Qi X-B, Du* C-H, Pan S, Liu* P-K.
Terahertz broadband tunable pulse gyrotron. Science Sinica Informationis [Internet]. 2017;47(12):1741-1752.
访问链接AbstractBased on the principle of a relativistic electron cyclotron maser, gyrotrons can generate high-power coherent radiation in the millimeter-terahertz (THz) waveband. A pulse magnet can generate an ultra-high field strength, and simultaneously reduces the volume by several times compared with a conventional superconducting magnet, which promotes a THz gyrotron to break the 1 THz barrier. However, only an extremely short duration around the peak field of the pulse magnet can be used for a conventional open-cavity gyrotron fixed-frequency operation. In this letter, a novel gyrotron interaction scheme is proposed to excite the broadband THz radiation by integrating a broadband pre-bunched interaction circuit with a pulse magnet, which is a promising way to expand the frequency tuning bandwidth, enlarge the magnetic field by utilizing the range of the pulse magnet, extend the operating pulse duration of a gyrotron, and realize the quasi-continuous operation of a pulse magnet gyrotron. After an investigation into the frequency and time domains, a broadband pulse gyrotron driven by a 20 kV low-voltage electron beam is predicted to generate radiation with a frequency of between 0.328 and 0.338 THz, with a peak power of 2.1 kW in a 6 ms pulse duration.
Pan S, Du C-H, Qi X-B, Liu P-K.
Broadband terahertz-power extracting by using electron cyclotron maser. Scientific Reports [Internet]. 2017;7:7265.
访问链接AbstractTerahertz applications urgently require high performance and room temperature terahertz sources. The gyrotron based on the principle of electron cyclotron maser is able to generate watt-to-megawatt level terahertz radiation, and becomes an exceptional role in the frontiers of energy, security and biomedicine. However, in normal conditions, a terahertz gyrotron could generate terahertz radiation with high efficiency on a single frequency or with low efficiency in a relatively narrow tuning band. Here a frequency tuning scheme for the terahertz gyrotron utilizing sequentially switching among several whispering-gallery modes is proposed to reach high performance with broadband, coherence and high power simultaneously. Such mode-switching gyrotron has the potential of generating broadband radiation with 100-GHz-level bandwidth. Even wider bandwidth is limited by the frequency-dependent effective electrical length of the cavity. Preliminary investigation applies a pre-bunched circuit to the single-mode wide-band tuning. Then, more broadband sweeping is produced by mode switching in great-range magnetic tuning. The effect of mode competition, as well as critical engineering techniques on frequency tuning is discussed to confirm the feasibility for the case close to reality. This multi-mode-switching scheme could make gyrotron a promising device towards bridging the so-called terahertz gap.
Qi X-B, Du C-H, Zhu J-F, Pan S, Liu P-K.
The design of a multi-harmonic step-tunable gyrotron. Physics of Plasmas [Internet]. 2017;24(3):033101.
访问链接AbstractThe theoretical study of a step-tunable gyrotron controlled by successive excitation of multi-harmonic modes is presented in this paper. An axis-encircling electron beam is employed to eliminate the harmonic mode competition. Physics images are depicted to elaborate the multi-harmonic interaction mechanism in determining the operating parameters at which arbitrary harmonic tuning can be realized by magnetic field sweeping to achieve controlled multiband frequencies' radiation. An important principle is revealed that a weak coupling coefficient under a high-harmonic interaction can be compensated by a high Q-factor. To some extent, the complementation between the high Q-factor and weak coupling coefficient makes the high-harmonic mode potential to achieve high efficiency. Based on a previous optimized magnetic cusp gun, the multi-harmonic step-tunable gyrotron is feasible by using harmonic tuning of first-to-fourth harmonic modes. Multimode simulation shows that the multi-harmonic gyrotron can operate on the 34 GHz first-harmonic TE11 mode, 54 GHz second-harmonic TE21 mode, 74 GHz third-harmonic TE31 mode, and 94 GHz fourth-harmonic TE41 mode, corresponding to peak efficiencies of 28.6%, 35.7%, 17.1%, and 11.4%, respectively. The multi-harmonic step-tunable gyrotron provides new possibilities in millimeter–terahertz source development especially for advanced terahertz applications.
Qi X-B, Du C-H, Pan S, Ji X, Huang B, Liu P-K.
Terahertz Broadband-Tunable Minigyrotron With a Pulse Magnet. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices [Internet]. 2017;64(2):527-535.
访问链接AbstractA minigyrotron scheme controlled by a compact pulse magnet to excite broadband terahertz (THz) radiation is presented here. In comparison to an open-cavity circuit, the adopted prebunched backward-wave interaction circuit can expand tuning bandwidth tenfold under the control of time-varying magnetic field strength, which also significantly extends the available duration time of the pulse magnet for gyrotron operation. A quasi-optical mode convertor and a Brewster window constitute the output system to transfer the broadband radiation from the circuit into free space. A systematic gyrotron design is also presented. Driven by a low-voltage electron beam, the minigyrotron is predicted to generate radiation with 10-GHz tuning bandwidth around 0.33 THz and a maximum peak power of 2.1 kW with 6-ms pulse duration, using a TE6,2 mode interaction. Such a THz gyrotron with broad tunable bandwidth, kilowatt level power, and with the unique advantage of a compact configuration is the key to high-power THz scientific and industrial applications.