成果 Publications

Shen HQ, Huang LB, Qian X, Qin X, Chen ZM. Positive feedback between partitioning of carbonyl compounds and particulate sulfur formation during haze episodes. Environmental Science & Technology. 2024;58(48):21286-21294.
Shen HQ, Huang LB, Qian X, Qin X, Chen ZM. Positive feedback between partitioning of carbonyl compounds and particulate sulfur formation during haze episodes. Environmental Science & Technology [Internet]. 2024;58(48):21286-21294. 访问链接Abstract
Carbonyl compounds are important precursors of aqueous aerosols in the atmosphere, while their gas-particle partitioning behaviors and roles in particulate sulfur formation are poorly understood. In this study, we investigate the partitioning of five carbonyl compounds (formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, acetone, glyoxal, and methylglyoxal) during haze episodes in Beijing, China. On haze days, the values of field-derived effective Henry’s law coefficients (KHf) on aerosols for these carbonyl compounds are 106–108 M atm–1, which are significantly higher (102–104 times) than those in pure water. Sulfate is observed to have a pronounced "salting-in" effect on these carbonyl compounds, resulting in at least 1-order-of-magnitude increase in their particle-phase concentrations. Parameterization schemes for their partitioning in the ambient aerosols were provided and applied to the multiphase chemical box model (RACM2-CAPRAM). When incorporated into the field-derived parametrization, the model significantly increased hydroxymethanesulfonate (HMS) production by 50-fold compared to using the parameters obtained in pure water, increasing from 2.6 × 10–2 to 1.23 μg m–3 h–1. The formed HMS can facilitate sulfate formation in turn through further oxidation by OH radicals and enhance aerosol hygroscopicity. These findings indicate a positive feedback loop between the partitioning of carbonyl compounds and particulate sulfur formation during haze episodes, providing new insights for controlling particulate pollution and reducing SO2 levels in urban areas.
Gu LH, Chen ZM. Predicting reaction rate constants of organic compounds with oxidants in the atmospheric aqueous-phase through multi-task learning. Atmospheric Environment [Internet]. 2024;337:120775. 访问链接Abstract
The atmospheric aqueous-phase chemistry has received increasing attention in the last decades for its non-negligible environmental significance. Yet, the insufficient experimental data on oxidative reaction rate constants (kaq) obstructs the further analysis and modeling of this system. Predictive models based on machine learning (ML) algorithms have shown potential as an effective estimation tool, however, they are restricted to the lack of training data as well. To overcome this data limitation, we developed multi-task (MT) models that could exploit the common knowledge from reactions in gas- and aqueous-phases simultaneously. Toward kaq of organic compounds with hydroxyl radical (OH), nitrate radical (NO3), and ozone (O3), the MT models showed a notably better predictive ability compared to benchmark models, while obtaining wide applicability on compounds from different chemical classes. By interpreting the models using Shapley additive explanations (SHAP), we evidenced that the MT models utilized the common knowledge in both phases and correctly identified the reaction mechanisms. This study aims to provide new insight into the estimation of necessary kinetic parameters in atmospheric aqueous-phase chemistry, as well as a reference to ML research for other predictive tasks of atmospheric interest.
Xu JY, Chen ZM. Quantifying bimolecular reaction kinetics of isoprene hydroxy peroxy radical: From dry to highly humid atmospheric environment. Atmospheric Environment [Internet]. 2024;333:120627. 访问链接Abstract
Isoprene hydroxy peroxy radicals (ISOPOO), derived from isoprene oxidation by hydroxy radicals (OH), are key intermediates for ozone and secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formation in the atmosphere. Although ISOPOO-water complexes are ubiquitous, their impacts on ISOPOO chemistry remain obscure. Here the previously overlooked water effect on the bimolecular reaction kinetics of ISOPOO was investigated in an oxidative flow reactor. The major first-generation products of ISOPOO, isoprene hydroxy hydroperoxides (ISOPOOH), methacrolein (MACR), and methyl vinyl ketone (MVK), were measured simultaneously at various relative humidity (RH) with the help of a cold trap to avoid potential losses in direct gas sampling. We found that ISOPOO reactions were accelerated significantly under wet conditions, with a greater enhancement on 1,2-ISOPOO than 4,3-ISOPOO. 1,2-ISOPOOH yield appeared faster growth with RH than 4,3-ISOPOOH. MVK yield showed an upward-downward trend with RH, while MACR yield plateaued from 30% RH. To explain the enhancement in the ISOPOOH yield from 3% to 80% RH, the overall rate constants of 1,2-ISOPOO + HO2 and 4,3-ISOPOO + HO2 reactions at 80% RH should be 13 times and twice those at 3% RH, respectively. The empirical formulas were proposed for the first time to parameterize the water effect on ISOPOO + HO2 reactions. The updated kinetics of ISOPOO reactions were incorporated in a box model to simulate the RH-dependent ISOPOOH and C4 carbonyl yields under typical atmospheric conditions. High RH can enhance the ISOPOOH yield in urban, rural, and forest areas, and promote SOA formation correspondingly. Our findings shed light on the critical role of humidity in the reactions of ISOPOO and benefit evaluating the fate of isoprene and its impacts on air quality more accurately in the ambient atmosphere.
Hydrolysis reactivity reveals significant seasonal variation in the composition of organic peroxides in ambient PM2.5
Dai YS, Chen ZM, Qin X, Dong P, Xu JY, Hu JC, Gu LH, Chen SY. Hydrolysis reactivity reveals significant seasonal variation in the composition of organic peroxides in ambient PM2.5. Science of the Total Environment [Internet]. 2024;927:172143. 访问链接Abstract
Atmospheric organic peroxides (POs) play a key role in the formation of O3 and secondary organic aerosol (SOA), impacting both air quality and human health. However, there still remain technical challenges in investigating the reactivity of POs in ambient aerosols due to the instability and lack of standards for POs, impeding accurate evaluation of their environmental impacts. In the present study, we conducted the first attempt to categorize and quantify POs in ambient PM2.5 through hydrolysis, which is an important transformation pathway for POs, thus revealing the reactivities of various POs. POs were generally categorized into hydrolyzable POs (HPO) and unhydrolyzable POs (UPO). HPO were further categorized into three groups: short-lifetime HPO (S-HPO), intermediate-lifetime HPO (I-HPO), and long-lifetime HPO (L-HPO). S-HPO and L-HPO are typically formed from Criegee intermediate (CI) and RO2 radical reactions, respectively. Results show that L-HPO are the most abundant HPO, indicating the dominant role of RO2 pathway in HPO formation. Despite their lower concentration compared to L-HPO, S-HPO make a major contribution to the HPO hydrolysis rate due to their faster rate constants. The hydrolysis of PM2.5 POs accounts for 19% of the nighttime gas-phase H2O2 growth during the summer observation, constituting a noteworthy source of gas-phase H2O2 and contributing to the atmospheric oxidation capacity. Seasonal and weather conditions significantly impact the composition of POs, with HPO concentrations in summer being significantly higher than those in winter and elevated under rainy and nighttime conditions. POs are mainly composed of HPO in summer, while in winter, POs are dominated by UPO.
Wang SY, Zhao Y, Chan AWH, Yao M, Chen ZM, Abbatt JPD. Organic peroxides in aerosol: key reactive intermediates for multiphase processes in the atmosphere. Chemical Reviews [Internet]. 2023;123(4):1635-1679. 访问链接Abstract
Organic peroxides (POs) are organic molecules with one or more peroxide (−O–O−) functional groups. POs are commonly regarded as chemically labile termination products from gas-phase radical chemistry and therefore serve as temporary reservoirs for oxidative radicals (HOx and ROx) in the atmosphere. Owing to their ubiquity, active gas-particle partitioning behavior, and reactivity, POs are key reactive intermediates in atmospheric multiphase processes determining the life cycle (formation, growth, and aging), climate, and health impacts of aerosol. However, there remain substantial gaps in the origin, molecular diversity, and fate of POs due to their complex nature and dynamic behavior. Here, we summarize the current understanding on atmospheric POs, with a focus on their identification and quantification, state-of-the-art analytical developments, molecular-level formation mechanisms, multiphase chemical transformation pathways, as well as environmental and health impacts. We find that interactions with SO2 and transition metal ions are generally the fast PO transformation pathways in atmospheric liquid water, with lifetimes estimated to be minutes to hours, while hydrolysis is particularly important for α-substituted hydroperoxides. Meanwhile, photolysis and thermolysis are likely minor sinks for POs. These multiphase PO transformation pathways are distinctly different from their gas-phase fates, such as photolysis and reaction with OH radicals, which highlights the need to understand the multiphase partitioning of POs. By summarizing the current advances and remaining challenges for the investigation of POs, we propose future research priorities regarding their origin, fate, and impacts in the atmosphere.
Qin X, Chen ZM, Gong YW, Dong P, Cao ZJ, Hu JC, Xu JY. Persistent uptake of H2O2 onto ambient PM2.5 via dark-Fenton chemistry. Environmental Science & Technology [Internet]. 2022;56(14):9978-9987. 访问链接Abstract
Particulate matter (PM) and gaseous hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) interact ubiquitously to influence atmospheric oxidizing capacity. However, quantitative information on H2O2 loss and its fate on urban aerosols remain unclear. This study investigated the kinetics of heterogeneous reactions of H2O2 on PM2.5, and explored how these processes are affected by various experimental conditions (i.e., relative humidity, temperature, and H2O2 concentration). We observed a persistent uptake of H2O2 by PM2.5 (with the uptake coefficients (γ) of 10-4 to 10-3), exacerbated by aerosol liquid water and temperature, confirming the critical role of water-assisted chemical decomposition during the uptake process. A positive correlation between the γ values and the ratio of dissolved iron concentration to H2O2 concentration suggests that a Fenton catalytic decomposition may be an important pathway for H2O2 conversion on PM2.5 under dark conditions. Furthermore, on the basis of kinetic data gained, the parameterization of H2O2 uptake on PM2.5 was developed, and was applied into a box model. The good agreement between simulated and measured H2O2 uncovered the significant role that heterogeneous uptake plays in the sink of H2O2 in the atmosphere. These findings suggest that the composition-dependent particle reactivity toward H2O2 should be considered in atmospheric models for elucidating the environmental and health effects of H2O2 uptake by ambient aerosols.
Hu JC, Chen ZM, Qin X, Dong P. Reversible and irreversible gas–particle partitioning of dicarbonyl compounds observed in the real atmosphere. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics [Internet]. 2022;22(10):6971-6987. 访问链接Abstract
Glyoxal and methylglyoxal are vital carbonyl compounds in the atmosphere and play substantial roles in radical cycling and ozone formation. The partitioning process of glyoxal and methylglyoxal between the gas and particle phase via reversible and irreversible pathways could efficiently contribute to secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formation. However, the relative importance of two partitioning pathways still remains elusive, especially in the real atmosphere. In this study, we launched five field observations in different seasons and simultaneously measured glyoxal and methylglyoxal in the gas and particle phase. The field-measured gas-particle partitioning coefficients were 5–7 magnitudes higher than the theoretical ones, indicating the significant roles of reversible and irreversible pathways in the partitioning process. The particulate concentration of dicarbonyls and product distribution via the two pathways were further investigated using a box model coupled with the corresponding kinetic mechanisms. We recommended the irreversible reactive uptake coefficient γ for glyoxal and methylglyoxal in different seasons in the real atmosphere, and the average value of 8.0×10-3 for glyoxal and 2.0×10-3 for methylglyoxal best represented the loss of gaseous dicarbonyls by irreversible gas-particle partitioning processes. Compared to the reversible pathways, the irreversible pathways played a dominant role, with a proportion of more than 90% in the gas-particle partitioning process in the real atmosphere and the proportion was significantly influenced by relative humidity and inorganic components in aerosols. However, the reversible pathways were also substantial, especially in winter, with a proportion of more than 10%. The partitioning processes of dicarbonyls in reversible and irreversible pathways jointly contributed to more than 25% of SOA formation in the real atmosphere. To our knowledge, this study is the first to systemically examine both reversible and irreversible pathways in the ambient atmosphere, strives to narrow the gap between model simulations and field-measured gas-particle partitioning coefficients, and reveals the importance of gas-particle processes for dicarbonyls in SOA formation.
Dong P, Chen ZM, Qin X, Gong YW. Water significantly changes the ring-cleavage process during aqueous photooxidation of toluene. Environmental Science & Technology [Internet]. 2021;55(24):16316-16325. 访问链接Abstract
As a major constituent of aromatic compounds, toluene exists widely in environmental aqueous phases. This research investigated the aqueous-phase OH oxidation of toluene to determine how liquid water changes the radical chemistry of ring-cleavage pathways. Results show that ring-cleavage pathways through the C7 bicyclic peroxy radical (BPR) account for about 70% of total aqueous-phase oxidation pathways, which is similar to that in the gas-phase oxidation. However, detailed ring-cleavage pathways in the aqueous phase change significantly compared with those in the gas phase as shown by the decreased production of glyoxal and methylglyoxal and the enhanced production of formic acid and acetic acid as primary products, which can be attributed to the presence of liquid water. Water facilitates the formation of the BPR whose structure is different from that in the gas-phase oxidation and results in different ring-cleavage pathways through hydrogen-shift reactions. Furthermore, water helps the hydration of acyl radicals formed by the BPR to produce organic acids. With the suggested ring-cleavage mechanisms, a box model can simulate aqueous-phase product distributions better than that with the classical ring-cleavage mechanisms. Given the influence of water on reaction mechanisms, aqueous-phase oxidation of hydrophobic organic compounds may be more important than previously assumed.
Gong YW, Chen ZM. Quantification of the role of stabilized Criegee intermediates in the formation of aerosols in limonene ozonolysis. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics [Internet]. 2021;21(2):813-829. 访问链接Abstract
Stabilized Criegee intermediates (SCIs) have the potential to oxidize trace species and to produce secondary organic aerosols (SOA), making them important factors in tropospheric chemistry. This study quantitatively investigates the performance of SCIs in SOA formation at different relative humidity (RH), and the first- and second-generation oxidations of endo- and exo-cyclic double bonds ozonated in limonene ozonolysis are studied separately. Through regulating SCIs scavengers, the yields and rate constants of SCIs in reaction system were derived, and the amounts of SCIs were calculated. The amount of SOA decreased by more than 20% under low-humidity conditions (10–50% RH), compared to that under dry conditions due to the reactions of SCIs with water, while the inhibitory effect of water on SOA formation was not observed under high-humidity conditions (60–90% RH). When using excessive SCIs scavengers to exclude SCIs reactions, it was found that the effect of water on SOA formation with the presence of SCIs was different from that without the presence of SCIs, suggesting that SCIs reactions were relevant to the non-monotonic impact of water. The fractions of SCIs contribution to SOA were similar between dry and high-humidity conditions, where the SCIs reactions accounted for ~ 63% and ~ 73% in SOA formation in the first- and second-generation oxidation, however, marked differences in SOA formation mechanisms were observed. SOA formation showed a positive correlation with the amount of SCIs, and the SOA formation potential of SCIs under high-humidity conditions was more significant than that under dry and low-humidity conditions. It was estimated that 20–30% of SCIs could convert into SOA under high-humidity conditions, while this value decreased nearly by half under dry and low-humidity conditions. The typical contribution of limonene-derived SCIs to SOA formation is calculated to be (8.21 ± 0.15) × 10–2 μg m–3 h–1 in forest, (4.26 ± 0.46) × 10–2 μg m–3 h–1 in urban area, and (2.52 ± 0.28) × 10–1 μg m–3 h–1 in indoor area. Water is an uncertainty on the role of SCIs playing in SOA formation, and the contribution of SCIs to SOA formation needs consideration even under high RH in the atmosphere.
Xuan XN, Chen ZM, Gong YW, Shen HQ, Chen SY. Partitioning of hydrogen peroxide in gas-liquid and gas-aerosol phases. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics [Internet]. 2020;20(9):5513–5526. 访问链接Abstract
Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is a vital oxidant in the atmosphere and plays critical roles in the oxidation chemistry of both liquid and aerosol phases. The partitioning of H2O2 between the gas and liquid phase or the aerosol phase could affect its abundance in these condensed phases and eventually the formation of secondary components. However, the partitioning processes of H2O2 in gas-liquid and gas-aerosol phases are still unclear, especially in the ambient atmosphere. In this study, field observations of gas-, liquid-, and aerosol-phase H2O2 were carried out in the urban atmosphere of Beijing during the summer and winter of 2018. The effective field-derived mean value of Henry’s law constant ( , 2.1 × 105 M atm−1) was 2.5 times of the theoretical value in pure water ( , 8.4 × 104 M atm−1) at 298 ± 2 K. The effective derived gas-aerosol partitioning coefficient ( , 3.8 × 10−3 m3 mg−1) was four orders of magnitude higher on average than the theoretical value ( , 2.8 × 10−7 m3 mg−1) at 270 ± 4 K. Beyond following Henry’s law or Pankow’s absorptive partitioning theory, the partitioning of H2O2 in the gas-liquid and gas-aerosol phases in the ambient atmosphere was also influenced by certain physical and chemical reactions. The average concentration of liquid-phase H2O2 in rainwater during summer was 44.12 ± 26.49 mM. In 69 % of the collected rain samples, the measured level of H2O2 was greater than the predicted value in pure water calculated by Henry’s law. In these samples, 41 % of the measured H2O2 was from gas-phase partitioning, while most of the rest may be from residual H2O2 in raindrops. In winter, the level of aerosol-phase H2O2 was 0.093 ± 0.085 ng mg−1, which was much higher than the predicted value based on Pankow’s absorptive partitioning theory. The contribution of partitioning of the gas-phase H2O2 to the aerosol-phase H2O2 formation was negligible. The decomposition/hydrolysis rate of aerosol-phase organic peroxides could account for 11−74 % of the consumption rate of aerosol-phase H2O2, and the value depended on the composition of organic peroxides in the aerosol particles. Furthermore, the heterogeneous uptake of HO2 and H2O2 on aerosols contributed to 22 % and 2 % of the aerosol-phase H2O2 consumption, respectively.
Qian X, Shen HQ, Chen ZM. Characterizing summer and winter carbonyl compounds in Beijing atmosphere. Atmospheric Environment [Internet]. 2019;214:116845. 访问链接Abstract
Carbonyl compounds (carbonyls) play important roles in atmospheric photochemistry, serving as reservoirs of radicals (OH, HO2, and RO2) and precursors of secondary organic aerosols (SOA). Field measurements of gaseous and particulate carbonyls were taken over urban Beijing during summer and winter, and field-measured gas-particle partitioning coefficients (Kp ) were determined. Compared with theoretical values, field-measured Kp values were 4–6 orders of magnitude higher for the six detected carbonyls, which underlined the importance of heterogeneous reactions. In winter, the Kp values of carbonyl compounds were one order of magnitude higher than those in summer owing to the effect of temperature. This study applied the positive matrix factorization (PMF) model to the source apportionment of carbonyl compounds. Five factors were identified for both summer and winter, whereas the biogenic factor was only identified in summer and coal burning was only found in winter. In summer, secondary formation was the largest contributor (39%) to the measured total carbonyl compounds levels. In contrast, vehicular exhaust was the largest source of the measured total carbonyl compounds in winter (37%), although secondary formation still had an important contribution of 31%. The contribution of coal burning to ambient carbonyls was reduced by half compared with prior results. As the most abundant carbonyl compound in the atmosphere, formaldehyde in summer mainly came from secondary production (42%) and primary anthropogenic emissions (48%), while biogenic sources had a minor contribution (10%). However, 78% of formaldehyde was attributed to primary anthropogenic emissions in winter, which indicated that these winter emissions were more important sources of carbonyl compounds. Glyoxal was always dominated by secondary formation, with contributions of 56% in summer and 52% in winter.
Gong YW, Chen ZM, Li H. The oxidation regime and SOA composition in limonene ozonolysis: Roles of different double bonds, radicals, and water. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics [Internet]. 2018;18(20):15105-15123. 访问链接Abstract
Volatile organic compounds play an important role in air quality and climate change, largely because they contribute to the formation of oxidizing compounds and secondary organic aerosol (SOA). In this study, a series of products, including peroxides and carbonyl compounds in both gaseous and particulate phases, were simultaneously detected to investigate the oxidation regime and SOA composition in limonene ozonolysis. The roles of different double bonds (DBs), radicals, and water were also examined. In our first investigation, we focused on representative oxidizing compounds produced in limonene ozonolysis, including stabilized Criegee intermediates (SCIs), OH radicals, and peroxides. The dependence of H2O2 and hydroxymethyl hydroperoxide (HMHP) formation on RH demonstrates that the reaction with water is an important reaction pathway for limonene SCIs, and the lower-limit SCI yields of endocyclic and exocyclic DBs were estimated to be ~0.24 and ~0.43, respectively. The OH yield was determined by adding sufficient amounts of an OH scavenger, and the OH yields of endocyclic and exocyclic DBs were ~0.65 and ~0.24, respectively. These results indicate that in limonene ozonolysis the endocyclic DB is inclined to generate OH radicals through hydroperoxide channel, while the exocyclic DB has a higher fraction of forming SCIs. Besides, other gas-phase and particle-phase peroxides were also studied in this work. The formation of peroxyformic acid (PFA) and peroxyacetic acid (PAA) was promoted significantly by increasing RH and the degree of oxidation, and the discrepancy between the experimental and model results suggested some missing formation pathways. Considerable generation of H2O2 from SOA in the aqueous phase was observed, especially at high [O3]/[limonene], which was mainly attributed to the hydration and decomposition of unstable peroxides in SOA such as peroxycarboxylic acids and peroxyhemiacetals. Different DBs and OH scavengers had a large impact on the particulate peroxides, and their stability indicated that the types of peroxides in SOA changed under different conditions. As for the contribution of peroxides to SOA, the results demonstrated that the mass fraction of particulate peroxides in limonene SOA was less than 0.2 at low [O3]/[limonene], while the mass fraction was 0.4–0.6 at high [O3]/[limonene]. The partitioning behavior of peroxides showed that multi-generation oxidation helped produce more low-volatility peroxides, which partially explained the higher SOA yield. The partitioning behavior of carbonyls was also examined and the experimental partitioning coefficients (Kp) were found to be typically several orders of magnitude higher than the theoretical values. This study provided new insights into the oxidation regime and SOA composition in limonene ozonolysis, and limonene showed its specificity in many aspects when both endocyclic and exocyclic DBs were ozonated. We suggest that the atmospheric implications of terpenes containing more than one DB and the SOA composition, especially particulate peroxides, need further study.
Shen HQ, Chen ZM, Li H, Qian X, Qin X, Shi WX. Gas-particle partitioning of carbonyl compounds in the ambient atmosphere. Environmental Science & Technology [Internet]. 2018;52(19):10997−11006. 访问链接Abstract
Despite their crucial roles in health and climate concerns, the gas-particle partitioning of carbonyl compounds is poorly characterized in the ambient atmosphere. In this study, we investigate their partitioning by simultaneously measuring six carbonyl compounds (formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, acetone, propionaldehyde, glyoxal, and methylglyoxal) in gas and particle phase at an urban site in Beijing. The field-derived partitioning coefficients (Kpf) are in the range of 10−5−10−3 m3 µg−1, and corresponding effective Henry’s law coefficients (KHf) should be 107–109 M atm−1. The Pankow’s absorptive partitioning theory and the Henry’s law both significantly underestimate concentrations of particle-phase carbonyl compounds (105–106 times and >103 times, respectively). The observed “salting in” effects only partially explain the enhanced partitioning to particles, approximately one order of magnitude. The measured Kpf values are higher at low relative humidity and the overall effective vapor pressure of these carbonyl species are lower than their hydrates, indicating that carbonyl oligomers potentially formed in highly concentrated particle phase. The reaction kinetics of oligomer formation should be included if applying the Henry’s law to low-to-moderate RH and the high partitioning coefficients observed need further field and laboratory studies. These findings provide deeper insights into the formation of carbonyl secondary organic aerosols in the ambient atmosphere.
Qin MR, Chen ZM, Shen HQ, Li H, Wu HH, Wang Y. Impacts of heterogeneous reactions to atmospheric peroxides: Observations and budget analysis study. Atmospheric Environment [Internet]. 2018;183:144-153,. 访问链接Abstract
Atmospheric peroxides play important roles in atmospheric chemistry, acting as reactive oxidants and reservoirsof HOx and ROx radicals. Field measurements of atmospheric peroxides were conducted over urban Beijing from2015 to 2016, including dust storm days, haze days and different seasons. We employed a box model based onRACM2 mechanism to conduct concentration simulation and budget analysis of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) andperoxyacetic acid (PAA). In this study, heterogeneous reaction is found to be a significant sink for atmosphericH2O2 and PAA in urban Beijing. Here, we recommend a suitable uptake coefficient formula considering thewater effect for model research of peroxides. It is found that H2O2 and PAA unexpectedly maintained considerableconcentrations on haze days, even higher than that on non-haze days. This phenomenon is mainlyascribed to relatively high levels of volatile organic compounds and ozone on haze days. In addition, high levelsof water vapor in pollution episode can promote not only the heterogeneous uptake to aerosol phase but also theproduction of H2O2. Atmospheric PAA formation is suggested to be sensitive to alkenes and NOx in urbanBeijing. In particular, with the help of peroxides, sulfate formation rate from heterogeneous uptake could increaseby ∼4 times on haze days, indicating the potential effect of peroxides on enhancement of aerosol oxidativeproperty and secondary sulfate formation.
Xing YN, Li H, Huang LB, Wu HH, Shen HQ, Chen ZM. The production of formaldehyde and hydroxyacetone in methacrolein photooxidation: New insights into mechanism and effects of water vapor. Journal of Environmental Sciences [Internet]. 2018;66:1-11. 访问链接Abstract
Methacrolein (MACR) is an abundant multifunctional carbonyl compound with highreactivity in the atmosphere. In this study, we investigated the hydroxyl radical initiatedoxidation of MACR at various NO/MACR ratios (0 to 4.04) and relative humidities (< 3% to80%) using a flow tube. Meanwhile, a box model based on the Master Chemical Mechanismwas performed to test our current understanding of the mechanism. In contrast to thereasonable predictions for hydroxyacetone production, the modeled yields of formaldehyde(HCHO) were twice higher than the experimental results. The discrepancy was ascribed tothe existence of unconsidered non-HCHO forming channels in the chemistry of CH3C(=CH2)OO., which account for approx. 50%. In addition, the production of hydroxyacetoneand HCHO were affected by water vapor as well as the initial NO/MACR ratio. The yields ofHCHO were higher under humid conditions than that under dry condition. The yields ofhydroxyacetone were higher under humid conditions at low-NOx level, while lower athigh-NOx level. The reasonable explanation for the lower hydroxyacetone yield underhumid conditions at high-NOx level is that water vapor promotes the production ofmethacrolein nitrate in the reaction of HOCH2C(CH3)(OO.)CHO with NO due to the peroxyradical-water complex formation, which was evidenced by calculational results. And theminimum equilibrium constant of this water complex formation was estimated to be1.89 × 10−18 cm3/molecule. These results provide new insights into the MACR oxidationmechanismand the effects of water vapor.
Wu HH, Wang Y, Li H, Huang LB, Huang D, Shen HQ, Xing YN, Chen ZM. The OH-initiated oxidation of atmospheric peroxyacetic acid: Experimental and model studies. Atmospheric Environment. 2017;164:61-70.Abstract
Peroxyacetic acid (PAA, CH3C(O)OOH) plays an important role in atmospheric chemistry, serving as reactive oxidant and affecting radical recycling. However, previous studies revealed an obvious gap between modelled and observed concentrations of atmospheric PAA, which may be partly ascribed to the uncertainty in the kinetics and mechanism of OH-oxidation. In this study, we measured the rate constant of OH radical reaction with PAA (kPAA+OH) and investigated the products in order to develop a more robust atmospheric PAA chemistry. Using the relative rates technique and employing toluene and metaxylene as reference compounds, the kPAA+OH was determined to be (9.4-11.9)*10-12 cm3 molecule-1 s-1 at 298 K and 1 atm, which is about (2.5-3.2) times larger than that parameter used in Master Chemical Mechanism v3.3.1 (MCM v3.3.1) (3.70*10-12 cm3 molecule-1 s-1). Incorporation of a box model and MCM v3.3.1 with revised PAA chemistry represented a better simulation of atmospheric PAA observed during Wangdu Campaign 2014, a rural site in North China Plain. It is found that OH-oxidation is an important sink of atmospheric PAA in this rural area, accounting for ~30% of the total loss. Moreover, the major terminal products of PAA-OH reaction were identified as formaldehyde (HCHO) and formic acid (HC(O)OH). The modelled results show that both primary and secondary chemistry play an important role in the large HCHO and HC(O)OH formation under experimental conditions. There should exist the channel of methyl H-abstraction for PAA-OH reaction, which may also provide routes to HCHO and HC(O)OH formation.
Rao ZH, Chen ZM, Liang H, Huang HL, Huang D. Carbonyl compounds over urban Beijing: Concentrations on haze and non-haze days and effects on radical chemistry. Atmospheric Environment. 2016;124:207-216.Abstract
Carbonyl compounds play an important role in the formation of secondary aerosols and the cycling of free radicals in the atmosphere. We measured carbonyl compounds over urban Beijing, a megacity in the North China Plain, in summer and winter to investigate the relation of carbonyl compounds with haze and the interaction between carbonyl compounds and atmospheric radical cycling. We also determined carbonyl compounds in summer rainwater. Data of carbonyl compounds were analyzed in four cases, i.e., summer haze days (SHD), summer non-haze days (SND), winter haze days (WHD), and winter non-haze days (WND). Interestingly, the level of carbonyl compounds during WHD approached that of summer days. The results of the principal component analysis showed that there was no obvious source difference between SHD and SND. On WHD, however, more carbonyl compounds originated from the “diesel engine exhaust emission” than those on WND. We evaluated the effect of carbonyl compounds on the free radical cycling and the NO consumption potential for OH formation in the photochemical reactions using a novel ratio method. It was found that the production rate of ROx (the sum of OH, HO2 and RO2 radicals) was highest on SND, while the yield of ROx radicals from the reactions of carbonyl compounds was highest on WHD. Further, carbonyl compounds consumed more NO to produce OH radicals on WHD compared to the other three cases.
Shen XL, Wu HH, Zhao Y, Huang D, Huang LB, Chen ZM. Heterogeneous reactions of glyoxal on mineral particles: A new avenue for oligomers and organosulfate formation. Atmospheric Environment. 2016;131:133-140.Abstract
Glyoxal (GL) plays a crucial role in the formation of secondary organic aerosols (SOA), because it is highly water soluble and capable of oligomerization. This is the first study to describe irreversible heterogeneous reactions of GL on clean and acidic gas-aged SiO2, a-Al2O3, and CaCO3 particles, as models of real mineral particles, at various relative humidity and without irradiation and gas phase oxidants. A series of products, including oligomers, organosulfates, and organic acids, which contribute to SOA formation, were produced. GL uptake on SO2-aged a-Al2O3 enabled the oxidation of surface S(IV) to S(VI). The presence of adsorbed water on particles favored GL uptake and the formation of oligomers and organosulfate, but it suppressed organic acid formation. In addition, the aging process enhanced the positive effect of adsorbed water on GL uptake. These findings will further our understanding of the GL sink and SOA sources in the atmosphere.
Huang LB, Zhao Y, Li H, Chen ZM. Hydrogen peroxide maintains the heterogeneous reaction of sulfur dioxide on mineral dust proxy particles. Atmospheric Environment. 2016;141:552-559.Abstract
The heterogeneous oxidation of sulfur dioxide (SO2) on a-Al2O3 particles was investigated using a flow reactor coupled with a transmission-Fourier transform infrared (T-FTIR) spectrometer at different relative humidities (RH) in the absence or presence of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), with an emphasis on the saturation coverage of SO2 and the timescale on which the reaction reaches saturation. It is found that the saturation coverage of SO2 in the absence of H2O2 increases with rising RH due to the hydrolysis of SO2 by surface adsorbed water. However, the reaction ultimately reaches saturation since the produced sulfite/bisulfite cannot be further converted to sulfate/bisulfate in the absence of oxidants. In addition, the presence of H2O2 can significantly increase the saturation coverage of SO2 by efficiently oxidizing sulfite/bisulfite to sulfate/bisulfate. Under humid conditions, adsorbed water facilitates the hydrolysis of SO2 and mitigates the increase of surface acidity, which can inhibit the hydrolysis of SO2. Hence, in the presence of H2O2, the saturation coverage of SO2 as well as the time of reaction reaching saturation increases with rising RH and the surface is not saturated on the timescale of the experiments (40 h) at 60% RH. Furthermore, the increase of saturation coverage of SO2 in the presence of H2O2 was observed on chemically inactive SiO2 particles, indicating that the hydrolysis of SO2 and subsequent oxidation by H2O2 likely occurs on other types of particles. Our findings are of importance for understanding the role of water vapor and trace gases (e.g., H2O2) in the heterogeneous reaction of SO2 in the atmosphere.
