2 emissions are significant in some provinces. The production based CO 2 emissions from power sector of Inner Mongolia are 195 Tg higher than those of the consumption based, while the consumption based emissions of Beijing are 484% larger than those of the production based. This study also reveals an increasing trend of CO 2 emissions from both production and consumption principles for most provinces over the period 2007–2012.
Li Z, Bie P, Wang Z, Zhang Z, Jiang H, Xu W, Zhang J, Hu J.
Estimated HCFC-22 emissions for 1990–2050 in China and the increasing contribution to global emissions. Atmospheric EnvironmentAtmospheric Environment. 2016;132:77-84.
Fang X, Velders GJ, Ravishankara AR, Molina MJ, Hu J, Prinn RG.
Hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) Emissions in China: An Inventory for 2005-2013 and Projections to 2050. Environ Sci TechnolEnviron Sci Technol. 2016;50:2027-34.
AbstractMany hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) that are widely used as substitutes for ozone-depleting substances (now regulated under the Montreal Protocol) are very potent greenhouse gases (GHGs). China's past and future HFC emissions are of great interest because China has emerged as a major producer and consumer of HFCs. Here, we present for the first time a comprehensive inventory estimate of China's HFC emissions during 2005-2013. Results show a rapid increase in HFC production, consumption, and emissions in China during the period and that the emissions of HFC with a relatively high global warming potential (GWP) grew faster than those with a relatively low GWP. The proportions of China's historical HFC CO2-equivalent emissions to China's CO2 emissions or global HFC CO2-equivalent emissions increased rapidly during 2005-2013. Using the "business-as-usual" (BAU) scenario, in which HFCs are used to replace a significant fraction of hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) in China (to date, there are no regulations on HFC uses in China), emissions of HFCs are projected to be significant components of China's and global future GHG emissions. However, potentials do exist for minimizing China's HFC emissions (for example, if regulations on HFC uses are established in China). Our findings on China's historical and projected HFC emission trajectories could also apply to other developing countries, with important implications for mitigating global GHG emissions.
韩佳蕊, 姜含宇, 张兆阳, 胡建信.
中国氢氟碳化物削减政策框架研究——基于现有控制臭氧消耗物质体系及发达国家经验. 环境保护环境保护. 2016;44:69-71.
Abstract摘 要: 面对国际社会积极控制非CO_2温室气体的趋势和艰巨的温室气体减排任务,中国作为氢氟碳化物(HFCs)的产销大国,控制这一高增长、难回收的强效温室气体已势在必行。鉴于HFCs与臭氧消耗物质(Ozone Depleting Substance,ODS)的削减工作具有较强传承性,中国在构建管控HFCs系统时,应在沿用现有ODS管理体制与法规体系的基础上,借鉴国外的先进经验:将现有源头管理体系向下游延伸,构建全生命周期的封闭式管理机制;充分重视高精度温室气体排放量与大气浓度数据的反馈与指导作用,并将中国成熟的行业削减机制与逐个化学品(Chemical-bychemical)削减相结合,从而逐步以更具成本有效性的方式控制HFCs排放。