科研成果 by Type: Book Chapter

Wu C-Y. Sinope’s Changing Eras: A Colony’s Adaptation to a Common Paphlagonian Past. In: Manipulating Time in Roman Culture. De Gruyter; 已提交.Abstract
This paper explores why Sinope may have shifted from its initial commemorative epoch of 45 BCE, suggesting that the city’s adoption of a new era might have been a modification rather than a complete overhaul, influenced by traditions or challenges related to Achaemenid-Seleucid periods. The analysis extends to the impact of regional externalities on Sinope’s decision-making processes, particularly whether the Lucullan era was adopted for better regional integration with northern Paphlagonia. This regional alignment, evident in cities like Amastris and Abonuteichos and facilitated through the “Koinon of the Cities in Pontus,” implies Amastris’s significant influence due to its long-standing use of the Lucullan era and its political stature. The paper attempts to advance two arguments. First, Sinope's era system alignment could be voluntary, aimed at regional conformity. Second, the intent to conform to regional norms may have been due to broader regional dynamics and potential gubernatorial pressures, and hence a decision informed by both local and global factors.
Wu C-Y. Marek’s Amastriane: Dynamics of its Roman Present and Queries on its Hellenistic Past. In: Cooperation and Competition in the Ancient World. Eötvös Loránd University; 已提交.Abstract
This paper explores the socio-political evolution of Amastris, a city in northern Anatolia founded by the Achaemenid princess Amastris in the early 3rd century BCE, with a particular focus on its territorial scope—the Amastriane—during Roman and Hellenistic times. Based on Christian Marek’s reconstruction, the Roman Amastriane stretched far beyond its coastal nucleus, reaching deep into the Paphlagonian interior. This paper investigates whether this expansive territory was a Roman creation or if it echoed earlier Hellenistic configurations, possibly dating back to Amastris or the Mithridatid kings. Section one reviews Marek’s methodological framework, emphasizing the diverse, geographically challenging territory governed by Amastris in Roman times, which required transcending typical coastal-urban dynamics. In section two, epigraphic and archaeological evidence from the Eflani-Pınarbaşı region sheds light on the integration of rural inland communities, highlighting a deep continuity of Macedonian, Achaemenid, and local traditions into the Roman period. Finally, the paper explores whether Amastris’ Hellenistic chora could have reached similar extents, potentially through dowry lands or political marriages rather than military conquest, as suggested by Memnon-in-Photios. The long-lasting cultural ties between coastal and inland Paphlagonia, preserved in cult practices and social structures, point toward a cohesive region predating Roman intervention, raising critical questions about the nature of territorial governance in both Hellenistic and Roman Amastris.
Wu C-Y. Administering the Han and the Roman Iron Industries: Approaching the Comparison of Governance Behaviors. In: Law, Institutions and Economic Performance in Classical Antiquity. University of Michigan Press; Forthcoming.Abstract
As recent trends in comparing the Han and Roman empires from primarily the point of view of literary evidence has brought forth new frameworks and opportunities of research, one asks how these developments could contribute to the comparison of governance behaviors, such as the administration of the iron industry. The paper first surveys the Han and the Roman literary sources regarding the iron industry governance, with which to establish parameters of the modus operandi in the respective imperial domains, and, when possible, identifies problems articulated by ancient authors. An interesting contrast is how Han sources showed particular concern for the impact of the iron industry on agricultural performance, while the primary concerns of Roman administrators were performances in leasing and taxation. Among the items known are mines, nails, and recycled iron. Both imperial administrations took a spatially oriented approach, establishing offices and bureaus across their respective domains to address their different concerns. Mapping iron production and administration sites in the Han and the Roman empires spatially further illustrate the governance behaviors identified above. Focused discussions on new excavations in the Martys (80km NW of Narbo) and Taicheng (90km W of Chang'an) further provide local frames of reference to interrogate the priorities and challenges highlighted. The preliminary results suggest that while concerns may differ between the two imperial governments, there are similarities in governance behaviors that are not technologically related, as some scholars suggest. Both imperial governments seemed to have been capitalizing on existing iron industry communities through managerial posts, at times bureaucratizing them. While the Han empire, in particular, attempted to bureaucratize iron production and distribution wholesale, the eventual scaling back of such mobilization marks the shared limitations of imperial control on the traditional culture of production and distribution of this basic commodity.
吴靖远. 语序对翻译拉丁语文本的重要性:以塔西陀《编年史》片段为例 [Word Order's Importance to Translating Latin Texts: A Case Study using Tacitus' Annales]. In: 功成行滿見真如:康士林教授八秩榮慶論文集 [Festschrift for Professor Nicolas Koss]. 台北 [Taipei]: 書林出版社 [Bookman Press]; 2023. pp. 177-204. 访问链接Abstract
西方古代地中海地区传世文献、出土文献多有希腊语、拉丁语 互译的例子。这种多种语言交混的环境是翻译理论与实践的试验场 域,到了文艺复兴时期形成的是一种复数的「翻译文化」(cultures of translation, Burman 2012: 92-96)和组成复杂的多语翻译团队 (Bistué 2011: 143-147),而翻译理论的探讨也随着蓬勃的翻译活 动而不断深化,一些成熟讨论的脉络问题包含文言 / 白话(literary/ vernacular)、翻译 / 转移(translation/transfer)、模仿 / 诠释(aemu- latio/interpretatio)、异化 / 驯化(foreignization/domestication)、逐 字 / 表 意(ad uerbum/ad sensum) 等(Deneire 2014; Zaharia 2014; Pade 2018; Watier 2019),对解读、评论翻译,以及和拟定翻译策 略上提供了很大的帮助。本文循塔西陀《编年史》(Annales)的不 同译本以及译者对自己的翻译策略所做的陈述,考量逐字翻译(ad uerbum)和文意翻译(ad sensum)的策略问题,并援引异化与驯化 的观点以及「沟通动能」(communicative dynamics)的分析法,来 解释逐字翻译策略的优势。
吴靖远. 罗马帝国时期行省总督的危机管理:以马其顿贝瑞亚城的水利设施为例[Crisis Management in the Roman Province: Beroian Water Installations as an Example]. In: 古代法律碑刻研究第二輯. 北京 [Beijing]: 中国政法大学出版社 [China University of Political Science and Law Press]; 2022. pp. 1-25. 访问链接Abstract
本文聚焦罗马元首制时期刊刻于马其顿贝瑞亚城(Beroia)的一则行省总督政令(EKM I. 7)以及其中提到的水力驱动生产设施,并从《政令》来看行省总督面对水资源和相关生产设施的经济效益与社会意义时,治理视野可能产生的变化。在此所谓的治理视野,是考量位处高层的中央政府派员介入地方治理问题时,出于资讯不对称以及显贵政治主导的地方政治形态所会产生的迷雾效应,必然会面对的治理障碍。这种治理视野的限制在希腊语区容易出现,因为有许多城市获得罗马中央政府特许,能够维持相当高度的自治。例如小普林尼《书信集》第十卷第47篇写到,当他要检视阿帕美亚(Apamea)的收支与债务时,即便全城都想配合,但没人知道应该要怎么配合,因为长久以来,他们就是在特许状态下,用自己的方式管理城市。本文希望以总督对地方问题认识有限的假设为出发点,讨论马其顿省贝瑞亚城在爆发治理危机时,行省总督如何看待该城所拥有的比较完善、且具有特殊经济效益的水力驱动设备和水利设施。
吴靖远. 从铭刻看罗马帝国时期马其顿共同体的区域性 [On the Regionalistic Tendencies of the Macedonian Koinon during the Roman Period: an Epigraphic Perspective],. In: 古典与中世纪研究第三辑 [Classics and Medieval Studies, Volume 3]. 北京 [Beijing]: 商务印书馆 [Commercial Press]; 2022. pp. 35-66. 访问链接Abstract
吴靖远. 简谈西方古典学铭刻研究的若干发展与挑战[Some Developments and Challenges in Epigraphic Studies of the Western Classical Tradition] . In: 古典与中世纪研究第二辑 [Classics and Medieval Studies, Volume 2] . 北京 [Beijing]: 商务印书馆 [Commercial Press]; 2020. pp. 154-196. 访问链接Abstract
在传统的古典学谱系中,文献学(Philologischen Wissenschaft)被视为是可承载古人完整思维与意念的主干资料体系,并可以就其内容进行较缜密的辩证与分析,除可梳理真伪、提炼意义与思想精华,从真善美等层面了解古代文明。当时学者普遍认为铭刻学等辅助学科(Hilfsdisziplinen/Hilfswissenschaften),细节丰富卻庞杂,缺乏可依仗的诠释逻辑,得仰赖与文献的偶然契合,才能产生历史意义,用途上仅能补充、增补书写文献的不足,较无法建构用铭刻资料为主的研究体系,而铭刻学者的主要工作,就是从采集分类开始,并就字母文句、版面范式等归纳分析,然后就残泐处填补注释的工作,技术型倾向重。但是,铭刻收录、整理、分析、评论的技术与方法不断演进,铭刻学的地位也有所改变。普鲁士皇家科学院(Königlich-Preußische Akademie der Wissenschaften)推动的《希腊铭刻》(Inscriptiones Graecae)以及《拉丁铭刻汇编》(Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum)两套大型的铭刻汇编计划,将原本一位铭刻学者穷尽一生都无法遍览的铭刻,用科学、传真的方法采集后,依循地理与时间两个主轴,以分类法将铭刻整理归类,佐以技术批评分析,彻底改变了学界对于铭刻是零散琐碎、不成系统、仅能填补书写文献空白的刻板印象。随铭刻学研究发达,如《铭刻通讯》(Bulletine Epigraphique)、《希腊铭刻增补》(Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum)、《铭刻学年汇》(L'Année épigraphique)等增补类刊物,以及多种以数年为一期的铭刻研究回顾专论,系统性整理新出土的、或学界每年正在讨论的铭刻。另外,两个大型的拉丁与希腊铭刻集成计划在1992年新成立的柏林–布兰登堡科学院和人文学院(Die Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften)领军下,继续推动采集汇整框架的运作更新,类似的模型也在各国家的研究院和大学复制,让铭刻资料除了在数量与质量、时间纵度与空间广度不断增加外,还建立了庞大的索引与关联性系统,就不同的主题、人物、地区、关键词等,做细部的深入研究。二十世纪间,铭刻学已自成一格,与书写文献形成两套互补的系统,重要问题如雅典霸权兴衰、地中海宗教和社会集体之发展、地中海地区王国与帝国的实际运作等,都与铭刻学发展息息相关。本文的目的,不是要全面梳理铭刻学的主要著作和知识积累,而是要问西方铭刻学界发展过程中所遇到的一些挑战和问题是什么,而学者们又发展出何种解决的方法和尝试。本文第一部分检视近代国外学界对西方之古代铭刻的研究传统与发展的经验,并于第二部分讨论铭刻资料采集、汇编、运用的实例,并特别就近来铭刻学研究从语言(verbal)到非语言(non-verbal)甚至铭刻文化(epigraphic culture)的研究方法转向,提出关注。有鉴于西方“古典学”的语义在当今不仅仅是西方人再是传统上理解的古希腊罗马的“古典”研究,而是被理解为拓展到了对古希腊罗马以及中世纪欧洲的研究(Classical and Medieval Studies),其范围一般也会包括在世界文明进程中有非常重要作用的拜占庭文明,本文在研究实例部分将有所回应。
吴靖远. 怜悯之心:陆克瑞提乌的社会发展论[Misererier: Lucretius' Social development Theory]. In: 侠义行:跨界与传承─苏其康教授荣退纪念文集[Festschrift for Professor Francis So]. 台北 [Taipei]: 書林出版社 [Bookmans Press]; 2020. pp. 107-152. 访问链接Abstract
本文聚焦于陆克瑞提乌(Titus Lucretius Carus)《物性论》(De rerum natura)第五书第1011至 1027行中结婚、生子、结盟等等社会组成的重要机制。陆克瑞提乌《物性论》第五书的重点,是 世界、万物、人类文明等三个层次的事物如何出现、如何发展,是一位伊比鸠鲁学派的信徒透过 诗的媒介所做的人类生存环境再建构。关于人类文明的部分较为特别:其中包含了伊比鸠鲁道德 哲学观中较不常见到的社会论述(Schiesaro 2007: 43-46)。名句如「随后,邻里开始系起友谊, 互不相害也互不受害」(tunc et amicitiem coeperunt iungere auentes / finitimi inter se nec laedere nec uiolari, Lucr. 5.1019-1020)所做到的功夫,除了将伊比鸠鲁传世的〈主要教条〉(κύριαι δόξαι)第 33条(Diog. Laer. 10.149)放入文明动态演变的脉络之中以外,还提出了一种社会建构的理性机 制,与近代的社会契约论颇有渊源(Robtizsch 2017: 4-14;Paganini 2004: 7-10;Riley 1973: 548)。 本文首先会看陆克瑞提乌对于文明起源的顺序编排。这位伊比鸠鲁的信徒承继了其始祖对于友谊 的态度,更点出了一个历史性的问题:友谊之所以能够产生,必然有前置发展。科技面达到一定 水准以外,就是婚姻与子嗣。由此来看,《物性论》以诗说服大众之余,还有历史逻辑为基础的 文明起源论。然而,陆克瑞提乌对于婚姻与子嗣的重视,与一般认知中的伊比鸠鲁道德哲学观违 合(Brown 2009: 180)。本文会回顾传世的伊比鸠鲁哲学论述传统,显示这个学派对结婚与子嗣 所抱持的态度,容忍乃至负面皆有。学界因此在讨论伊比鸠鲁关于婚姻和子嗣议题时,面临较为 尴尬的选择问题。举例来说,布兰南(Tad Brennan)和修顿(C. W. Chilton)的论文虽然是专门 探讨伊比鸠鲁本人对于性爱、婚姻、子嗣等问题,就没有讨论陆克瑞提乌第五书中关于婚姻和生 子的段落(Brennan 1996;Chilton 1960)。陆克瑞提乌第五书的文明起源与伊比鸠鲁社会论述的 「不交集」,就是本文关注所在。 为了处理这个不交集的问题,本文采取了二分法,将信徒与学说区分来看。如艾勒(Michael Erler)所说,伊比鸠鲁本人的学说到了帝国时期已然失去了绝对的主导地位,而伊比鸠鲁学派也 形成了数个分支(Erler 2009: 46-49)。有趣的是,一般对于陆克瑞提乌的看法,是他仍承继了伊 比鸠鲁本人倡导的学说传统(Furley 1978: 10-13)。但第五书究竟是信徒依照伊比鸠鲁所写,还 是信徒自己的新分析?关于这点,布力克曼(Daniel Blickmann)认为第五书1011-1027行可以理 解为〈主要教条〉第39与40条呼应(Blickmann 1989: 166-170)。然而,这种间接关系恰好说明了 第五书1011-1027与〈主要教条〉之间的关系是模糊的。事实是目前仅存的伊比鸠鲁著作中没有文 明起源论,并没有直接证据支持伊比鸠鲁在这两个教条之余另有如《物性论》中具备的文明起源论述。
Wu C-Y. Live Like a King: The Monument of Philopappus and the Continuity of Client-Kingship. In: Perceiving Power in Early Modern Europe. New York: Palmgrave Macmillan; 2016. pp. 25-47. 访问链接Abstract
This chapter proposes to read the sculptural program of the Philopappos Monument at Athens from the perspective of power and status of the Orontid’s royal house of the kingdom of Commagene. Investigations will focus on the honorand’s grandfather, Antiochus IV of Commagene, styled as a togate figure and sitting on a sella curule, and how such choice can interpret Philopappus’ career. This chapter argues that the monumental façade of the Commagenian king Philopappus defines the concept of client-kingship as a non-territorial Roman institution. Client-kings and their members were a class of their own within the Roman political hierarchy, and served bureaucratic functions.