科研成果 by Year: 2005

Chen ZM, Shi F, Zhu LH. Yields of carbonyl products from the gas-phase oxidation of isoprene with excess ozone. Environmental Chemistry-China. 2005;24(5):516-519.
Chen ZM, Qu XC. Henry's law constant measurement for hydrogen peroxide using oxidative decoloration of BPR. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis. 2005;25(7):1114-1117.
Xu JR, Chen ZM. Determination of peroxides in environmetal samples by high performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection. Chinese Journal of Chromatography. 2005;23(4):366-369.
Zhu LH, Chen ZM. Ozonolysis of methacrolein and methyl vinyl ketone in aqueous solutions. Chinese Journal of Environmental Science. 2005;26(3):83-86.