
Zhou W, Chen Y. A mixed cell compressed sparse row for time domain boundary element method in elastodynamics. Advances in Engineering SoftwareAdvances in Engineering Software. 2024;192.
Sun F, Wu Z, Chen Y. A study on singular boundary integrals and stability of 3D time domain boundary element method. Applied Mathematical Modelling [Internet]. 2023;115:724–753. 访问链接
Zhou W, Yang X, Chen Y. Adaptive sinh transformation Gaussian quadrature for 2D potential problems using deep learning. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements [Internet]. 2023;155:197-211. 访问链接Abstract
In the boundary element method (BEM), the sinh transformation method is an effective method for evaluating nearly singular integrals, but a relationship between the integration accuracy and the number of Gaussian points is needed to achieve adaptive computation. Based on deep learning, we propose a novel integration scheme, adaptive sinh transformation Gaussian quadrature (ASTGQ), which can determine the number of Gaussian points according to the required accuracy. First, a large number of integration data samples of the sinh transformation method are generated in different cases, and the neural network is trained to establish the relationship between the number of Gaussian points and the integration accuracy. Then, based on the improved loss function and evaluation index, a better network model is obtained to ensure that the actual integration accuracy is slightly higher than the requirement of using the minimum Gaussian points. In this way, when the trained neural network is used in the sinh transformation method, the higher accuracy requirement can be met at a lower cost. Numerical examples demonstrate that, compared to the adaptive Gaussian quadrature (AGQ) method, the proposed scheme can significantly improve the computational efficiency when evaluating the nearly singular integrals for very thin coatings and other structures.
Zhou W, Wu Z, Liu Y, Chen Y. Time domain boundary element method for semi-infinite domain problems using CSR storage method. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements [Internet]. 2023;147:267-275. 访问链接Abstract
The time domain boundary element method (TDBEM) is suitable for dealing with dynamic problems in the semi-infinite domain (such as the propagation of seismic waves). The fundamental solution in the TDBEM is an impulse function with time terms, and the formed coefficient matrix is sparse. In this paper, a TDBEM using the compressed storage algorithm based on Compressed Sparse Row (CSR) format is proposed to solve the semi-infinite domain dynamics problems. The coefficient matrix is stored in the CSR format, and the generation method of the coefficient matrix elements and the matrix operation scheme based on CSR format in the TDBEM are given. The GMRES algorithm is also modified to make it suitable for TDBEM of CSR format to improve the efficiency of iterative solution. The provided semi-infinite domain dynamics examples show that the TDBEM of CSR format proposed in this paper can greatly reduce the storage space and improve the efficiency and scale of the solution.
陈永强, 吴志鹏, 杨湘娟, 陈璞, 孙树立. 区域地震分析软件研究综述. 中国安全科学学报. 2022;32:126-136.PKU 
王奇, 王刚桥, 陈永强, 刘奕. 面向社会计算的集成建模方法与应用系统. 计算机科学. 2022;49:25-29.AbstractPKU 
Zheng ZJ, Kulasegaram S, Chen P, Chen YQ. An efficient SPH methodology for modelling mechanical characteristics of particulate composites. Defence TechnologyDefence Technology. 2021;17:135-146.Abstract
Particulate composites are one of the widely used materials in producing numerous state-of-the-art components in biomedical, automobile, aerospace including defence technology. Variety of modelling techniques have been adopted in the past to model mechanical behaviour of particulate composites. Due to their favourable properties, particle-based methods provide a convenient platform to model failure or fracture of these composites. Smooth particle hydrodynamics (SPH) is one of such methods which demonstrate excellent potential for modelling failure or fracture of particulate composites in a Lagrangian setting. One of the major challenges in using SPH method for modelling composite materials depends on accurate and efficient way to treat interface and boundary conditions. In this paper, a master-slave method based multi-freedom constraints is proposed to impose essential boundary conditions and interfacial displacement constraints in modelling mechanical behaviour of composite materials using SPH method. The proposed methodology enforces the above constraints more accurately and requires only smaller condition number for system stiffness matrix than the procedures based on typical penalty function approach. A minimum cut-off value-based error criteria is employed to improve the computational efficiency of the proposed methodology. In addition, the proposed method is further enhanced by adopting a modified numerical interpolation scheme along the boundary to increase the accuracy and computational efficiency. The numerical examples demonstrate that the proposed master-slave approach yields better accuracy in enforcing displacement constraints and requires approximately the same computational time as that of penalty method. (C) 2020 China Ordnance Society. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi Communications Co.
Cong C, Chen Y, Huang Z, Bai S. A micromechanics model to predict effective thermal conductivity of rGO/MMT/polymer composites. Journal of Applied PhysicsJournal of Applied PhysicsJournal of Applied Physics. 2021;129:155108.Abstract
In recent years, enhanced thermal conductive properties of polymer composites filled with reduced graphene oxide (rGO) have been studied for diverse applications. However, rGO fillers tend to form aggregates, making it difficult to reach the maximum enhancement through the use of rGO. Experiments have shown that the hydrogen bond between rGO and montmorillonite (MMT) can lead to a stable dispersion of rGO with the result of improving the effective thermal conductivity (ETC) of the composite. However, the mechanisms of this phenomenon are not yet well known. In this work, a micromechanics-based method is proposed to provide an analytical expression of the ETC of rGO/MMT/polymer composites. The predictions are in good agreement with the experimental data, demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed framework. Also, the effect of the orientation of the fillers is investigated, which useful to determine the optimal orientation and filling ratio to meet various requirements in the material performance design and preparation of rGO/MMT/polymer composites.
Huang J, Wu Z, Chen Y. A new error upper bound formula for Gaussian integration in boundary integral equations. Engineering Analysis with Boundary ElementsEngineering Analysis with Boundary Elements. 2020;112:39-45.Abstract
This paper proposes a new error upper bound formula for the Gaussian integration of the near-singular integral using the Boundary Element Method. First, this study found through numerical tests that the maximum relative error of the Gaussian integration has a downward concave shape but an approximately linear relationship with the relative distance, which is defined as the ratio of the distance from the source point to the element over the element length in a semi-logarithmic plot. Thus, the error upper bound can be defined as a line that closely approaches the computed error data points from the upper side. This line can be obtained by connecting two specified data points that are located outside, but very close to, the considered error range. Further research indicates that one parameter of the fitted line has a linear relationship with the number of Gaussian integration points and singularity orders and the other parameter can be treated as a constant, which together make the proposed Gaussian integration error upper bound formula widely applicable. Compared to the Lachat and Watson criterion, the proposed formula requires fewer integration points when the source point is very close to the element and thus serves to improve computational efficiency. The proposed formula also avoids calculation failure that can occur when using the Davies and Bu criterion. The numerical example results show that the proposed error upper bound formula can evaluate the integration accuracy well and improve computational efficiency when using an adaptive Gaussian integration method.
Wu Z, Lin Q, Chen Y. Application of fast multipole boundary element method for two-dimensional nonlinear interface debonding of particulate composites. Engineering Analysis with Boundary ElementsEngineering Analysis with Boundary Elements. 2020;113:72-81.Abstract
A fast multipole boundary element method (BEM) is used herein to simulate the two-dimensional interfacial debonding of particulate composites. The behavior of the interface between the inclusion and the matrix is modeled using a nonlinear constitutive relationship. Interface debonding is implemented by decoupling the node pair. In the proposed method, the degree of freedom (DOF) of the interfacial traction changes to that of displacement of the free surface; thus, the number of DOFs of each node pair prior to and after decoupling is the same, which facilitates the simulation better than the finite element method. In simulating the softening stage of the nonlinear interfacial deformation, the stress in the node pair is assumed to be unloaded to zero and then reloaded to a new equilibrium state. A fast multipole expansion technique is applied within the developed BEM to solve the large-scale problem of debonding particulate composites whereby millions of DOFs can be calculated via a step-wise calculation method that provides high precision interface stress results. A comparison of these results with the analytical solution for a single inclusion case demonstrates the high stress accuracy and effectiveness of the developed fast multipole BEM to solve large-scale nonlinear interface problems.
黄君豪, 陈永强. 基于几何指标的边界元法单元积分精度评估和修正. 清华大学学报(自然科学版). 2019;59:953-960.Abstract
Huang J, Chen Y. Accuracy evaluation and correction of the element integration based on a geometric index in the boundary element method. Qinghua Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Tsinghua UniversityQinghua Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Tsinghua UniversityQinghua Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Tsinghua University. 2019;59:953-960.Abstract
This paper presents a scheme to evaluate the element integration accuracy for the boundary element method based on a singular geometric index to improve the accuracy of the final solution. The singular geometric index is defined as the ratio of the shortest distance from the source point to the integral element to the element length. For a discretized boundary mesh, the upper bound of the quadrature error is used to obtain the relationship between the singular geometric index and the element integration accuracy with the integrated accuracies of all the elements estimated from the node geometries. Furthermore, the maximum relative error of the solution which is a global precision index is estimated from the matrix error transfer formula. If the index is larger than a threshold, some of the element integrals are not accurate and should be corrected to improve the solution accuracy. This method uses the sinh transformation method to correct the element integrals of low accuracy elements. Numerical results show that this method can guarantee the accuracy of the overall stiffness matrix coefficient of the boundary element method and the final solution accuracy using only the geometric node information. This scheme does not need to change the original calculation, requires little additional computational cost, and can be easily implemented. © 2019, Tsinghua University Press. All right reserved.
Jia N, Chen Y, Guo D, Liu Y. Construction and application of triangle model for community risk prevention. Xitong Gongcheng Lilun yu Shijian/System Engineering Theory and PracticeXitong Gongcheng Lilun yu Shijian/System Engineering Theory and PracticeXitong Gongcheng Lilun yu Shijian/System Engineering Theory and Practice. 2019;39:2855-2864.Abstract
Community risk prevention is the basis of urban safety. Research on the basic theoretical model for community risk prevention has important theoretical and practical significance. First of all, based on the triangle theory of public safety and security, this paper deeply analyzes the main factors of community risk prevention, including community risk bearing carrier, types of community risks and community emergency management. Then, according to safety management theory, this paper puts forward a triangle model for community risk prevention on the basis of analyzing the connotation of community risk prevention by theoretical thinking method. Finally, the connotation of triangle model is expounded in detail from three aspects: monitoring and control, forecasting and warning, comprehensive prevention, and this triangle model is verified with an instance. The study found that, the triangle model for community safety risk prevention emphasizes that, the community safety construction should be carried out comprehensively based on the whole cycle and the whole system of community risk response. Moreover, the model will provide effective guidance and support to understand community risk prevention and community safety construction. © 2019, Editorial Board of Journal of Systems Engineering Society of China. All right reserved.
Zhang L, Yan Q, Lu J, Chen Y, Liu Y. Empirical research on the impact of personalized recommendation diversity Bui TX. 52nd Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, HICSS 2019. 2019;2019-January:1304-1313.Abstract
Personalized recommendation has important implications in raising online shopping efficiency and increasing product sales. There has been wide interest in finding ways to provide more efficient personalized recommendations. Most existing studies focus on how to improve the accuracy of the recommendation algorithms, or are more concerned on ways to increase consumer satisfaction. Unlike these studies, our study focuses on the process of decision-making, using long tail theory as a basis, to reveal the mechanisms involved in consumers' adoption of recommendations. This paper analyzes the effect of personalized recommendations from two angles: product sales and ratings, and tries to point out differences in consumer preferences between mainstream products and niche products, high rating products and low rating products, search products and experience products. The study verifies that consumers demand diversity in the recommended content, and also provides suggestions on how to better plan and operate a personalized recommendation system. © 2019 IEEE Computer Society. All rights reserved.
Zhou Q, Chen Y. Free vibration analysis of thin-walled axisymmetric structures with boundary element method. Lixue Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied MechanicsLixue Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied MechanicsLixue Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. 2019;51:146-158.Abstract
The dual reciprocity method(DRM) is extended to study the eigenvalue and eigenmode of thin-walled axisymmetric structures. First the displacement in the domain integral can be approximated by a set of radial basis functions and the domain integral can be converted to the boundary using DRM. Then the displacement and the traction can be expanded as Fourier series and integrate along the circumferential direction. The obtained boundary integral equation can be used for analysis of elastostatics of axisymmetric structure distributed body force and elastodynamics subject to asymmetric loading. The special case of the source point on the axis of symmetry is discussed in detail. New schemes are suggested for dealing with singular matrices for cases with and without body force respectively according to the degenerate form of the fundamental solution and the particular solution. For the thin walled structure, the sinh transformation is applied to improve the accuracy of evaluation of the nearly singular integrals. The developed project has been used to analyze elastostatics with body force and the free vibration of the thin axisymmetric structures. Numerical results indicate that the proposed method for dealing with singular matrices can effectively deal with the situation where the source point is on the axis of symmetry. and when the thickness ratio reaches 10-3, the relative error of the results can approach 10-3, which is better than those of FEM. © 2019, Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Press. All right reserved.
Zhou Q, Chen YQ. Indirect computation of singular integrals in Helmholtz boundary integral equation. Jisuan Lixue Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Computational MechanicsJisuan Lixue Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Computational MechanicsJisuan Lixue Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Computational Mechanics. 2019;36:576-582.Abstract
A new particular solution method is proposed to indirectly calculate the strong singular integrals and free terms in conventional Helmholtz boundary integral equation (CBIE) and hyper-strong singular integrals in Burton-Miller boundary integral equation (BMBIE).For the acoustic problem of interior field,the particular solution satisfying Helmholtz governing equation is given,and the strong singular integral and free terms in CBIE are obtained indirectly.For an exterior field problem,however,calculation of its Cauchy principal value (CPV) for hyper-strong singular integral needs higher-order approximation of the kernel function through Taylor series expansion,which makes numerical implementation quite complex.In this paper,the particular solution satisfying Helmholtz governing equation and Sommerfeld radiation condition is given,and the hyper-strong singular integrals are obtained using a proposed new particular solution method.Also,the CPV of the strongly singular integral for an axisymmetric structure is derived.The high efficiency of the method is demonstrated with axisymmetric examples.The numerical results show that for the interior domain problem,the accuracy obtained by the proposed particular solution method is superior to that of directly calculating the strongly singular integral and the free term coefficient.Furthermore,the particular solution method can avoid calculating the free term with consideration of specific geometric information,and thus is of more general applicability.For an exterior domain problem,both methods provide almost the same accuracy,however,the proposed particular method can avoid expanding the kernel function to higher order and is easier to implement numerically. © 2019, Editorial Office of Chinese Journal of Computational Mechanics. All right reserved.
Zhang L, Wang Q, Xing H, Li E, Chen Y, Liu Y. Personality effect on driving behavior. 5th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on the Use of GIS in Emergency Management, EM-GIS 2019. 2019.Abstract
Task type may have influence on driving behavior in disasters, while personality trait may have moderating effects on driving behavior in different task types, there are few studies focus on it. In this paper, the research method of laboratory experiment and questionnaires is used to investigate the impact of altruistic task and self-interest task on driving behavior. And the personality trait is taken as the moderating variable to research the moderating effect of personality trait on driving behavior in different task types. The results show that, (1) Compared with self-interest task, altruistic task has critically significant influence on average acceleration, which indicates driver will improve the driving performance in altruistic task. (2) Personality trait of emotional stability has a moderating effect in the influence mechanism of task type on driving behavior. The results of this paper may provide scientific support to traffic evacuation and emergency management in disasters. © 2019 ACM.
Jia N, Guo D, Chen Y, Liu Y. Theoretical architecture design of a community risk prevention big data platform. Qinghua Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Tsinghua UniversityQinghua Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Tsinghua UniversityQinghua Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Tsinghua University. 2019;59:122-128.Abstract
Since communities are the basic units for public safety management, community risk prevention is of great significance. Community risk prevention must first identify community risks for people, things and management. This study analyzed the characteristics and causes of community risk to identify community risk prevention methods and how to monitor, control, predict, quickly detect and prevent community risk. Current international development trends for community risk prevention are reviewed to show that big data platforms are the key technology for community risk prevention. Finally, this paper describes the function, structure and construction of a large data platform for community risk prevention. This research on community risk prevention and big data platforms provides theoretical and technical support for community safety and security. © 2019, Tsinghua University Press. All right reserved.
周琪, 陈永强. Helmholtz边界积分方程中奇异积分间接求解方法. 计算力学学报. 2019;36:576-582.AbstractPKU 
周琪, 陈永强. 轴对称薄壁结构自由振动的边界元分析. 力学学报. 2019;51:146-158.AbstractPKU 
采用双互易法分析薄壁轴对称结构自由振动的特征频率以及特征模态.首先,采用径向基函数插值域积分里的位移,利用双互易法将域积分转化为子午面边界的积分.然后,将边界物理量、基本解和特解展开为傅里叶级数,沿环向积分后得到的边界积分方程可用于轴对称结构带体积力问题和受非对称载荷的动力学分析,其积分域为轴对称结构子午面边界上的线积分,进一步降低了问题的维度和离散的难度.文章详细探讨了源点处于对称轴的特殊情况,根据基本解和特解的退化形式,针对无体积力和有体积力分别给出了处理奇异矩阵的方案.对于薄壁结构,采用双曲正弦变换处理近奇异积分有效提高积分精度.最后将双互易法和双曲正弦变化应用于薄壁轴对称结构带体积力的静力学和自由振动分析.数值结果表明,文章提出的处理奇异矩阵的方法能够有效处理源点处于对称轴的情况;当圆筒厚高比为10~(-3),边界元计算的特征频率的相对误差为10~(-3),且优于有限元的结果.Free vibration analysis of thin-walled axisymmetric structures with Boundary Element Method The Dual Reciprocity Method(DRM) is extended to study the eigenvalue and eigenmode of thin-walled axisymmetric structures. First the displacement in the domain integral can be approximated by a set of radial basis functions and the domain integral can be converted to the boundary using DRM. Then the displacement and the traction can be expanded as Fourier series and integrate along the circumferential direction. The obtained boundary integral equation can be used for analysis of elastostatics of axisymmetric structure distributed body force and elastodynamics subject to asymmetric loading. The special case of the source point on the axis of symmetry is discussed in detail. New schemes are suggested for dealing with singular matrices for cases with and without body force respectively according to the degenerate form of the fundamental solution and the particular solution. For the thin walled structure, the sinh transformation is applied to improve the accuracy of evaluation of the nearly singular integrals. The developed project has been used to analyze elastostatics with body force and the free vibration of the thin axisymmetric structures. Numerical results indicate that the proposed method for dealing with singular matrices can effectively deal with the situation where the source point is on the axis of symmetry. and when the thickness ratio reaches 10^(-3), the relative error of the results can approach 10^(-3), which is better than those of FEM .
