科研成果 by Year: 2020

Huang J, Wu Z, Chen Y. A new error upper bound formula for Gaussian integration in boundary integral equations. Engineering Analysis with Boundary ElementsEngineering Analysis with Boundary Elements. 2020;112:39-45.Abstract
This paper proposes a new error upper bound formula for the Gaussian integration of the near-singular integral using the Boundary Element Method. First, this study found through numerical tests that the maximum relative error of the Gaussian integration has a downward concave shape but an approximately linear relationship with the relative distance, which is defined as the ratio of the distance from the source point to the element over the element length in a semi-logarithmic plot. Thus, the error upper bound can be defined as a line that closely approaches the computed error data points from the upper side. This line can be obtained by connecting two specified data points that are located outside, but very close to, the considered error range. Further research indicates that one parameter of the fitted line has a linear relationship with the number of Gaussian integration points and singularity orders and the other parameter can be treated as a constant, which together make the proposed Gaussian integration error upper bound formula widely applicable. Compared to the Lachat and Watson criterion, the proposed formula requires fewer integration points when the source point is very close to the element and thus serves to improve computational efficiency. The proposed formula also avoids calculation failure that can occur when using the Davies and Bu criterion. The numerical example results show that the proposed error upper bound formula can evaluate the integration accuracy well and improve computational efficiency when using an adaptive Gaussian integration method.
Wu Z, Lin Q, Chen Y. Application of fast multipole boundary element method for two-dimensional nonlinear interface debonding of particulate composites. Engineering Analysis with Boundary ElementsEngineering Analysis with Boundary Elements. 2020;113:72-81.Abstract
A fast multipole boundary element method (BEM) is used herein to simulate the two-dimensional interfacial debonding of particulate composites. The behavior of the interface between the inclusion and the matrix is modeled using a nonlinear constitutive relationship. Interface debonding is implemented by decoupling the node pair. In the proposed method, the degree of freedom (DOF) of the interfacial traction changes to that of displacement of the free surface; thus, the number of DOFs of each node pair prior to and after decoupling is the same, which facilitates the simulation better than the finite element method. In simulating the softening stage of the nonlinear interfacial deformation, the stress in the node pair is assumed to be unloaded to zero and then reloaded to a new equilibrium state. A fast multipole expansion technique is applied within the developed BEM to solve the large-scale problem of debonding particulate composites whereby millions of DOFs can be calculated via a step-wise calculation method that provides high precision interface stress results. A comparison of these results with the analytical solution for a single inclusion case demonstrates the high stress accuracy and effectiveness of the developed fast multipole BEM to solve large-scale nonlinear interface problems.