科研成果 by Year: 2019

Pan S, Du* C-H, Gao Z-C, Li F-H, Bian H-Q, Liu* P-K. Investigation of high-order mode excitation in a terahertz second-harmonic gyro-BWO. Physics of Plasmas [Internet]. 2019;26(033114). 访问链接Abstract
As to gyrotron oscillators, operation at high harmonics is an effective solution to decrease the required magnetic field strengths and improve radiation frequencies towards the terahertz (THz) band. Unfortunately, significant challenges related to a harmonic gyrotron include weak interaction strengths and serious mode competition conditions. In this paper, we report on the excitation strategy and stable-state property of a THz second-harmonic (SH) gyro-BWO with the TE24,3 mode. Such an extremely high-order mode interaction system is inherently capable of providing high power capacity and advanced mode selectivity. A competition-free parameter space is created by increasing the Doppler sensitivity of one fundamental-harmonic (FH) competing mode at low magnetic fields and simultaneously suppressing the Q factor of another FH competing mode in the near-cutoff region at high magnetic fields. The SH quasi-whispering-gallery mode can be stimulated with a medium output power at around 0.5 THz during the FH mode switching process. This work contributes to further exploiting high frequency steps in the high-order multi-mode frequency-tuning gyro-BWO.
Pan S, Du* C-H, Bian H-Q, Gao Z-C, Li F-H, Liu* P-K. Terahertz broadband whispering-gallery mode Gyrotron backward-wave oscillator. IEEE Trans. Electron Devices [Internet]. 2019;66(5):2389-2395. 访问链接Abstract
Conventional gyrotron backward-wave oscillators (gyro-BWOs) operate in a low-order mode, e.g., TE 0,1 mode. As the operating frequency extends to the terahertz (THz) band, the transverse size of low-order mode cavity shrinks, and the power capability is reduced, consequently. A solution to adopt an overmoded interaction cavity with a significantly enlarged index of the operating mode is valid on the condition that the challenging problem of mode competition can be controlled during the broadband frequency tuning. In this paper, a high-order whispering-gallery mode (WGM) THz gyro-BWO with a cathode-end output circuit is investigated. A segment-tapered circuit is applied to suppress the Q factors of competing modes and to obtain a the competition-free stable start-oscillation scenario. The theoretical result predicts that the effective frequency tuning range continuously covers between 252.3 and 260 GHz when the B-field is changed from 9.41 to 9.96 T. Our studies are beneficial to the development of high-performance sources for THz biomedical and material science applications.
Zhu J-F, Du* C-H, Li F-H, Bao L-Y, Liu P-K. Free-electron-driven multi-frequency terahertz radiation on a super-grating structure. IEEE Access. 2019;7:181184 - 181190.
Zhu J-F, Du* C-H, Bao L-Y, Liu* P-K. Regenerated amplification of terahertz spoof surface plasmon radiation. New Journal of Physics. 2019;21(033021).
Zhu J-F, Du* C-H, Huang T-J, Bao L-Y, Liu P-K. Free-electron-driven beam-scanning terahertz radiation. Optics Express. 2019;27(18):26192-26202.