科研成果 by Year: 2022

Wu C-Y. "Of Wellbing or Savior? Emending the Herennia Announcement. The East Asian Journal of Classical Studies [Internet]. 2022;1:1-28. 访问链接Abstract
This paper discusses a widely accepted emendation to an earlier version of IG X 2.1 137. Early draft copies of the Herennia announcement show that Antoninus Pius was hailed as Σωτήρ by the city of Thessalonike, a rare epithet for this emperor. This reading was later replaced due to an expert’s claim that σωτῆρος has to be read σωτηρίας. Since this seems to conform to a well-known salutary formula, the emendation was adopted from then on. This paper suggests that the reading of σωτῆρος is based on reliable and published reports instead, and ought to be preferred over the expert claim. Empirical evidence is given to support reading σωτῆρος. 
吴靖远. 罗马帝国时期行省总督的危机管理:以马其顿贝瑞亚城的水利设施为例[Crisis Management in the Roman Province: Beroian Water Installations as an Example]. In: 古代法律碑刻研究第二輯. 北京 [Beijing]: 中国政法大学出版社 [China University of Political Science and Law Press]; 2022. pp. 1-25. 访问链接Abstract
本文聚焦罗马元首制时期刊刻于马其顿贝瑞亚城(Beroia)的一则行省总督政令(EKM I. 7)以及其中提到的水力驱动生产设施,并从《政令》来看行省总督面对水资源和相关生产设施的经济效益与社会意义时,治理视野可能产生的变化。在此所谓的治理视野,是考量位处高层的中央政府派员介入地方治理问题时,出于资讯不对称以及显贵政治主导的地方政治形态所会产生的迷雾效应,必然会面对的治理障碍。这种治理视野的限制在希腊语区容易出现,因为有许多城市获得罗马中央政府特许,能够维持相当高度的自治。例如小普林尼《书信集》第十卷第47篇写到,当他要检视阿帕美亚(Apamea)的收支与债务时,即便全城都想配合,但没人知道应该要怎么配合,因为长久以来,他们就是在特许状态下,用自己的方式管理城市。本文希望以总督对地方问题认识有限的假设为出发点,讨论马其顿省贝瑞亚城在爆发治理危机时,行省总督如何看待该城所拥有的比较完善、且具有特殊经济效益的水力驱动设备和水利设施。
吴靖远. 从铭刻看罗马帝国时期马其顿共同体的区域性 [On the Regionalistic Tendencies of the Macedonian Koinon during the Roman Period: an Epigraphic Perspective],. In: 古典与中世纪研究第三辑 [Classics and Medieval Studies, Volume 3]. 北京 [Beijing]: 商务印书馆 [Commercial Press]; 2022. pp. 35-66. 访问链接Abstract
Wu C-Y. A Gladiatorial Duel in Pontus: The Lucian Version., in 16th TACMRS International Conference. Tamkang University, Taipei, China; 2022.Abstract
Gladiatorial spectacles became an integral part of the Roman experience in the second century CE. Texts such as the Martyrdom of Polycarp (6-19) help illucidate the details of gladiation in Smyrna and the medical treatises of Galen (13.599; 18B. 567) discuss flesh wounds suffered at Pergamon. A considerable amount of inscriptions that offer skeletal information and its spread in the Greek-speaking part of the Roman empire (Robert 1971; Mann 2011). What is less clear is how spectacles were actually arranged, who attended and participated. This paper wishes to take a closer look at the two questions through the lens of Lucian's tale of a gladiatorial duel in Toxaris or On Friendship. Toxaris is Lucian's Scythian persona who claimed to have been saved by a friend called Sisinnes. The two of them found their possessions stolen at Amastris, and Sisinnes volunteered to fight at a local gladiatorial event for money and won a large sum that more than recuperated their losses. Lucian’s clear fondness for Amastris elsewhere and his vignette here suggests an attempt to create resonance with an Amastrian audience, whom he addresses at the end of the story ( Luc. Tox. 60; Cumont 1903: 274 fn. 5; Kokolakis 1958: 335-343). This paper would like to suggest that Lucian’s narrative provides us with a version of what his knowledgeable Amastrian audience would have expected a gladiatorial spectacle to be like, as well as how local variations may have been a separate driver of gladiation's popularity in different Anatolian localities. Bibliography Cumont, F. 1903. "Gladiateurs et Acteurs dans le Pont." Festschrift Zu Otto Hirschfelds Sechzigsten Geburtstage. Nabu Press. Kokolakis, M. 1958. "Gladiatorial Games and Animal-Baiting in Lucian." Platon 10: 328-349. Mann, C. 2011. "Um keinen Kranz, um das Leben kämpfen wir!" Gladiatoren im Osten des Römischen Reiches und die Frage der Romanisierung. Berlin, Verlag Antike. Robert, L. Les gladiateurs dans l'orient Grec. Amsterdam, Adolf Hakkert.
Wu C-Y. Diversity and Dynamism in the "Amastriane": Cooperation and Integration., in Competition and Cooperation in the Ancient World Workshop, Eötvös Loránd University Faculty of Arts. Zoom; 2022.Abstract
This paper wishes to use the epigraphical record of Amastris to discuss how a sympolity founded in the Hellenistic period continued to evolve and develop additional diversity and dynamics in the Roman period. I will first discuss how literary sources describe the early history of Amastris as an integrative and cooperative space in Hellenistic northern Anatolia, then move to epigraphical sources and discuss how this trend likely continued to evolve as Amastris came under Roman rule. An important caveat must be raised beforehand. While this paper wishes to suggest that some trends such as the integrative and cooperative aspects of this locale can indeed be observed and described, the materials used for the description – both the literary tradition and the epigraphic sources – can only provide minimalist impressions of large socio-political trends, if even these at all. What I hope to achieve, despite such reservations, is to establish some baselines that can be used for asking further questions at a regional level, where additional evidence can be used to discuss integrative and cooperative dynamics across different cities.